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10 things companies are cleverly using to increase sales

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10 things companies are cleverly using to increase sales
10 things companies are cleverly using to increase sales

Video: 5 Killer Sales Techniques Backed By Science 2024, July

Video: 5 Killer Sales Techniques Backed By Science 2024, July

The measure of success for any company is the number of sales. In order to increase performance, many firms often resort to dishonest tactics and mislead consumers about their products. They deftly deceive customers through professional and compelling marketing campaigns. Here are ten tricks the manufacturer went to increase sales.

Snow-white smile

All advertising campaigns for oral care products are focused on a snow-white smile. Manufacturers impose the assertion that supposedly the whiter the teeth - the healthier they are. Toothpastes, rinses, toothbrushes, etc. - all companies that produce these products adhere to this strategy. But in fact, teeth should not be completely white.

Their color depends on the age of the person and the characteristics of DNA. In addition, the food consumed by the individual, along with lifestyle, plays an important role in determining the color of teeth. With age, the enamel begins to wear out, exposing the lower layers, as a result of which the teeth become yellowish. This is a completely natural process.

Printer Ink Warning


Surely many of you are faced with this situation: the printer says that the cartridge will dry out soon. You reject the warning, but take note that you need to replace it with a new one. Then you forget and then use the technique. Moreover, a week, two, three passes - and there is still ink in the cartridge. Amazing right?

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The scheme of this marketing trick is simple: printers give a warning about the lack of ink before they actually go out. In some cases, 40% of the cartridge was still full of ink when a message was displayed. Companies invented this tactic to get people to buy more cartridges.

Whitening eye proteins


Temporary redness, the appearance of spots or yellowness, a change in the color of the sclera of the eye - all these are small temporary external defects that arise as a result of overloads, stresses, poor ecology, etc. Representatives of the beauty industry decided to conduct a wide advertising campaign for the purpose of profit and began to inspire people that such flaws are not only unattractive, but also indicate the presence of diseases.

In fact, as in the case of teeth, there is no connection between health and color of the sclera. However, many people buy into such a fraud and turn to whitening procedures. Korean surgeon Dunn claims that such operations can have unpleasant and dangerous consequences: from severe itching to blindness.

Face contouring

We are all born with unique bone structures. There are no "right" or "wrong" options - this is an individual feature of each person. Nevertheless, representatives of the beauty industry impose on consumers the idea that the oval shape is the most acceptable and attractive, so you need to fit into existing standards. What do I need to do? Use contouring, that is, a professional makeup technique that allows you to simulate the shape of the face.


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As you know, special cosmetics (they are called “correctors”) are not cheap. Add to this all kinds of tools (for example, brushes), foundation, etc. - and modeling your face will result in a tidy sum. Actually, this is what manufacturers of cosmetic products are seeking to sell as many products as possible.

Substitute instead of coffee


At the beginning of the last century, the Postum Cereal Company introduced a new product on the market: a coffee substitute made from cereals called Postum. To attract the attention of the audience to the product and increase sales, the founder of the company launched an aggressive advertising campaign. He stated that regular coffee is incredibly unhealthy: it leads to digestive problems, nervous disorders, heart and kidney diseases.

Such a strategy allowed the company’s management to become real millionaires and oust their main competitor. Postum coffee substitute began to be purchased everywhere, although there is no more benefit in it than in ordinary coffee.

The benefits of a vitamin drink


In 2010, Coca-Cola launched the Vitamin Water line. During the advertising campaign, they claimed that the drink is good for health (both physical and mental). Soon, public organizations sued the manufacturer for misleading consumers. A careful analysis revealed that Vitamin Water is just a sweetened liquid with a pinch of vitamins. Each bottle contains about 33 g of sugar. This volume is no lower than in any other sweet soda, so there is little benefit from such a drink.


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Split End Shampoos


Manufacturers of hair care products unanimously say that their shampoos and conditioners have the ability to “repair” split ends. Unfortunately, this is just a marketing ploy. The truth is that split ends cannot be "restored." The hair has already been split in two, so the problem area just needs to be cut. Not a single shampoo "sticks together" two parts.

Removal of toxins from the body


Every new year, people decide to switch to a detox diet to cleanse their body. There are many products (such as detox cocktails, herbal teas, etc.) that help remove toxins from the body. But these are just marketing tricks to increase sales growth.

There is no evidence that these products actually remove so-called toxins from the body. In addition, our body itself is able to get rid of everything superfluous. In the intestines there are special lymph cells, Peyer's patches, which are present in the form of bundles in the mucous membrane. These bundles identify harmful particles so that they do not enter the bloodstream, and themselves remove them from the body.

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Armpit hair removal


Until the beginning of the twentieth century, shaving was not part of the life of the fair sex. Body hair removal was not anticipated in principle. The hair under the armpits did not bother anyone. Moreover, men found such a piquant detail extremely sexual and attractive.

And then a real revolution took place. King Camp Gillett, the founder of the same company, realized that he could double the profit if he found a way to win a female audience. Up to this point, for obvious reasons, its products were exclusively purchased by men. After much deliberation, a brilliant idea came to Gillette.

At that time, global changes were taking place in the fashion world. Women crawled out of their long and completely closed Victorian dresses and began to wear short ones that opened their legs and arms. Gillette noticed this nuance and himself came up with a problem that had not existed before: the presence of hair in the “wrong” places.

Women's razors were touted as a must-have fashion accessory. Soon it became embarrassing to have any vegetation under the armpits (in fact, they still think so). Gillette became a real tycoon and made a considerable fortune thanks to such a smart and thoughtful advertising campaign.