
Nietzsche. Eternal return: philosophical ideas, analysis, justifications

The myth of eternal return says that everything will certainly return. That is why each person is responsible for his actions, because he will certainly be rewarded with everything. The concept of Nietzsche's eternal return is one of the fundamental ideas of his philosophy. The author used it to indicate the highest form of affirmation of life.

Mythological worldview, its features, structure and specificity

The mythological worldview is the earliest type and form of consciousness. The article reflects the features of the mythological worldview, as a special kind of consciousness.

Jun-tzu ("Noble husband") in the teachings of Confucius

Every enlightened contemporary knows the name of the famous Chinese Confucius. And not in vain. Many eastern countries used the teachings of ancient thinkers to build a state ideology. His thoughts greatly influenced the lives of many people. His books are on a par with Buddhism in China.

Is cosmopolitanism bad?

A brief history of this concept. Its semantic nuances and meanings. What was indicated by this label in the Soviet Union.

Philosopher Frank: biography, personal life, scientific works, philosophical teachings

Philosopher Frank is more known as a follower of the Russian thinker Vladimir Solovyov. The contribution of this religious person to Russian philosophy is difficult to overestimate. Literary figures who lived and worked in the same era as Semyon Ludwigovich Frank, said that even in his youth he was wise and reasonable beyond his years.

Right person. Ideal or biorobot?

Society is a system, a device, each screw of which must precisely fulfill its function. For the smooth operation of the machine, all the details must clearly comply with the main laws that set the structure in motion.

The Russian idea is History, main points

The identity of each individual ethnic group is very unique. The Russian people, which boasts not only an original culture, but also an amazingly deep and rich history, are no exception. At one point, all of our wealth was united in the so-called Russian idea. This is a term that characterizes us as an ethnic group that has its own traditions and history. Well, let's deal with this concept and all its nuances in more detail.

Diogenes of Sinope: Crazy Genius

Diogenes of Sinop is the hero of many jokes and stories that amuse society. But this ancient Greek eccentric created a whole philosophical concept, following which a person acquired happiness.

The qualities of an ideal woman through the eyes of men

What men want to see the perfect woman, and is there any single image for everyone, you will learn from this article.

Philosophy of language

Human language is a unique phenomenon. It gives people the opportunity to share any information gained from experience. It is impossible to even imagine the absence of such a means of communication.

The best qualities of man as a way of gaining happiness and longevity

Often, the best qualities of a person inherent in him by nature, without proper application, simply die in an individual who lives only in order to eat, it’s convenient to sleep and carry yourself in a beautiful expensive car.

Why do we need love in human life?

Many people wonder why love is needed, because sometimes it brings suffering. But if you look at this issue, then without this feeling we cannot live.

Jürgen Habermas: biography, creativity, quotes

Jürgen Habermas became a prominent figure in the field of philosophy and sociology of the twentieth century. His ideas formed the basis of many scientific works of our time. To get acquainted with the ideas of the famous philosopher, it is worth recalling the features of his biographical path.

What areas of public life do experts single out?

Our article will tell about what spheres of social life society is divided into today and what kind of connection between them exists.

Characteristic features of a traditional society

Traditional society, otherwise called simple, is a pre-capitalist structure with an agrarian system. It has a special way of cultural and social regulation, developed under the influence of traditions and customs.

Agnosticism in Philosophy

As a rule, agnostics do not believe either in the knowability of the world, or in the fact that a person is able to know it.

Philosopher Pyatigorsk Alexander Moiseevich: biography, contribution to science, books

Orientalist, philosopher, philologist, writer and founder of the semiotic school Pyatigorsk Alexander Moiseevich was born in Moscow in 1929. During the war he was evacuated to Nizhny Tagil. He graduated from Moscow State University (Faculty of Philosophy), taught for several years in Stalingrad in high school, and since 1956 he worked at the Institute of Oriental Studies under the leadership of Yu. N. Roerich, where he defended his dissertation on the history of medieval literature.

The definition, meaning and function of morality

It is difficult to find a person who has no idea what morality is. But far from everyone agrees with its necessity. Perhaps they are truly right, and a healthy egoism and desire to fully satisfy all their needs, albeit at the expense of others, is the only right decision? In this article we will consider the functions of morality, as well as discuss its necessity for the normal development of society as a whole and each person individually.

Is pacifism a utopia or a real opportunity?

Pacifism is the belief that the world is the apotheosis of bliss, the most faithful form of being. This cultural and philosophical trend suggests that everything can be achieved through negotiations, compromises and concessions. Nowadays, this trend has two main prejudices, however, unfortunately, none of them is effective.

The law of transition of quantity into quality: basic provisions of the law, features, examples

The law on the transition of quantity into quality is Hegel’s teaching, which was guided by materialistic dialectics. The philosophical concept is the development of nature, the material world and human society. The law was formulated by Friedrich Engels, who interpreted Hegel's logic in the works of Karl Max.

Marx, Engels. Philosophical Ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

Marx, Engels were the greatest people of their time, whose ideas still remain relevant and in demand.

Structural levels of the organization of matter in the world order

Our mind allows us to conclude that many completely heterogeneous objects of the surrounding world can be classified according to certain criteria, isolate some objects and combine them into a group. For example, when we see several similar cats, we say: "This is a Siamese breed of cat." The variety of cat breeds is the biological species of the animal, known as the "domestic cat". The similarities of cats, manul, leopard and lion will allow us to combine these animals int

Hermeneutics is the art of interpreting texts

Hermeneutics is the methodology and art of interpreting texts. This trend in philosophy appeared in the 20th century. Hermeneutics is based on the theory of interpretation of literary texts.

Voltaire: basic ideas. Philosophical ideas of Voltaire

On November 21, 1694, a son was born in the family of an official in Paris. The boy was named Francois-Marie Aruet (literary name - Voltaire).

According to Aristotle, a person is Aristotle's doctrine of a person

Man is considered to be the highest intelligent being and the best creation of nature, which prevails over all other creatures. However, Aristotle would not agree with us. The teachings about man carry the most important idea, which is that, according to Aristotle, man is a social and political animal. Homo erectus and thinking, but still an animal.

Zinovieva Olga Mironovna: the fate of the wife of the great thinker

Zinovieva Olga Mironovna is a well-known Russian public figure, philosopher, philanthropist and philanthropist. Today, her name is inextricably linked with the spiritual heritage of Alexander Alexandrovich Zinoviev. Amazingly, despite all the difficulties of life, she still tirelessly brings the ideas of her husband to the masses.

Proverb with a deep meaning: "Live and learn."

The great and mighty Russian language! It perfectly combines not only complex constructions, explanations of reality, society or the existence of God in the works of Mikhailovsky, Berdyaev or Solovyov, but also the beauty and simplicity of ordinary folk sayings and proverbs. A vivid example of this is the wise phrase: "Live and learn."

Anti-scientism is a philosophical and worldview position. Philosophical Directions and Schools

Anti-scientism is a philosophical movement that opposes science. The main idea of ​​adherents is that science should not affect people's lives. She has no place in everyday life, so you should not pay so much attention. Why they decided so, where it came from and how philosophers view this trend is described in this article.

What is the worldview. Its types and forms

As psychologists and sociologists have found out, the key role in our life is played precisely by the worldview, its types and forms. These factors determine our attitude to the environment, to people with whom we have to communicate, to our own “I”. Worldview defines our principles, thoughts, corrects the system of feelings and impressions, affects associations and sympathies.

Feuerbach's Anthropological Materialism on the Essence of Man and Religion

Ludwig Feuerbach was born in the family of a lawyer. Studying at the theological faculty of the University of Heidelberg, he came under the influence of Hegel and entered the University of Berlin at the Faculty of Philosophy. His main works, which he wrote there - "Critique of Hegel's Philosophy", "The Essence of Christianity", "Fundamentals of the Philosophy of the Future" - build the foundations of a new philosophy, which is characterized as anthropological

Hermeneutics - philosophy or the art of understanding?

Hermeneutics is traditionally called the theory and practice of the interpretation of texts, which has been developing in historical and philological science since the 18th century (G. Meyer, H. Wolf, etc.). Then it began to acquire a more universal character. In the twentieth century, hermeneutics turned from a method of interpreting texts into philosophy, mainly due to Husserl's phenomenology, the works of Martin Heidegger and Hans-Georg Gadamer.

Neil Tyson - the life of the great astrophysicist and his incredible conclusions that hit the whole world

A doctor of science, a writer, the most comic astrophysicist in the whole world, a philosopher, a television figure and an actor - all these roles are rightfully belong to such a stunning personality as Neil Tyson, whose books disperse in millions of copies every year. Due to its versatility and originality, the scientist draws keen attention to his person.

Energy Qi, Tai Chi, Qigong

The spiritual practices available today are not in demand by everyone. In part, this state of affairs is directly related to the desire to replace everything that nature gives to man from birth, stimulants, promising superpowers. But qi energy is the only thing that can give a person supernormal abilities.

Moral duty: examples from life and literature

What is moral duty, in principle, is known to each of us. However, not everyone thinks about what exactly carries the concept of moral duty.

The philosophy of ancient Greece and the characteristics of its early period

The philosophy of Ancient Greece has a certain specificity in relation to the contemporary philosophy of the Ancient East. First of all, since the time of Pythagoras, it has been identified as a separate discipline, and starting from Aristotle, it goes hand in hand with science, is distinguished by rationalism and separates itself from religion. During the Hellenistic period, it became the basis of such sciences as history, medicine and mathematics.

Severin Boethius, Consolation by Philosophy: Summary, Quotes, Writing History

Severin Boethius - it is customary to briefly call this famous Roman public figure, philosopher, musician and Christian theologian. In fact, documents that have come down to us contain a slightly different name. This is Annicius Manlius Torquat Severin. But the whole world knows this man as Boethius. “Consolation by philosophy” - his most significant work ”- will be the topic of our article today. We will talk about how it appeared, briefly describe the content and try to reveal the meaning

Philosophy: definition, origins

Almost everything that existed was covered by philosophy. The definition of its subject, however, was not limited to the whole world.

The concept, types and examples of abstraction. Abstract thinking

Abstraction is nothing more than a distraction, a mental departure from the subject being studied, studied, or discussed, carried out with the aim of identifying and highlighting the most important, significant points, signs, elements by generalizing. In simple terms, this is a way of mentally eliminating the unnecessary, helping to focus on the main thing. Moreover, importance can be both generalized and detailed.

The main idea of ​​Voltaire and his philosophical and political views

The ideas of the French Enlightenment lay in the moral revival of society, which was to rise for rebellion. Outstanding educators were Charles Montesquieu and Voltaire, and later Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Denis Didro. The ideas of Montesquieu and Voltaire were not the same regarding issues of state and society. However, they became fundamental in the development of a new society. The main idea of ​​Voltaire was different from the views of other representatives of the era.

Philosophy of marxism

The philosophy of Marxism many years ago was the main ideology of the USSR. Today, the problems that are outlined in it are still relevant.

Philosopher Friedrich Engels: biography and activities

Friedrich Engels (years of life 1820-1895) was born in the city of Barman. In this city, he went to school until the age of 14, and then Elberfeld Grammar School. At the insistence of his father, in 1837 he left his studies and began to work in a trading company owned by the family.

Is a nihilist a cynic or a desperate person?

Nihilism as a philosophical worldview spread in the 19th century. Nihilists appear to be disappointed in the world and therefore reject its value. The article gives a brief overview of the spread of nihilism in Western Europe and Russia.

Historical types of philosophy

As you know, in many ways it is the historical development of society that determines the picture of the world. Often this can explain the differences in the worldview of thinkers. In this article we will consider the basic historical types of philosophy.

Mimansa is a school of Indian philosophy

Mimansa is a Sanskrit word meaning "reflection" or "revered thought." According to Hindu philosophy, this is one of six darshanas, or ways to look at the world. The other five darshanas are Yoga, Samkhya, Vaisesika, Nyaya and Vedanta. Mimansa is generally considered to be the oldest of the six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy. She had a significant impact on Hindu law.

Is pragmatism a lack of morality?

Pragmatism is the exclusion of two extremes in ethics: absolutism and moral dogma. Moral values ​​are considered in this case as something universal and independent of changing life situations. If we analyze the theory of pragmatism, then we see that it is not peculiar to uphold the rights of reason and morality.

Theoretical and empirical knowledge: unity and interconnection

Theoretical and empirical knowledge is an opportunity to come closer to understanding the causes of various phenomena, their relationship. The study of social phenomena is a complex methodological task that requires taking into account many factors.

Osho Books: A List of the Best. Bhagwan Sri Rajneesh

The article discusses the works of the greatest book lover from India, a controversial mystic, a provocative speaker, an insatiable reader of the 20th century, and the owner of the Lao Tzu library in Pune.

How we define the positive traits of a person’s character

There can be dozens, if not hundreds, of positive traits. But very rarely, all qualities can be combined in one person. The character traits of women and men differ among themselves. It is natural for a man to be strong-willed and strong, and for a woman, kindness and femininity are preferable.

Social institutions of society: role and functions

Social institutions of a society are relatively stable aggregates of norms, beliefs, values, statuses and roles that govern certain areas of public life.

What is becoming?

Formation is a philosophical concept, which means a process of movement and modification of something. This may be the emergence and development, and sometimes - the disappearance and regression. Often becoming is opposed to immutability. This term in philosophy, depending on the stages of its development or on schools and areas, acquired either a negative or a positive connotation. Often it was considered an attribute of matter and contrasted with stability, stability and invariability of h