
Actor Igor Pismenny: biography, personal life. Films and TV shows

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Actor Igor Pismenny: biography, personal life. Films and TV shows
Actor Igor Pismenny: biography, personal life. Films and TV shows

The dream to become a famous and sought-after actor appeared in Igor Pismenny as a child. Now we can confidently say that it has become a reality. “Institute of Noble Maidens”, “Sisters by Blood”, “One for All”, “Citizen Chief”, “Race for Happiness” - it is difficult to list all the popular series with his participation. What is the story of this man?

Igor Pismenny: childhood and youth

The hero of this article was born in Upper Ufaley, it happened in February 1966. As a child, Igor Pismenny was ill a lot. This prompted his parents to think about moving to places with a more favorable climate. So the family settled in the Rostov region, and more precisely in Volgodonsk.


After graduation, Igor continued his education at the local branch of the Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute. This educational institution Pismenny did not graduate; a year later he was drafted into the army. After serving, the young man got a job at the Atommash plant.

Choice of profession

Igor Pismenny showed interest in dramatic art as a child. The boy was in sixth grade when he was invited to attend the theater studio of Nikolai Zadorozhniy. Unfortunately, his health did not allow him to take an active part in amateur performances.

Only in 1985 did Pismenny recall his desire to become an actor. Once he got on a plane and went to the capital. In Moscow, Igor made an attempt to enter VGIK, but she failed. The young man was forced to return to his native Volgodonsk.


It is hard to imagine if Igor Pismenny would have connected his fate with the acting profession, if not for his friends. The guys decided to enter the Rostov school of art and convinced him to try their luck with them. Of the thirty people who dreamed of becoming students of this educational institution, only three managed to pass entrance exams. Needless to say, one of them was Igor.

In 1987, Pismenny managed to enter the second year of LGITMiKa. However, the actor was not destined to graduate from this educational institution either. He had a conflict with the dean due to the fact that without permission he took part in the filming of "Rock and Roll for Princesses". Igor was forced to leave the institute.

He nevertheless received a diploma of higher education. In 1994, the young man graduated from GITIS.

First successes

From the biography of Igor Pismenny it follows that he moved to Moscow immediately after he voluntarily left LGITMiK. There, the Hermitage Theater opened its doors to the aspiring actor. Igor devoted about 15 years of his life to serving in it. Interestingly, in the first months of his life in Moscow, he was forced to live in the dressing room, as he did not have the means to rent a house. A loader, a janitor, a salesman, a courier - with whom he just did not work at that difficult time.


When an actor is asked to talk about his favorite theater roles, he finds it difficult to answer. Most often, Written notes the play “Zoykin’s apartment”, in which he embodied the image of Amethystov. He always tried to put his soul into his characters, he devoted a lot of time to preparing for creating this or that image. It was thanks to the theater that Igor got a peculiar role. The actor realized that comedic roles were closest to him.

In the nineties, Written focused on his theatrical career, which developed quite successfully. “Ai Love, Petrovich!”, “Lord's Fish”, “Bodyguard”, “Sin”, “Full Moon Day”, “Recluse”, “What the Dead Man Sayed” - films and series in which he appeared in this period.

Film and television projects

A frequent guest on the set only at the beginning of the new millennium was Igor Pismenny. Films and series with his participation are listed below.


  • "Old nags."
  • DMB-002.
  • "A holiday romance".
  • "The master of the empire."
  • Azazel
  • "The brigade."
  • "Comedy cocktail."
  • "Attraction".
  • "The instructor".
  • "Friendly family."
  • "The night Watch".
  • "I planned to escape …"
  • Mirror Wars: Reflection One.
  • "Multiplying sorrow."
  • "The Black Goddess."
  • "Life without love."
  • "Hero of our time".
  • "Sisters by blood."
  • Moscow History.
  • "Alone on New Year's Eve."
  • "The race for happiness."
  • "Light from the other world."
  • "Alexander the Great".
  • "Aerobatics".
  • "Thirty-seventh novel."
  • The Route of Mercy.
  • "Institute of noble maidens."
  • "New Year's commotion."
  • "Ivan Strength."
  • "The right to love."
  • "The Moor has done his job."