
Actor Boris Kamorzin: biography, filmography, personal life and interesting facts

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Actor Boris Kamorzin: biography, filmography, personal life and interesting facts
Actor Boris Kamorzin: biography, filmography, personal life and interesting facts

Kamorzin Boris is a talented actor who managed to act in about 100 film and television projects by the age of 51. For the first time, he attracted the attention of the public thanks to the criminal television project “Liquidation, ” in which he played the role of Mikhail Dovzhik. The audience also remembered other films and TV shows with him, for example, “Gregory R.”, “Oligarch”, “Cloud-Paradise”, “Bring Back My Love”, “Khmurov”, “Tale of the Darkness”, “Long Farewell”. What is the story of the star?

Kamorzin Boris: family, childhood

The star of the series “Liquidation” was born in Bryansk, it happened in November 1966. Kamorzin Boris is a person who was lucky to be born in a creative family. My father was a leading artist of the local drama theater, my mother worked there as a director.


The actor actually spent his childhood behind the scenes, it is not surprising that he fell in love with the world of dramatic art. From time to time, parents involved their son in their performances. Of course, the first roles of Boris were episodic.

Choosing a Life Path

For some time Boris Kamorzin was thinking about how to connect his life with music. The boy studied at a music school, played the piano. He achieved some success in this area, he was promised a brilliant future. After leaving school, the young man planned to continue his education at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory, but fate decreed otherwise.


The young man was drafted into the army. When serving, he had enough time to think about his calling. Upon his return, Boris surprised everyone, since on the first attempt he entered the Shchukin school. The novice actor was enrolled in the course, which was taught by Vladimir Poglazov and Yuri Katin-Yartsev.


Boris Kamorzin received the diploma of the Schukin School in 1991. The graduate did not have to search for work for a long time, in front of him the Moscow Youth Theater opened its doors. In total, he devoted seven years to service in this theater. A short break happened when Boris moved to the Vakhtangov Theater for several months.


Gradually Kamorzin realized that he lacked freedom. He left the Moscow Youth Theater, began to collaborate with various creative groups. The actor is very picky about the choice of roles. He is sure that the performances should be deep and extraordinary. Boris has nothing against stories that are capable of shocking unprepared viewers. For example, he got a bright role in the provocative production of "Communicant", which was on the stage of the theater "Practice". The MP, his character, appeared in front of the audience in a nude.

The beginning of a film career

From the biography of Boris Kamorzin it follows that he first hit the set in 1990. The comedy drama "Cloud Paradise", which tells the story of the inhabitants of a provincial town, became the debut for the actor. In this film, Boris got the role of comrade Saratov, with whom he did a great job.


The crisis of the nineties left many talented actors without work, and it also affected Kamorzin's career. A graduate of the Shchukinsky school managed to return to the set only in 1998. Boris got a small role in the comedy drama "Wouldn't send us … a messenger?" Then he starred in the film "Hermit", embodied the image of Sergeant Jacobson in the series "What the Dead Man Said." The first roles did not help the actor become famous, but the beginning was laid.

From obscurity to fame

In 2004, actor Boris Kamorzin starred in the melodrama "Long Farewell" by Sergei Ursulyak. He convincingly played a playwright named Smolyanov. The hero succeeded in life, managed to save a small fortune. However, his familiar world begins to crumble before his eyes when he falls in love with a young actress. In addition to all the misfortunes of the playwright, it turns out that his chosen one is married and does not plan to leave her husband.

In 2007, the series “Liquidation” was presented to the audience court. He talks about the events that took place in post-war Odessa. The city is actually ruled by a group of former saboteurs, headed by a mysterious person nicknamed the Academician. Criminals attack military depots, steal food and deliver it to Bandera. Marshal Zhukov, who was appointed commander of the Odessa district, has to deal with this problem. Kamorzin in this television project embodied the image of Mikhail Dovzhik.

Vivid roles

Due to the success of the television project “Liquidation”, the demand for actor Boris Kamorzin has significantly increased. Films and series with his participation came out one after another. The main male role went to the lyceum in the drama "A Tale of Darkness." This tape tells the story of a beautiful and intelligent girl who can not arrange her personal life. Then Kamorzin played one of the key roles in the film “Thunder”. His character was the guardian of the order of the Thunders, whose life is turned upside down after meeting with friends of school times.

Boris received an interesting role in the television project Furtseva. The legend of Catherine. " In this series, the actor brilliantly embodied the image of the party leader Frol Kozlov. One cannot fail to mention the television project Khmurov, in which he convincingly embodied the image of Gladkov.

What else to see

Not all fascinating film and television projects featuring Kamorzin are listed above. In which films and series did the talented actor appear relatively recently?

  • "The end of a beautiful era."

  • "Main".

  • "Concerned, or Love is evil."

  • "The loop of Nesterov."

  • "I'am a teacher".

  • "Monk and demon."

  • "Icebreaker".

  • "Investigator Tikhonov."

  • "Our happy tomorrow."

  • "Dr. Richter."

  • "Anna Karenina."

  • "Father's Coast."

At the end of 2017, three new films with the participation of Boris are expected at once, this is Fun Night, Lev Yashin. Goalkeeper of my dreams ”and“ Mot Ne ”. Also, fans will soon be able to see the lyceum in the TV series "Lancet."