
Actor Matt Fraser: biography, filmography and interesting facts

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Actor Matt Fraser: biography, filmography and interesting facts
Actor Matt Fraser: biography, filmography and interesting facts

Video: Born Freak 2024, July

Video: Born Freak 2024, July

The biography of Matt Fraser is a rare case when a non-standard appearance does not spoil a person’s life, but makes him a celebrity and generates income. Matt came to fame after the film adaptation of the horror story, but the story of the birth of the actor himself can cause fear and numbness in anyone. Mett's life provides an opportunity to understand how much depends on a person, even if circumstances are tragic.

Drug crippling children

In 1954, a drug was created that has a calming effect on people. It provided healthy sleep, lowered blood pressure, and relieved migraines. The drug was called Talidomide and it was sold under various pharmaceutical names in forty-six countries of the world, including Europe. The medicine was considered so effective and safe that it was recommended for pregnant women to eliminate the symptoms of nausea and anxiety.


Meta Fraser's mother, like many British women who were expecting their offspring, also used Talidomide, although by that time there had already been reports of bad side effects of the drug. But the manufacturing company could not refuse sales - the demand for it was almost as high as for aspirin. Negative information was hidden for commercial purposes.

Since 1956, the number of pathologies and birth defects in babies whose mothers took this sedative has increased, but a reliable connection with the drug was found only in 1961. During this period, about forty thousand babies acquired congenital neuritis (inflammation of the peripheral nerve branches) as a result of Thalidomide exposure, and about twelve thousand acquired external malformations. The diagnosis made by Matt Fraser is phocomelia (the absence of some parts of the limbs).

Metta Family

Matt was born in 1962. The mother of the future actor showed character and courage. She raised her son, inspiring him that, being different from the rest, he was in no way inferior to them. Family support is of paramount importance: a young man from an acting family, despite the unusual anatomy, dreams of an acting career.


Matt's wife, Julie Atlas Moose, is also an actress. She is twelve years younger than him. Her biography is bright and starry: beauty contests, dances, striptease, work as a "mermaid" in a giant aquarium. Later, Julie began to do theatrical productions. Her performances are filled with semantic content, have a satirical and ironic connotation. Often, the actress suggests talking in a dance on the topic of murder or rape, believing that this will help relieve fear and tension in society.

Met Matt and Julie in 2006. Now the couple is successfully working together, creating shocking theatrical performances. For example, the version of Beauty and the Beast that they created, where Julie and Matt danced naked, was very successful. However, today's projects do not focus on the physical features of Matt.

Hobbies stars

Matt Fraser is a little taller than average, but his arms are very short due to the lack of forearms. There are no thumbs either. Nevertheless, an eighteen-year-old man successfully played percussion instruments. His musical career as a drummer in various rock and punk bands totaled more than sixteen years. It’s a paradox, but it turns out that long arms are absolutely not necessary for the drummer - just place the installation closer. Matt skillfully plays, it is no coincidence that he was invited to the stage during the closing of the London Paralympic Games in 2012.


Music is not the only thing that interested the young man. When Mett was about thirty years old, he seriously began to study martial arts - karate, taekwondo, aikido techniques and hapkido. The athlete was talented, versatile and efficient. This is Matt Fraser: the formation of the champion took place, only in a different direction - not sports, but acting.

At the Graeae Theater

Next, Matt becomes an actor in the Graeae Theater. It was organized in 1980 in the UK for the employment of people with external and sensory impairments. The mission of the theater is to draw attention to the problems of people with disabilities and adapt them in a social environment.


First, Matt Fraser is an actor in "Gray", and later tries himself as a playwright. In 2001, he presented to the public the play “The Seal Boy” about the freak show actor. It is curious that fifteen years will pass, and Matt will play his seal boy already in the series, which will bring him world fame.

In 2005, Matt wrote another play - Thalidomide !! A musical. On it he puts on a musical. To some extent, this is an autobiographical work, which presents the love story of an ordinary woman and a man with a diagnosis of focomelia.

In Coney Island

In parallel with his work in the theater every year since 2001, Matt Fraser travels to Coney Island. This is the peninsula in Brooklyn, famous for its luxurious vast beaches and amusement parks. In one of them, Dreamland, a freak show was constantly held at the beginning of the 20th century. To some extent, this tradition: the first such show was held in the sixteenth century.


Such freak shows are regularly held in Coney Island now. Only the main thing in the modern movement of freaks is not physical disabilities, but dances in colorful costumes and shocking holiday images. It was here that Matt sought, here he met his future wife. They had to perform together, and they have been doing this until today.