
Actress Mashnaya Olga Vladimirovna: biography, personal life. Top Movies and TV Series

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Actress Mashnaya Olga Vladimirovna: biography, personal life. Top Movies and TV Series
Actress Mashnaya Olga Vladimirovna: biography, personal life. Top Movies and TV Series

Mashnaya Olga Vladimirovna - actress, who announced herself thanks to the mini-series "Midshipmen, Go!". In this adventure melodrama, she brilliantly embodied the image of Sophia, the lady of the heart Alexei Korsak. “Kin-dza-dza!”, “Boys”, “Tears were falling”, “Above the rainbow”, “Vassa” - ribbons in which you can see it. What to tell about the star of domestic cinema besides this?

Mashnaya Olga Vladimirovna: family, childhood

The performer of the role of Sophia was born in St. Petersburg, there was a joyful event in June 1964. Mashnaya Olga Vladimirovna does not like to recall childhood. The girl suffered from constant quarrels of her parents, which happened mainly due to her father's addiction to alcohol. Little Olya tried to spend as much time as possible outside the house, she did not have a sense of security.


We can’t say if she could have become a famous actress, if not for a happy accident. A girl who was already 12 passed by the Lenfilm building when she was hailed. She attracted the attention of Emilia Belskaya, assistant director. The woman, impressed by Olga's external data, convinced her to play a small role in the film. Mashnaya made her debut in the drama "First Joys", sharing the set with Yuri Vasiliev, Irina Pechernikova and other stars.

First successes

Mashnaya Olga Vladimirovna left her parental home when she was just 15 years old. The role of the guardian of the aspiring actress took on Emilia Belskaya. For the first time, the girl managed to attract the attention of the audience in 1980, this happened thanks to the sensational tape of Dinara Asanova “Useless”. In this film, Olga embodied the image of an unbalanced teenager who comes to grips with the whole world.


Thanks to the picture of Asanova, Mashnaya Olga Vladimirovna became a sought-after actress. The directors gladly offered the roles of the fair-haired and blue-eyed beauty. The rising star has starred in several notable projects, including the melodrama "Everything Is The Other Way Back", the movie novel "At the Beginning of the Game", the dramatic films "Vassa" and "Tears Trickled."

Dinara Asanova also did not forget about the actress, who called herself her "goddaughter." She offered Mashny a vivid role in her new film “Boys, ” the girl again tried on herself the image of a conflict teenager.

Student years

Admission to VGIK is the next victory that Olga Vladimirovna Mashnaya won. The biography of the star indicates that she got on the course, which was conducted by Sergey Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova.


Classes did not force Mashnaya to completely abandon work on the set. She again accepted the invitation of Dinara Asanova and played a key role in her project “Darling, dear, beloved, unique”. Interestingly, the script was written specifically for her. The picture received mixed reviews from critics, gained a scandalous reputation, which positively affected the popularity of the young actress.

Finest hour

After graduating from VGIK, Mashnaya Olga Vladimirovna continued to act in films, the filmography of the actress was constantly replenished with new paintings. She began to collaborate with the Gorky film studio, starred in the cult films "Kin-dza-dza", "Above the rainbow."

Real fame came to Olga thanks to her participation in the adventure film "Midshipmen, Go!". Masha brilliantly coped with the role of lover Alexei Korsak. Romantic and tender Sophia, her heroine, was liked by many viewers, the actress had fans.

Films and TV shows

In the 90s, Olga Mashnaya, whose photo can be seen in this article, rarely appeared on the set. The most significant of her works of this time is considered to be Priyemova’s painting “Who, If Not Us.”

In the new century, Olga began to offer roles more often. She took part in the series "Sklifosovsky", "Chao, Federico!", "Diary of Dr. Zaitseva." In the TV project "Investigator Tikhonov", released in 2016, the actress embodied the image of the director of the orphanage. At the moment, the filmography of the star of domestic cinema contains about 60 films and series.