
Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov: biography and activities

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Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov: biography and activities
Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov: biography and activities

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Video: Sale and Pelletier 2024, July

Who is Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov? The biography of this person is below. Alimzhan Tursunovich is a Russian entrepreneur. He is also a philanthropist and president of the “Domestic Football Fund”. Known as Alik and Taiwanchik, Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov was a co-owner of major Moscow casinos - "Asia", "Europe" and "Metropol". Now these institutions are closed. Domestic and Western media mention Tokhtakhunov as one of the most serious criminal authorities in Russia. He is one of the top ten people the FBI is looking for, while Interpol is still looking for him.

early years


Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov’s biography is connected with Tashkent. There he spent his youth and met various people during his school years, among them Mikhail Chernoy and Shamil Tarpishchev. In the future, the first of them became an aluminum oligarch, and the second captain of the Russian national tennis team. The biography of Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov is to a certain extent connected with sports.

In his youth, this man was fond of football, he played for a team double called “Pakhtakor”. Later proved himself as an administrator. In this capacity, he collaborated with the Tashkent team, as well as the capital CSKA. In the eighties, Alimzhan was engaged in a card game on a professional level, he was one of the legendary “skaters” in the late Soviet period.

In the days of the Soviet Union, the future patron was serving a prison term; he was charged with an article for parasitism. It was in conclusion that he met several thieves in law. According to him, all of them were interesting and outstanding people.



Alimzhan Tursunovich Tokhtakhunov in 1989 went to Germany and stayed there. He soon received Israeli citizenship. During this period, he began to do business. By supplying food to Russia, he managed to earn a lot of capital. In 1993, the businessman went to Paris. Some sources indicate that he was expelled from Germany.

Another turn in the biography of Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov occurred in 1995. Then he was expelled from Monte Carlo. In 1999, he was promoted to the knights of the Order of St. Constantine. In 2001, Alimzhan moved to Italy.



Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov is a strong supporter of the resumption of the legal operation of casinos in Russia. Such institutions, in his opinion, should operate at hotels.

Patron Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov has his own projects for generating state budget revenues from casino taxation, as well as selling licenses to open such establishments. It is known that the businessman sympathizes with Joseph Stalin, as well as with Vladimir Putin. He does not see an alternative to the latter. Skeptical of the Russian opposition.

Winter Olympics


In 2002, Tokhtakhunov became a defendant in the scandal. The incident involved the award of gold medals in figure skating as part of the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics. It is precisely because of this incident that the businessman became widely known outside narrow circles.

In the summer of 2002, Tokhtakhunov, with the assistance of the FBI, was arrested by the Italian police in the resort of Forte dei Marmi, as requested by the American authorities. According to American law, this person was accused of fraud, a conspiracy whose purpose is to falsify the results of Olympic competitions, as well as bribing sports judges.

He spent ten months in prison. After that he was released, the case was not transferred to the court. The Olympic Committee conducted its own investigation and came to the conclusion that Tokhtakhunov was not involved in fraud with the results of the competition. The US authorities did not insist on his extradition. Tokhtakhunov returned to Moscow in 2003.

In Russia, the businessman had no complaints from local law enforcement agencies. He issues the magazines Sport and Fashion and Domestic Football. Tokhtakhunov is engaged in charity and business. He is the president of the football fund.

Personal life

Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov is the author of a book entitled “My Silk Road”. In it, he openly talked about his own life, his passion for games, their features in different countries, the relationship between the participants, the “code of honor” of the gambler. Abroad, the businessman lived for about fifteen years. Since the late nineties, Alimzhan has not played cards.

Tokhtakhunov has two adult children. Ballerina Lola lives in the USA. Alimzhan calls her beloved daughter. His son Dmitry lives in Moscow. Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov, 63, has grandchildren, and in 2012, twin daughters Elizabeth and Catherine were born. Their mother is Julia Malik.

At that moment, she was a twenty-four-year-old student, studied at the Financial Academy. Tokhtakhunov lives in the village of Peredelkino, according to 2013 data. For many years this man has been friends with Pavel Bure, Vladimir Spivakov, Joseph Kobzon, Alla Pugacheva, Sofia Rotaru.

Also among people close to him should be named Vyacheslav Ivankov, who is known as Jap. With this person, a businessman has maintained friendly relations for over forty years.