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American surnames of girls: options and meanings

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American surnames of girls: options and meanings
American surnames of girls: options and meanings

Video: Alternatives to the Top 10 Girl Names of 2015 (Part 1) 2024, June

Video: Alternatives to the Top 10 Girl Names of 2015 (Part 1) 2024, June

The surname is inherited by people of the same kind from generation to generation. Initially, only rich and noble people had them. After the abolition of serfdom, they began to be given to former serf peasants. Most often, they were compiled on behalf of the former owner. That is why there are namesakes who have absolutely no kinship.

How did the surnames form?

They could be formed on behalf of the father (for example, Ivanov, Petrov, Ilyin). Could indicate the profession of a person (Kuznetsov, Goncharov). Some characterize a person externally - Krasavin, Bezborodov - or describe his inner qualities (for example, Bogomolov, Dobrov, etc.). However, it is not always possible to solve the meaning of the surname correctly. There is a special science - onomastics, which tries to figure out the secret of proper names.

We get our full name from our father and cannot choose him. However, after adulthood, everyone is free to take on a pseudonym. Some take French, Spanish, American surnames. Girls, as a rule, are more concerned with this issue, especially if the father's last name is not harmonious.

American surnames of girls: what is their feature?

As is known from history, the main inhabitants of America are immigrants from Europe, Africa and other countries. The difference is only in the time of their resettlement. Most of them retained their names when moving. But later they changed, adjusting to the English language. Some contracted, others changed some sounds. The Indians and Africans were given nicknames.


As a result, the American surnames of girls and men are no different. Initially, the differences were, for example, if the Bulgarian became an American. However, some of them simply have a specifically feminine sound.

The most popular American girl names and surnames

Today, the following American surnames are the most popular: Smith, Williams, Miller, Taylor, Brown, Davis. For example, surnames such as Moore, Thomas, Walker, Houston, Bellows, Stone and others are much less common.


As for the names, here the scope is also very wide. Most American female names are consonant with ours, but pronounced differently. For example, Helen, Katherine, Joan, Hannah, etc. There are Betty, Carolyn, Judy, Goldie, Amelie, less familiar to the Russian ear. The names of American stars are popular, for example, Riana, Jennifer, Charlize, etc.