
Andrei Karako: filmography, biography and personal life

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Andrei Karako: filmography, biography and personal life
Andrei Karako: filmography, biography and personal life

Video: Hozier - Take Me To Church (Official Video) 2024, July

Video: Hozier - Take Me To Church (Official Video) 2024, July

The profession of an actor is one of the most difficult in the world. Many teenagers and children dream of becoming outstanding actors, but they don’t even realize how difficult this profession is. Each representative of this field of activity wants to be in Hollywood, but achieving this goal is quite difficult. And today we will discuss in detail one actor from the Republic of Belarus, which is one of the most popular in Russia, Ukraine and his country.


Andrey Karako is a famous actor and just a good person who was born in the city of Gomel on February 4, 1975. Today we will discuss in detail his biography, filmography and much more that is associated with this man. We will begin, as you know, right now!


The actor’s birth date is already known to you, so we won’t celebrate it again. Andrei Karako's father was an actor in the regional drama theater, and his mother is still the leader of the local troupe. As a child, the future actor did not feel the desire to follow in the footsteps of his parents, but he nevertheless went, but in a slightly different field of activity, for most of his career he takes part in filming films and not in theatrical productions.


After graduating from school, Andrei Karako, whose personal life will be discussed a little later in this article, went to Sevastopol and entered the higher naval school there. In the same year that the actor was enrolled in high school, the collapse of the Soviet Union occurred, because of which he had to leave Sevastopol, because otherwise he would be forced to obtain Ukrainian citizenship and take the oath to the people of Ukraine. The young man returned to Belarus, where he managed to enter the Belarusian State Transport University.

Carier start

After a while, the man realized that he had chosen not at all what was interesting to him. Soon, Andrei Karako, who is today a famous actor, was expelled from the university and went to serve in the army. After demobilization, Andrei began to think about his future, and suddenly he became aware that a famous writer from Belarus was gaining an experimental troupe consisting of 5 people in the Gomel Drama Theater, who would subsequently study at the acting department of the Academy of Arts.

Andrei decided to try and did not lose, because then he realized that he had found his calling. In addition, in the same Academy of Arts, a man received a second higher education, becoming a first-class director. He staged several performances in his native theater and went to conquer other countries.

Personal life

Actor Andrei Karako, whose personal life is also interesting to us, does not like to talk about his family. It is known that the man has a 14-year-old son, Yegor, who is engaged in hockey on a professional level and has already been a winner of international competitions held in the Czech Republic.


After the parents divorced, Yegor stayed with his mother in Minsk, but his father does not forget about him and tries to give his son a huge amount of attention. In almost all of his interviews, Andrei Karako, whose filmography is very interesting to many, mentions the achievements of his child and is very proud of it.

It should be noted that some time after the divorce, the man had a romantic relationship, but he does not want to talk about them, since they ended rather tragically. At the moment, the actor’s heart is free for a new relationship. Thus, as you see, Andrei Karako, whose family is still represented by his parents, son and ex-wife, is ready for a new relationship!

Filmography. Part 1

Throughout his career, each actor takes part in a wide variety of cinema works, so now we will single out popular films and series with the direct participation of Andrei Karako.


The career in cinema with this man began in 2005, when he starred in the television series "Three Thalers." After that, he took part in the project “The Last Armored Train”, then starred in the film “Styx”, and then his filmography consists of such works of cinema: “Room with a View of the Lights”, “I am a detective”, “It was in Gavrilovka”, “Everything is fair”, “Major Vetrov”, “Do not try to understand a woman”, “Good and good people live in the world”, “Love as a motive”, “Flock”, “Attempt”, “Terrorist: Particularly dangerous”, "An eye for an eye".

Filmography. Part 2

It is also worth highlighting the films “Margosha 3”, “Tram to Paris”, “From Heart to Heart”, “Irony of Fortune”, “Zhurov 2”, “Navigator”, “This Woman Comes to Me”, “Winter of the Dead: Snowstorm”, “Team Eight”, “Family Matters”, “Unexpected Joy”, “A Cat Is For Sale”, “Death to Spies: Shockwave”, “Sign for Happiness”, “Son of the Father of Nations”, “Love from a Test Tube”, “Illusion of Happiness” ”, “ This is love! ”, “ What men want ”, “ From scratch ”, “ Free sister ”, “ I will be there ”, “ Steal me ”, “ Lace ”, “ Good name ”, “ Happy chance ”, “All the treasures of the world”, “Call me, and I will come ”, “ Shadows of the past ”, “ Snow will melt in September ”, “ Beauty Queen ”, “ Family Values ​​”, “ Cop Wars 10 ”, “ Plastic Queen ”and many others.