
Andrey Krasko: filmography, biography, personal life. The cause of death of actor Andrei Krasko

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Andrey Krasko: filmography, biography, personal life. The cause of death of actor Andrei Krasko
Andrey Krasko: filmography, biography, personal life. The cause of death of actor Andrei Krasko

Video: THE KOPECK ("Копейка", 2002) Russian comedy with English and Russian subtitles 2024, July

Video: THE KOPECK ("Копейка", 2002) Russian comedy with English and Russian subtitles 2024, July

One of the most multifaceted and talented actors of modern cinema was Andrei Krasko (August 10, 1957 - July 4, 2006).


Over his bright but very short life, this talented man managed to conquer a large audience with his talent, and his work will forever remain in the gold fund of Russian cinema.

The beginning of life

Actor Krasko Andrey - comes from a creative family. Born in Leningrad. Ivan Krasko, known for the films “The End of the Taiga Emperor”, “Police Sergeant”, “The Prince and the Pauper”, is his father, who is the national artist of Russia. Mother - Petrova Kira Vasilievna, whose surname was Andrei in early childhood, worked as a teacher at school. It was with her after the divorce of her parents that Andrei Krasko remained, whose biography is of interest to many fans of the talent of this actor. Mom made every effort to ensure that her son grew up a good and right person.

First acquaintance with the theater stage

Andrei’s first acquaintance with the stage was connected with the performance of Ivan Ivanovich’s father, to whom a 2-year-old child ran onto the stage during the play shouting “And here is my dad!”. Hall took this case good-naturedly, reacting with loud applause. To prevent such excesses from happening again, Ivan Krasko decided to attract his son to participate in one of the rooms. This was the acting debut of Andrei Krasko on the stage of the theater.

Life Choice: Which Way to Take?

Actor Andrei Krasko, whose filmography is vast, interesting and diverse, did not immediately decide to go on an acting trail. He, like most peers, had completely different plans for life. The young man saw himself as an astronaut, then he liked the dangerous work of a fireman, then he attracted miner's work.


Andrei decided on the acting profession after lengthy hesitation, motivating his choice with the fact that he could play anyone on stage.

Becoming an actor

The first entrance exam to the Leningrad Theater Academy, Andrei Krasko, whose filmography was somewhere far ahead, failed, and for the next year he worked at the Komissarzhevskaya Theater as a stage designer. The next summer turned out to be successful, and the young man, having properly prepared for the entrance exams, became a student at LGITMiKA. At the Academy of Theater Arts, the future artist Andrei Krasko studied in the studio of Dodin Lev Abramovich and Arkady Iosifovich Katsman. He later recalled the latter with particular warmth. Andrei considered him a master of his craft, one of the last people who were exclusively engaged in pedagogy, and who gave a good start to the life of a young man.

Actor Andrei Krasko, who received his diploma in 1979, was assigned to the Tomsk Youth Theater, where he worked for several years. In Tomsk, he acquired an amazing, in his own words, professional hardening. Next was the Lenin Komsomol Theater in Leningrad. It was at this time that Andrei Krasko began acting in films. He performed small episodic roles in the films “Useless”, “Personal Date”, “Where Fomenko disappeared?”.

The army service in the Northern Polar District of the Arkhangelsk Region, which he combined with performances, concerts and events of a similar nature, did not pass him by.


After the army, Andrei Krasko (you can see the photo of the actor of different years in the article) returned to Leningrad, but, having tagged around the city where he was not expected, he decided to leave for the province - Dimitrovgrad, in the theater of which there are only two people, including Andrey Krasko, had higher education. Here the actor lingered for a short while.

Life dictates its own laws

In 1985, Andrei Krasko, whose biography is interesting because of its versatility, was invited to participate in the filming of the disaster film "Breakthrough" by Dmitry Svetozarov. Due to the fact that the director did not want to part with a talented actor, Andrei had to leave the theater. Awaiting approval for the role, Andrei Krasko, whose filmography is familiar to most admirers of his talent, went to work as the head of a dance club at the auto-unit plant. After filming, he again began to rush to the theaters, but nothing came of it. There came a period when the country did not need theaters. In the film industry, the situation was no better: the shooting is periodic, the roles are episodic.


The mid-80s was marked for the young actor by the release of a number of new films with his participation, which, unfortunately, did not reward him with great popularity: “Don Cesar de Bazan”, “Dogs”, “American”, “Brother”, “Schizophrenia”. These films did not bring much income, but somehow it was necessary to survive. Therefore, Andrei had to "put on" other life roles. He went to a cooperative, where he sewed jackets and trousers, sold books, was engaged in European-quality repairs, in a private carriage, even worked in a cemetery, kneading mortar and making fencing.

"National Security Agent" - a new start

The films “Operation“ Happy New Year! ”Became successful and "Features of national fishing." Thanks to these roles, Krasko Andrei Ivanovich, whose filmography at this stage determined his future demand as an actor, was more or less noticed and received several new contracts.

The role of Krasnov, specially written for Andrei in the series "Agent of National Security", became for him truly stellar and gave rise to a new stage in the career of the actor. Despite the fact that Andrei played assistant Lehi Nikolaev - the main character performed by Mikhail Porechenkov, for the actor this series was a real breakthrough.

Further, in the cinematic career of Andrei Krasko, there was the role of Ilyich in the military drama Alexander Rogozhkin "Block Post". After that, the movie “Boldinskaya Autumn” was released, in which Andrei starred with Ivan Krasko, his father.

Krasko on the stage

In the late 90s, Andrei Krasko (the photo of the period of the already held actor, which was remembered by the audience just like that, can be seen below) came to the St. Petersburg comedy theater, where he was noted for his great stage work, playing in 1999 the role of Filer in the play “The Dog Waltz” Alexandrova.


In 2001, he created the image of Venichka that he liked in the performance “Moscow-Petushki” - a poem by V. Erofeev, transferred to the theater scene by G. Vasiliev. The last works in the theatrical field were the productions of “Death of Tarelkin” and “At the Bottom”. Phenomenally charming, the actor did not go on stage - he seemed to materialize on it at the right time; he never fussed, was in no hurry, bewitching the viewer with his game: organic, elusive, mysterious.

Krasko Andrei Ivanovich: filmography

From 1999 to 2003, films with his participation included such films as “Deadly Force 3”, “Sisters”, “Oligarch”, “Gangster Petersburg” and “National Security Agent” (2, 3, 4). It was criminal fighters that became the most familiar genre for Andrei, who sometimes began to think that this was the ceiling, and career growth had already come to its logical conclusion.


Roles in subsequent films were worthy of Andrei Krasko. Fima in “Liquidation”, “Saboteur”, “One Love in a Million”, “9 Companies”, “72 Meters”, “Doctor Zhivago”, “Turkish Gambit”, “Death of an Empire”, “Love-Carrot”. For Andrei Krasko, this was a period of demand, long-awaited and necessary.

At the peak of popularity

The roles of Andrei Krasko, by virtue of his acting talent, were interesting and diverse. This is Alexander Vetrov - a journalist in the film "Kingdom of the curves", in the series "Brezhnev" - a hairdresser, in the film "On a White Boat" - the owner of the sanatorium San Sanych, in "Hunt for Manchurian deer" - Skorosko - chief engineer of the plant. In the military drama "Bastards", the image of Uncle Pasha touches the soul, which Andrei Krasko plausibly played in his life. The filmography of this talented actor is filled with film works of various nature: war films, comedies, dramas, series. And in each role, Andrei was interesting, understandable and close to the viewer.

Almost prophetic role

A brilliant, almost prophetic role, Andrei Krasko, whose filmography is rich, vibrant, diverse, played in the debut motion picture of Karen Hovhannisyan's "I Stay." Dr. Tyrsa - a man who is wary of everything beyond and mystical, is stuck between life and death. Through the fault of a careless throw, a bowling ball turned out to be among the desert plain with people like and no longer belonging to this world, whom the other world had not yet accepted. Unlike his screen hero, the actor could not stay among the living.

Andrei died on July 4, 2006 during the filming of the series “Liquidation” in Odessa. In the role of Fima - a voluntary assistant to the menace - in post-war Odessa, he caught bandits, walked hand-in-hand with young ladies through a city that was exhausted from the heat, fell in love. The episode in which Fima is killed and he falls into Andrei Mashkov’s hands was shot on the eve of Andrei’s death. According to Vladimir Mashkov, the process was difficult, not glued, everything turned out somehow sadly believable. Another mystical incident connected with the death of Andrei was recalled later. Before leaving for shooting in Odessa, the 7-year-old son Cyril said: "Dad will not return to us anymore."

On the set that day, Andrei was very ill because of the difficult adaptation to the stuffiness and heat, and they decided to shoot the episode in the evening, when the temperature drops slightly. However, the actor did not feel better, and his wife Elena took him out of town to breathe clean air, and there she called an ambulance. The actor died on the same day. Until his 49th birthday, Andrei, who dreamed of reaching out to at least a fifty dollars, did not live out just one month.

Andrei was buried in St. Petersburg in Komarovo.