
Abnormal archaeological finds that indicate the extraterrestrial origin of mankind

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Abnormal archaeological finds that indicate the extraterrestrial origin of mankind
Abnormal archaeological finds that indicate the extraterrestrial origin of mankind

Video: 12 Most Mysterious Archaeological Finds Scientists Still Cant Explain 2024, July

Video: 12 Most Mysterious Archaeological Finds Scientists Still Cant Explain 2024, July

As soon as life was born on planet Earth, a person was constantly interested, but what happened before, before the appearance of people? Fortunately, archeology helps to solve numerous puzzles. Studying fossils found is one of the many ways scientists are working on to better understand the history and evolution of humanity. But some discoveries raise more questions than give answers. Can unnatural archaeological finds indicate the existence of extraterrestrial life? Was the person really descended from a monkey, or was there alien intervention? Is there an extraterrestrial life?


It would be too simple if all the famous archaeological discoveries could be attributed to the hoaxes that are created for fame and money. Remember the most stunning finds of the XX century.

1. Piltdown Man



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For example, a strange find discovered in 1912 by amateur archaeologist Charles Dawson. The Piltdown man, who lived about 500, 000 years ago, was touted as the missing link between the man and the monkey. The skull of an unusual person looked like the head of an orangutan, but the teeth and jaw are close to the human structure. And only in 1949, the skull of the Piltdown man was again studied using the latest methods and turned out to be a fake. It became known that a fragment of the body of the "ancient man" was artificially created from the skull of a person and an orangutan.

2. Crystal skull


Another well-known fraud was found in a crystal skull belonging to Anna Mitchell-Hughes, who claimed to have found a find in the ruins of a Mayan civilization, along with her research father, while searching for the lost city of Atlantis. Mitchell-Hughes claimed that the skull was used to transmit ancient knowledge from tribal elders to a successor. Nevertheless, the authenticity of the findings very quickly challenged. According to experts, the skull is no more than 150 years old, and it is made of materials that simply could not exist in ancient civilization. Most likely, Mitchell Hughes bought the skull at Sotheby's auction.


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3. Sea Maiden

The Fijian mermaid made a splash when she was exhibited in New York in 1942 by Dr. J. Griffith as a mummified exhibit. But the found mammal also turned out to be a fake, skillfully organized by the greatest showman P.T. Barnum. The “Mermaid” was the upper part of the body of the monkey and the lower part was a fragment of large fish. Before the deception of Baurnum and Griffith was exposed, they were able to earn a lot of money on the mummy.

4. Star child


Some supernatural finds seem so real and mysterious that they require further study. In 1999, paranormal researcher Lloyd Pye claimed that in 1930, in a tunnel southwest of Chihuahua (Mexico), he discovered an alien skull of a cub, whom he called "Star Child". Pie suggested that the anomalous skull belonged to a child who was born from a cross between an alien creature and an earthly woman. However, with the help of modern technologies, it was found that the skull still belonged to a human child who died from congenital hydrocephalus of the brain.

5. Skulls of Paracas


Similarly, Paracas skulls were seen as evidence of the existence of an alien mind among humans. The skulls were elongated like cones. Further testing revealed that the mutated skulls belonged to humans. Most likely, the elongated shape of the head was the result of a tribal practice called artificial skull deformation, which was performed for a number of cultural reasons.