
Anton Sevidov: biography, creativity and personal life of a musician

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Anton Sevidov: biography, creativity and personal life of a musician
Anton Sevidov: biography, creativity and personal life of a musician

Sevidov Anton Olegovich - Russian composer, singer and DJ originally from Belarus. Creator of electric groups such as Tesla Boy and Neonaut. In 2017, on the stage of the Gogol Center, the premiere of the production of “Sea of ​​Trees” took place, for which Sevidov not only wrote musical accompaniment, but also played Ninju of Destiny in it. In the fall of 2018, the release of his debut solo album is planned.

early years

The musician was born in Minsk. Today Anton Sevidov is 38 years old. Since his uncle is football player Yu. A. Sevidov, and his grandfather is coach A. A. Sevidov, in childhood he went in for sports at the Dynamo school. But soon Anton was invited to join the Vesnyanka choir. A year later, his parents advised him to concentrate on one lesson, and he chose music.

At 9 years old, the boy became a student in the experimental department of the music school named after V.V. Stasova, whose peculiarity was the study of rock and jazz. At that time, he first became interested in synthesizers and composition. Anton received his education at the State School of Pop and Jazz Art. After the death of his father, Sevidov began DJing, performing in restaurants and making arrangements for artists in order to provide for his family. In 1998, he became a student of RAM. Gnesins (workshop of I. M. Bril), but soon dropped out of school.


Tesla Boy Group

The name of the collective appeared thanks to one of Anton's friends Sevidov, who found a comic connection between Nikola Tesla, the transformer box, which was located above the musician’s apartment, and his work. The first songs of the group were called Electric Lady and Fire. In 2009, the group gave a debut open concert at the club Mio. Soon the band introduced the self-titled mini-album, recorded together with the British label Mullet. The songs of the group could often be heard on the BBC radio stations.

In 2010, Tesla Boy recorded the album Modern Thrills, the tracks of which were first played at Strelka Club. Then the team, led by Anton Sevidov, performed in Barcelona at the festivals Insomnia (Norway), EXIT (Serbia) and "Picnic Posters". The rotation of the Russian-American radio Maximum hit the song Fire and Spirit of the Night.


In 2011, the group went on a tour of Finland and Sweden. The song In Your Eyes was released at the French studio Kitsuné. Then Tesla Boy acted as the opening act for the British group Hurts in Russia. In 2012, musicians attended the Full Moon festival, which takes place in New York. In addition, the group presented the Fantasy and Split tracks and video clips on them.

In 2013, The Universe Made Of Darkness premiered, after which Tesla Boy performed in Russia, Ukraine, Mexico and the USA. Later, in the homeland, the group organized a tour on which the Australian Cut Copy team went with her.

In 2015, the musicians almost completely recorded the new album, but Anton Sevidov did not release it, having decided to radically change the sound of future songs. Soon, the single Nothing was introduced, after which Tesla Boy went on a short tour in the USA (Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco and Portland).


In 2016, the group performed at the Gogol Center with a new program. In the summer, the musicians released the Moses mini-album, which includes five tracks. In addition, 2016 was marked by the premiere of video clips for the compositions Nothing and Circles.

Other achievements in music

At the age of 12, Anton Sevidov managed to become a student of the famous jazz artist M. Okun. In the television program “Morning Star”, he reached the finals thanks to his performances with the songs of Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder. In 1997, Sevidov became the winner of the Crystal Note contest and received $ 10, 000. Anton invested money in musical equipment.

For about four years, Sevidov was a member of the ensemble under the direction of A. Gerasimov. In 2001, the musician recorded keyboard parts in the compositions of the album "frame 25" of the group Spleen. Then he collaborated with BI-2 in creating remixes. In 2002, Sevidov became the leader of the Neonaut group, a feature of which is guitar, rather than electronic music. Then the musician recorded the song “My Tear”, which he dedicated to his mother and worries about her death.

In 2004, the Neonaut group signed a contract with Universal Music (Russia) and began work on new songs in Berlin. The label refused to release the Inhale Me collection due to a change of leadership. In the end, the leader of "Neonaut" published tracks on the Internet, and the group ended the concert activity.
