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Transnistrian Army: strength, composition

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Transnistrian Army: strength, composition
Transnistrian Army: strength, composition

Video: US Army organization terms 2024, July

Video: US Army organization terms 2024, July

The collapse of the Soviet Union was relatively bloodless. The population of the republics, which were recently considered fraternal, for the most part supported the idea of ​​dividing into sovereign states in the hope that life would become easier, richer and more carefree. Exalted nationalists came to power in many newly-formed countries, skillfully posing as adherents of democracy and the so-called "Western values."

Then the battles began, which arose on the expanses of the former USSR, at the same time, then with some interruption. They were streamlined called interethnic conflicts, but in terms of bloodshed they were not inferior to local wars. A calm and peaceful Moldova did not stand aside. The leadership of the republic decided by force to establish the unity of power without taking into account some features of the country's historical development. In contrast to this military adventure, the Transnistrian army arose, which in a short time became the most combat-ready in the region and successfully repelled the attack. And what is it today, after almost a quarter century?


History of Moldova and Transnistria

Since the time of Dacia, Moldova has not been a sovereign state. Most of the current territory belonged to royal Romania until 1940, and a national entity within Soviet Ukraine had only autonomy rights. After two ultimatum notes sent by the government of the USSR, the Romanian leadership lost all of Bessarabia, showing some prudence. Otherwise, the Red Army would no doubt use force to expand the borders of the USSR. At the beginning of June 1940, the VII session of the USSR Armed Forces officially established the Moldavian SSR as part of a common union state. The MSSR included 6 former Romanian counties and 6 regions of the Ukrainian SSR, which had previously constituted the autonomous republic of the MASSR. After the war, the borders of Moldova moved, but not significantly. The national composition of the urban population changed significantly in the 1950s and 1980s; specialists and military pensioners from other regions of the USSR moved to Tiraspol and Bender. At the decisive moment of the confrontation, many of them formed the newly formed Transnistrian army.

Ninety first year

In 1991, after gaining national independence, it became clear that a significant part of the population of Moldova dreams of reunification with Romania. Under this idea, a historical base was brought in, including the myth of an allegedly existing brotherhood between two peoples, the great European, and the other, smaller. This theory was also supported by the almost complete identity of languages, the community of the most mass professed religious denomination, and the similarity of many customs. However, there was another. Elderly people remembered that in royal Romania Moldavians were treated as some kind of creatures of a different sort, the lot of which was mainly working on the field.

Nevertheless, the European idea took over the minds, and the Supreme Council seriously addressed the issue of possible integration, without even asking if the "elder brothers" wanted to unite with the "younger ones". All this led to the fact that the residents of Dubossar, Tiraspol and Bender expressed their disagreement with the course pursued by the ruling regime of the Republic of Moldova and created the Transdniestrian Moldavian Republic. This new quasi-state entity has acquired all the attributes of a sovereign subject of international law, which is not de jure. In fact, the Transnistrian army (then called the Republican Guard) was created on September 24, 1991. Soon she had to fight.



Almost a year later, on June 19, 1992, the Moldovan leadership decided to restore the territorial integrity by force. The first clashes took place in Dubossary back in March 1991, now they were held on the outskirts of Bender. The resistance of the Moldovan police and parts of the armed forces was provided by the Transnistrian army, which in fact was a volunteer militia detachment, on the side of which came the units of the Cossacks who arrived in the conflict region. The increase in the number of defenders was facilitated by numerous casualties among the civilian population and the atrocities of the attacker. The 14th Army of the Russian Federation did not take part in Transnistria, but its arms depots were taken under control by representatives of the PMR armed forces. The result of the summer war was thousands of dead on both sides, and a deadlock on the front. One of the first attempts to forcibly impose “love for the motherland”, then, in 1992, demonstrated the complete powerlessness of the army’s actions against the militias supported by the population. The lesson didn’t go for the future; similar “operations” continue today.

First commanders

The Republican Guard was created under the leadership of the professional military of the Soviet school, which were all the army commanders in Transnistria. The first of these was the deputy commander of the Republican Guard, Colonel S.G. Borisenko, and then Stefan Kitsak, a veteran of Afghanistan, who had previously served in the 14th army of the deputy headquarters. It was he who created the structure of the armed forces and held the first mobilization events. In the fall of 1992, as the Minister of Defense, he was replaced by S. G. Khazheev, also a highly qualified officer, who spent most of his life serving in the Soviet Army. Under his leadership, the armed forces of the unrecognized republic were reorganized, as a result of which the Transdniestrian army became a formidable force, superior in combat capability to the main probable regional enemy, despite the fact that it is armed with outdated weapons produced in the USSR. At present, the armed forces of Moldova, judging by their modest size and armaments, have abandoned attempts to militaryly resolve the territorial problem.


Likely adversary

The Romanian army did not fight in Transnistria, but the officers of this country, most likely, provided assistance in planning the “liberation campaign”, as did the volunteers who arrived. During the years that have passed since the summer war of 1992, many officers of the armed forces of Moldova have been trained in the NATO countries and the Russian Federation. The result of this training, however, is small, since the samples of weapons that are in fact at the disposal of the national army are long outdated. The military academy of Alexandru cel Bun in Chisinau is considered the main forge of command personnel. The National Army of Moldova (NAM) includes two types of troops (ground and air forces), its personnel does not exceed four and a half thousand troops. Organizationally, NAM is divided into three teams:

- “Moldova” (Beltsy).

- "Stefan cel Mare" (Chisinau).

- "Dacia" (Cahul city).

Also, the Moldovan army includes a peacekeeping battalion (22nd), through which virtually everyone who has served the first six months "passes" (in total they mobilize for a year).

There are no tanks in the Moldavian army, planes and helicopters are represented rather symbolically.

The military structure of the current armed forces of PMR

The army of Transnistria looks more impressive in all respects, the number of which is 7.5 thousand people. Complete set is made according to the draft and contract principles. The organizational structure as a whole resembles the Moldavian, with the support of the regional and regional deployment. Brigades (divisions) are deployed in the four largest cities (Tiraspol, Bender, Dubossary and Rybnitsa). In each of them there are three motorized rifle battalions, which, in turn, consist of four companies. In addition, the brigade includes a mortar battery and separate platoons (engineer-sapper and communications). The total strength of each division is approximately one and a half thousand troops.


Tanks and artillery

The armaments of the PMR Armed Forces were the trophies of the summer war of 1992, which the army deployed in Transnistria did not have time to withdraw. Tanks are represented by three types (T-72, T-64B and T-55), their total number is estimated at seven dozen, but in good condition, according to experts, no more than 18.

Heavy artillery also has 40 BM-21 Grad systems, three dozen guns and howitzers, as well as mortars of various calibers, Shilka ZSU and self-propelled guns.

In addition to heavy weapons, the PMR army also has compact means of destruction, which have proved their effectiveness in the conflicts of recent decades - MANPADS (Strela, Igla, Duga), RPG grenade launchers (7, 18, 22, 26, 27) and SPG-9. To combat armored vehicles (which Moldova practically does not have, with the exception of BMPs and BMDs), anti-tank guided shells Fagot, Baby and Competition are intended.


The fact that the PMR has its own air force is reminded to the people by parades held on public holidays, during which the Transdniestrian army is shown to citizens. The composition and technical fleet, however, looks rather modest. There are not many planes and helicopters, 29, among them the honored workers of the An-2 and An-26, designed for cargo and transportation or landing paratroopers (there are also airborne troops), and sports Yak-18.

In modern combat, direct support to the troops can be provided by rotary-wing aircraft, also of Soviet production, which, however, are in service with many more countries - Mi-24, Mi-8 and Mi-2.

Regarding the Air Force, formally, Moldova has superiority, it has MiG-29 interceptor-attack aircraft, however, few of them remain, especially in good condition. Most Soviet military vehicles were sold abroad.



There is another important aspect in which the armed forces of Moldova and the army of Transnistria differ significantly. The number of PMR armed forces in the event of a threat may increase by more than ten times due to the mobilization of reservists. Refresher courses for officers and privates of the reserve, as well as their training, are held regularly, and for the most part, those liable for military service do not seek to evade them, including those who hold a high post in power structures. In addition, there is a separate Cossack regiment, units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB. Separate special battalions "Delta" and "Dniester" are staffed by well-trained professionals, another one related to the police is also considered elite. For comparison, the total mobilization reserve of Moldova is approaching one hundred thousand people, although the outflow of citizens from the country is very high, and it is objectively difficult to assess it both quantitatively and qualitatively. The collection and training of reservists in the country has not been carried out for many years.


What are Russians doing in Transnistria?

The Russian army in Transnistria was introduced in 1992 as part of a peacekeeping force. The local population greeted her as their saviors, and although the soldiers of the RF Armed Forces did not take part directly in the hostilities, Transnistria owes them a great deal of victory. If before the collapse of the USSR the 14th Army was a super-powerful strike force, today it is almost completely withdrawn to the territory of the Russian Federation. The total number of the Russian army in Transnistria is not currently announcing three thousand military personnel and thousands of civilian civilians. A significant proportion of them are local residents who have accepted citizenship and the oath of the Russian Federation. What do they do and what service do they carry?


The peacekeeping battalion, present in Transnistria under the OSCE mandate, totals 335 troops of the Russian Federation. In addition to them, joint control of the situation is carried out by representatives of the armed forces of Moldova (453 people), PMR (490 people) and observers from Ukraine (10 people).

For all the time that has passed since the introduction of peacekeeping forces into the conflict zone, not a single case of the use of weapons has been recorded, not a single person has died.

The small number of personnel and its purely disconnecting functions serve as a serious argument against the assumptions proclaimed by the Moldavian and, more recently, Ukrainian nationalists, about the supposedly aggressive nature of the Russian presence in the region.


Protection of warehouse No. 1411

The Russian army in Transnistria performs another important task. Not far from Rybnitsa there is the village of Kolbasna, which would be an unremarkable settlement if there weren’t a monstrous-sized ammunition depot with an area of ​​130 hectares in its vicinity. Here lie bombs, shells and many other military equipment exported from Eastern Europe and stored from earlier times. The total weight of explosives contained in the ammunition exceeds 20 kilotons, that is, in power it is close to the atomic bomb "Kid" dropped on Hiroshima. Nobody knows what to do with this dangerous cargo today. Storage conditions worsen every year, containers are often destroyed. The same amount was previously neutralized, but then the times were calmer.

The 83rd and 113th separate motorized rifle guards and the 540th command and control battalion do not allow a terrible catastrophe to happen.
