
Grandma told why everyone had eaten lard before and almost never hurt

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Grandma told why everyone had eaten lard before and almost never hurt
Grandma told why everyone had eaten lard before and almost never hurt

Video: Wish I Would Have Learned Sooner... 2024, June

Video: Wish I Would Have Learned Sooner... 2024, June

Today, pork fat is considered a harmful product. However, my grandmother told me that before many ate lard and rarely got sick. It turns out that such food has useful properties and contains substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

What is a product?

Lard is called melted pork fat. It is part of many traditional dishes. Lard can be used for frying meat, vegetables, flour products and other types of food.


Today, factory-made pig fat is sold in almost every store. However, food connoisseurs believe that homemade lard is better. Dietitians and vegetarianists are strongly against pork fat. They believe that it should not be consumed. However, lard is necessary to maintain strength after physical and mental overload. No wonder people used to eat pork fat and rarely got sick.

Beneficial features

Lard contains the following components:

  1. Vitamin B4. The substance affects the metabolism of proteins and lipids in the body. It prevents the development of sclerosis, improves myocardial function, and helps restore liver tissue.
  2. Vitamin E. The component strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots. The substance improves blood coagulation, accelerates tissue repair.
  3. Vitamin D regulates metabolic processes. Improves the process of assimilation of phosphorus and calcium, stimulates the growth and formation of bones.
  4. Selenium helps protect the organs of vision from free radicals. The substance takes part in the process of cell growth.
  5. Zinc improves oxygen supply to the retina. The substance improves the structure of the optic nerve.

Lard contains not only harmful, but also beneficial cholesterol. The second component is necessary for the synthesis of hormones. It is part of cell membranes and is involved in the production of serotonin. In low mood, it is recommended to consume 20 g of fat or 50 g of fat in the morning.


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When is a product especially needed?

Experts say that lard and other types of food containing fatty acids are indispensable in such situations:

  1. With physical overstrain.
  2. In the winter season.
  3. In case of general exhaustion of the body.
  4. When removing stones from the liver and gall bladder (after consulting a doctor).

With reasonable use and the absence of contraindications, lard can be included in the daily diet.


After all, the product is able to improve the condition of the body.