
Barack Obama - Republican or Democrat?

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Barack Obama - Republican or Democrat?
Barack Obama - Republican or Democrat?

Video: From white supremacy to Barack Obama: The history of the Democratic Party 2024, July

Video: From white supremacy to Barack Obama: The history of the Democratic Party 2024, July

People are now forced to understand the intricacies of world politics. The atmosphere is forcing. It is regularly aggravated so much that it threatens to turn into something hotter than just confrontation. But the development of political events within the leading powers can only be judged by specialists. Take, for example, the United States. From the one who is at the helm, security around the world directly depends. The name of the president of the country is well known. And who is he - Barack Obama - a Republican or a Democrat? What follows from this, how does it affect the situation? Let's figure it out.

What's the Difference? Democrats


Parties in the United States differ in their views on the role of the state in regulating society. Whether it is a republican or a democrat, they look at the situation of a country in the world with equal eyes, its irrefutable (from their point of view) right to interfere in the affairs of other countries, but they will argue hoarsely about their own affairs. We can say that their views on this issue are fundamentally opposite. What is the point? It turns out that Democrats believe that the state should take an active part in building society. Their topic is a strong federal government. It should control both the economy and the social sphere. In addition, Democrats are proposing to Congress bills to increase taxes and redistribute budget funds to the industries that currently occupy it. That is, the policy of this party is quite flexible. Knowing such details, it is not difficult to understand who Obama is a Republican or a Democrat, what is his symbol - an elephant or a donkey. One has only to look at his domestic political projects. About it below.

Why are Democrats criticized?

It is clear that it is impossible to recruit supporters on the same idea. Especially in such a democratic society that exists in the United States.


The second batch should offer people their own characteristics, demonstrate strengths. This is what the Republican says about the enemy: either the democrat has too flexible a ridge or does not want to solve the problems of the state at all. Such criticism is well founded. The fact is that representatives of the democrats believe in liberal socialist principles. They try to be flexible in solving problems and adapt to the prevailing conditions. More Republicans criticize them for their excessive attention to immigrants, African Americans and the poorest. By the way, these communities were the basis of the electorate of this party when Obama was elected. He can be a republican or a democrat, even by the person who voted for him. Traditionally, this party is supported by the poor, unprotected, deprived of decent income.

A bit about the views of the Republicans

The opposing party is oriented towards the middle class, enterprising, active people. Its representatives are sure that the state should not poke its nose into the economy, giving it to the mercy of self-regulation.


They assign a very meager set of tasks to the federal government: let them monitor the implementation of basic laws, and society will develop according to the capitalist scenario. Representatives of this party stand up for big money, as opposed to democrats who seek to redistribute superprofits, sending part of them to social support of the poor. The described views and ideas are fundamental for them. According to the statements of the politician, it becomes immediately clear who he is - a republican or a democrat. But back to the main question.

Barack Obama: Republican or Democrat?

His practical initiatives will help to recognize the party president in the US. Russian-language media often talk about them. Here, for example, is his medical reform. It is aimed at ensuring that as many citizens as possible receive qualified assistance. We make a note: caring for all categories of the population.

Another recent initiative. Barack Obama has offered to give suffrage to illegal immigrants! Nonsense, who was immediately criticized by his political opponents. Another note: the initiative aims to attract the poorest. This is probably enough.


Now you yourself can conclude who Obama is a Republican or a Democrat. We argue: his political initiatives are social in nature, directed towards the poorest. Compare with the description and conclude: Obama is a democrat. The way it is. It consists of a party whose sign is a donkey. So we figured out the formal side of the issue. But that is not all. Move on. We are interested in how the party affiliation of the main US politician influences the world, what does Barack Obama offer (or impose on us)?

Republican or Democrat President of the States? What is the difference?

There is an opinion that liberal-social views are somehow connected with foreign policy peacekeeping. In other words, that democrats are more prone to friendly gestures towards other states. Let us turn to the facts. After the end of World War II, there were many interstate armed conflicts involving the United States. You will be surprised, but most of them began (continued) on the orders of the Democratic President. We will name a few: Korean (Truman), Vietnam (Kennedy and Johnson) wars, the conflict in Afghanistan (Carter), Yugoslavia (Clinton), Libya and Syria (Obama). Republicans cannot boast of such “feats”. And Obama, the president of the present, does not betray the principles of his fellow party members. His rhetoric, critics say, is weak. Only things speak for themselves. US bombs fall on the world, as if from a cornucopia (proof of this - terrifying photos).


Obama promised to withdraw troops from Afghanistan and Iraq. Only they are still there. No necessary decisions have been made. Soldiers trample on foreign land.

The president or the lame duck?

Speaking about the views of the current US leader, one can not ignore the features of this period. And there are a lot of them. All countries now have many problems. You can start from afar. Back in 2008, a financial crisis arose. Fought him hard enough. Gradually, the media hype subsided. It seemed to people that everything had calmed down. Economists have a different opinion. In 2014, the world faced the threat of a new crisis. However, no one understands how to deal with it.

Obama is the president faced with an insoluble task by modern estimates. US debt is expressed in the cosmic figure of eighteen trillion dollars. The steps taken to reduce the pressure on the budget did not work. And here also the foreign policy began to stall.

USA and RF

A new confrontation of old enemies has flooded all the world media. Due to the Ukrainian crisis, the planet, as some say, is again slipping into the threat of a nuclear conflict.


Given that the only time it was used, the decision was made by the Democratic President, then what should humanity expect now? What will Obama do? The year 2014 was extremely difficult for him. The superpower, accustomed to its undisputed leadership, faced stubborn resistance from a country that was almost no longer perceived as a world player. It turned out that Russia not only has its own interests, but also knows how to fight for them, attracting sometimes unexpected allies to its side. The world has changed beyond recognition.