
“He was 10 years younger”: ex-ballerina Lyudmila Semenyaka about her ex-husband Andris Liepa

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“He was 10 years younger”: ex-ballerina Lyudmila Semenyaka about her ex-husband Andris Liepa
“He was 10 years younger”: ex-ballerina Lyudmila Semenyaka about her ex-husband Andris Liepa

Quite recently, the Russian ballerina Lyudmila Semenyaka visited the Rossiya-1 TV channel, where she talked about how she lived with ballet dancer Andris Liepa. In the studio of the program “The Fate of a Man, ” prima reported that her husband was 10 years younger than her. In more detail about the joint life of Lyudmila and Andris we will talk in the article.

The union of two celebrities


At one point, a spark flew between the famous ballerina Lyudmila and the son of her colleague in the workshop, Andris. Beloved brought her flowers, rode a boat in Serebryany Bor, admired her talent. Andris was 10 years younger than a ballet star. People's artist says that the young man, in addition to love, also wanted to dance with a celebrity.


When Liepa came to the theater, he began to look after Lyudmila even more persistently. As a result, the young man achieved his goal, and the young people played a wedding. After the spouse Lyudmila became an artist with a capital letter. Husband and wife danced together in The Nutcracker.

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The union of the two celebrities was short-lived, in an official marriage Andris and Lyudmila lived only a year. After the divorce, they lived together for several years, the creative couple had no children. “I liked him because he liked me, ” says the ballerina. - When he was a kid, I came to visit their house. Andris grew up before my eyes. Maris Liepa, his father, was my partner. Our union cannot be called marriage. This is a completely theatrical story. ”