
What is interesting about water buffalo?

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What is interesting about water buffalo?
What is interesting about water buffalo?

Video: Interesting Water buffalo Facts 2024, June

Video: Interesting Water buffalo Facts 2024, June

Water buffalo is considered one of the largest bulls. This is a ruminant mammal that weighs about a ton. The body of the buffalo is dense in structure and covered with rough black-brown hair. The bull is distinguished by powerful legs and a wide bowed head, which is decorated with thick, turned back horns with a length of 194 centimeters. Scientists note that the animal is not distinguished by sharp eyesight, but his sense of smell and hearing are magnificent!


Where does the bull live?

Despite its name, buffalo lives only in small areas of India. Its habitat mainly extends to South China, Nepal, North Africa and Middle China. The Indian bull is among the endangered animals. Therefore, a herd of buffalo lives in protected areas. For example, it is known that in Kazirang there are several hundred of these animals. They try to stay close to the rivers. In the wild, bulls live near a swampy jungle. True, sometimes they are attacked by alligators. In most cases, the herd safely fights off predators. In the worst case, one buffalo still dies from the teeth of crocodiles.


Bulls are not found outside water bodies. Therefore, they are called "water". Beasts are kept in small herds, which consist of 3 males and several females with young animals. Their diet consists of meadow herbs and water plants. Sometimes, branches of trees that are around ponds are used. Bulls graze at night and at dawn, when the air blows cool. At hot noon, animals tend to take shelter in the shade or soak in the mud.

The most important in the herd

Leader - the so-called Indian buffalo, which has the right to leadership. He is the oldest in the group and keeps a little distance from the bulk. At first glance, the animal chews weed indifferently and from time to time raises its head boredly to look around.


However, when a stranger appears, the elder becomes in a threatening pose and gives a warning roar. This is a signal for the herd - to run! But this is not cowardly behavior. The bulls purposely make a circle so that the pursuers begin to move in their wake.

As a result, animals form a closed system and, enclosing strangers in it, try to oust them from their territory or destroy them. Water buffalo - a dangerous adversary for wild predators! For example, if there is a collision of bulls and tigers, then the latter always die. Buffalos get along well with phlegmatic rhinos. They often graze peacefully with each other in the neighborhood.

Change of power

The leader bull is often non-life-giving and aggressive. Therefore, despite its authority, it is often expelled from the herd. In this case, he is forced to while away the lonely existence. His place is taken by a younger Indian buffalo. A photo of an animal conveys to us his sense of superiority over others and demonstrates real fighting spirit.


Now his task is to guard his flock and take care of him! In animal TV shows, Indian buffalo patiently drives lagging females. Each cow brings one calf.

The newborn baby has a yellow fur with a brownish tint. The period of feeding the calves lasts 7-9 months. It should be noted that the locals have long tamed an animal called "Indian buffalo." The description of the external data of the domestic beast and the wild are no different. The only thing, the level of aggression of a tamed buffalo is lower than that of a free bull.