the culture

What is caste in India

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What is caste in India
What is caste in India

Video: Is India's Caste System Still Alive? 2024, July

Video: Is India's Caste System Still Alive? 2024, July

India is a country of unique culture, deep philosophical thought and extremely sharp social contrasts. The tradition of dividing indigenous peoples into castes has developed in time immemorial. And she is still strong and has a place in modern society. Although, of course, it is not observed as categorically as before.

Definition of a concept


"What is a caste?" - you ask. Firstly, in this case, the word has nothing to do with Russian rappers from Rostov-on-Don, whose group has the same name. Secondly, let us turn, as always in such cases, to the most competent sources - explanatory dictionaries. They said that the word is of foreign origin. So what is caste? According to dictionaries, in translation into Russian - this is the origin, breed, estate. So in India are called social groups into which its entire population is divided.



A class hierarchy arose a very long time ago, approximately in the period from 1500 to 1200 BC. The first peoples who settled in India comprised 4 varnas (another explanation of what caste is), later recognized as the main ones: the first are priests, the second are soldiers, the third are merchants and cattle breeders with farmers. The fourth, the lowest, included servants and laborers. Varna feature was their almost complete class impermeability. That is, representatives of lower social strata could never penetrate higher ones. And what is caste in later times? The same rigid fixation of a certain class affiliation. The difference was that from the inside, these groups began to divide into smaller ones, with their own internal borders, even more rigid and demanding. And no matter what political and ideological changes occurred in the country, they could not shake the system. So what is caste in India? These are the fundamental foundations of the organization of the whole society.

Caste and karma


Hindus believe in the immutability of the law of karma. And the fact that a person lives several lives, obeying the law of reincarnation. Only thanks to him you can change your fate for the better. If the Hindu strictly observed the laws and requirements of his caste, then in the next life he goes to a higher level. If these laws were violated, then in the next incarnation, instead of a family of clergy, a man was born into a peasant. And, dragging on a grave existence, he atoned for the transgressions of past lives. Remember Vysotsky’s song on this subject! The essence of the doctrine is set forth in it very clearly. And it’s especially scary to be among the untouchables.