
What is Suma and Prison: the meaning of a famous saying

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What is Suma and Prison: the meaning of a famous saying
What is Suma and Prison: the meaning of a famous saying

Video: Jordan Peterson debate on the gender pay gap, campus protests and postmodernism 2024, July

Video: Jordan Peterson debate on the gender pay gap, campus protests and postmodernism 2024, July

Sometimes it happens that a person begins to condemn some beggar. Like, would go to work, what is begging? And nearby is a wiser man. He shakes his head, looking at his companion, and says: "Do not renounce the sum and the prison."

Where did this phrase come from? What is its meaning? What is prison and bag? And how is the beggar connected with the bag? Let's find out.

Origin of phrase

Once upon a time wanderers lived in Russia. They walked around villages and villages, sang compassionate songs. They were fed by the good people.

Now the attitude towards the poor has changed. Yes, and the poor, sometimes richer than ordinary people. And then these wanderers were real. They were revered, tried to greet and help.

But how much can the poor peasant give? They shared bread and other food, mainly. Wanderers gratefully packed the alms in bags behind their backs. Large, sewn from coarse fabric, they were called a "bag". Beggars carried them on their shoulders.

They could put in jail earlier for the smallest offense. A man got drunk drunk, but stole a cow from a neighbor. Sobering up, he returned the cattle. A harmful neighbor went to complain to the necessary authorities. The failed thief was immediately imprisoned.

Apparently, at that time the proverb was formed: "Do not renounce the sum and the prison." What is suma and prison, we now know.


The meaning of the saying

Everything can be in life. She is very unpredictable. Today you are rich, full of strength and health. And tomorrow the house burned down, and with it accumulations. From the experience began to stagger health. So a person is forced to pick up a bag. Of course, in a figurative sense, for we already have no wanderers. But such fire victims have to live with what they give. Until they restore their housing.

The same goes with the prison. What is the sum and prison, we told. They can plant even in our time with ease and for the slightest fault. Today we are free, and tomorrow, God forbid, misfortune happened and ended up in jail.

The proverb “from prison and from the bag” implies a direct meaning. In life, no one is safe from anything. And to say that with me something certainly this and that will not happen is silly and presumptuous.


Phrase in life

What is suma and prison? Two things that no one is safe from. Many people, especially among the authorities, are now openly sticking out their incomes. Like, people are stupid, second grade. And there we are. Watch and envy.

Can not be so. At some point, the wealthy went too far. And they will remain at the trough. Neither the king, nor the courtiers, nor the merchant are immune from poverty. Even the poorest people are not immune to the fact that they may lose the latter.

By the way, in life you have to deal with this. As soon as a person complacently states that nothing like this will surely happen to him, material "steps" will necessarily arise.