
What is food for the mind: more than physiology

What is food for the mind: more than physiology
What is food for the mind: more than physiology

Video: ILSI NA – ICN 2017: What Are Dietary Patterns: Physiology and Psychology… (Adam Drewnowski, PhD) 2024, June

Video: ILSI NA – ICN 2017: What Are Dietary Patterns: Physiology and Psychology… (Adam Drewnowski, PhD) 2024, June

The term “food for the mind” is increasingly understood to mean a certain nutrition that is good for the brain. Typically, products include nuts, chocolate, or olive oil. However, this is just providing the basis, the physiological basis of the brain. This is important, but without information stimulation it is useless. What is food for the mind really?

In need


The most important thing for human intelligence is to continuously, constantly learn new skills. Often people, giving an answer to the question of what is food for the mind, call a book. But the latter is simply a collection of information set out systematically and is more or less convenient for referring to any part of it. Only an external stimulus can force a person to truly learn. A person on an intellectual level feels a need only when he lacks the skills to solve current tasks. Then you have to turn to the experience of other people and learn more or less effectively.

Popular philosophy


What is food for the mind? Not just a book. There are also professional magazines, and good films, and audio books. It is not enough just to give food - hunger is necessary for its assimilation. And it is felt very strongly in modern society. The top ten best-selling books include … the works of Karl Marx. Of course, this list also includes Plato with Aristotle, and Machiavelli. Why is so much attention paid to such old, non-modern books? Probably because the number of ideas in the world is limited, and all the bright solutions are just a combination of the already known, applied appropriately and on time.

Knowledge without a university

The possibilities of self-learning are not as great as we would like. And the problem is not that it is difficult to force oneself. The problem is that for burning a fire of motivation there must be constant interaction with people who are also versed in the subject and can set new tasks for you. That is, the stimulating environment is the most important for the development of intelligence. That is why for the majority it is justified to receive an official education, even if in absentia. And it's not about recognition and the need for a diploma, it's about training and knowledge itself.

What is better


Ideal training is obtained if possible immediately apply knowledge in practice, make mistakes and create your own tactics to deal with them. And to see errors, feedback is often necessary. And the teacher gives such a connection, it is for accelerating learning that he gets his salary. Of course, there are people with a very high learning ability who practically do not need a teacher. But such a quality is acquired in the process of learning, so few who, barely reaching adulthood, are able to become self-taught. But what about children completing the full course of 15-16 years, you ask. Their stimulating environment, as a rule, is a supporting or pressing family (often two in one).

What is food for the mind? Any information that is needed. What about real, physical food? Even ancient students knew that overeating does not contribute to a good assimilation of information. Excess food interferes with the subtleties of the mind. And physiology is to blame, not willpower. Learning requires tension, and eating relaxes.