the culture

What does it mean, the meaning of the word and the appropriateness of use

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What does it mean, the meaning of the word and the appropriateness of use
What does it mean, the meaning of the word and the appropriateness of use

Video: Find appropriate words | learn trick of finding appropriate words |useful for all competitive exams 2024, July

Video: Find appropriate words | learn trick of finding appropriate words |useful for all competitive exams 2024, July

The rapid penetration of Internet slang in all spheres of life leads to the fact that people use many words, almost without delving into their meaning. This sometimes leads to embarrassment or outright embarrassment, so it’s better to make inquiries just in case and expand your vocabulary consciously. How many people know what it means "pofapal"? Even if you consider that this is the slang of Internet users, not all regular visitors to the worldwide network can confidently decipher this concept.


The origin and meaning of the word

The pioneer can be considered the author of a rather popular web comic strip Sexy Losers, who adapted the typical onomatopoeic signs for the English language. That is how the writing fap-fap-fap came about. Such a rather funny combination denotes the sounds characteristic of male masturbation.

This onomatopoeia quickly leaked into a wider range of applications and began to develop rapidly, following all linguistic laws. It came to Russian already from the English-speaking Internet, like many other concepts. So now, in some cases, you can say "pofapal", which means literally "masturbated."


Word forms and their application

From almost any noun, a verb form, an adjective, or an adverb can be derived. Onomatopoeia is no exception, so from the usual “fap-fap” all the other word forms began to gradually develop and are actively used.

Slang allows you to communicate in public, while creating a kind of privacy, unless someone wonders what it means "pofapal", but is unlikely to require explanation. At the same time, the word successfully replaces the more indecent and even obscene version, which often means a session of self-satisfaction.

Another interesting nuance is the clearly defined gender orientation of the word, which in the Russian language is rapidly blurred. If initially only a man can fap, then why do girls and women freely use this word? Oldfags insist that a similar process in female performance sounds like a “flip-flip, ” that is, a lady can only flip, but not blink. Opponents most often suggest that zealots of sexual segregation shut up, it is rather difficult to find arguments here. But if a girl says “pofapu”, what does she mean?
