women's issues

Marvelous metamorphoses: the woman dreamed of getting into jeans of size 20, as a result, proudly wears the 12th and does not give up her favorite chips and ice cream

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Marvelous metamorphoses: the woman dreamed of getting into jeans of size 20, as a result, proudly wears the 12th and does not give up her favorite chips and ice cream
Marvelous metamorphoses: the woman dreamed of getting into jeans of size 20, as a result, proudly wears the 12th and does not give up her favorite chips and ice cream

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Video: Friends: Best Moments of Season 1 to Binge at Home | TBS 2024, July

The heroine of our article is 29-year-old Alex Pierson from Hampshire. Once she wore clothes of the 22nd size (+ XXXL) and longed to lose weight. And she did it. Now the girl is proudly wearing the 12th size, while continuing to enjoy chips and ice cream. How did she do it?

Way to lose weight

Alex admits that she always felt confident in her body, no matter how much she weighed. But at one point she admitted that she wants to change her lifestyle and lose weight.

Having moved to a new district in 2015, the girl really began her life from scratch, and her first step was joining a group of people seeking to reduce their weight. The photograph shown shows Alex in 2012.


The girl says that before losing weight, she really was sometimes nervous in certain situations. For example, when trying to squeeze into your seat on an airplane. And when she was relaxing in Spain and having fun at the water park, she was asked if she was pregnant. Alex laughed, but deep down she was upset.

Moving from her small area to a more developed, large, she decided that this is the best time to join the weight loss group. Alex says that earlier she would be ashamed to decide on such an act, because everyone in the district would know what she was doing.

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Goal setting

Alex decided to lose weight up to size 20. And it is desirable for Christmas. Thanks to her determination and support from a group of losing weight, she managed to achieve this result in just a couple of weeks.


At that moment, the girl realized - it's not just the numbers on the scales. She really saw the result, felt better, easier, more confident in herself.

At that time, the girl already went to the gym, was engaged in swimming and often walked, but she continued to actively lean on food.

Craving Addiction

Alex admits that she always had a strained relationship with food. She even hid the treats from her mother and ate them in secret. Also, the girl did not miss the opportunity to buy harmful fast food. Now Alex confidently states - she really had problems, suffering from addiction to food.


The group explained to her how important it is to establish their diet, and that it is not at all necessary to give up all the edible pleasures - you only need to gradually reduce the amount of food consumed.

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Reducing the amount of food eaten, Alex began to get more pleasure from food. The girl began to appreciate every portion of ice cream or chips. She used to eat this when she wanted to, and didn't really concentrate on taste. After the start of losing weight, everything changed.

Life changes

In February 2017, Alex went on a so-called trip to reduce weight. On the trip, she met James, with whom they quickly began a relationship.


Everything was fine, but suddenly the girl noticed that she was gaining weight again - after all, young people often had dinner together and drank. This did not suit her and, remembering everything that she was taught in the group (especially about willpower), she took control of herself. James, by the way, also joined.

Young people now lead a healthy lifestyle. Alex says that her boyfriend knows what foods she eats regularly, and always buys them with care, even prepares certain dishes.