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Denis Casper: creativity, biography and personal life

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Denis Casper: creativity, biography and personal life
Denis Casper: creativity, biography and personal life

Video: Doug & Mike Starn Interview: The Artist We Are Together 2024, July

Video: Doug & Mike Starn Interview: The Artist We Are Together 2024, July

Denis Casper is a talented dancer, finalist of various competitions and championships. Together with his talented partners - Ksenia and Maria - the artist conquered many judicial boards, and the TV show "Dancing with the Stars" brought him popularity, where famous movie actors and musicians took part in the production of amazingly beautiful and talented numbers presented to the court of television viewers.


Denis Casper, whose biography could have developed completely differently, chose a path atypical for a boy in his childhood. He hails from Kyrgyzstan, from the small town of Osh. Dancing has become his main hobby since childhood. In general, little Denis had a lot of hobbies: photography, theater, swimming at different distances. He also received a musical education at the appropriate school, which later became very useful for him in creative activity.

And the main reason for immersion in the dance was children's love. Denis really wanted to dance with the girl he liked, this became his main stimulus for development in the choreographic field. Having reached the set goal and taking a place in a pair next to the object of his feelings, he began to study dance professionally and seriously - until real success appeared.

Of course, there were times when others advised Denis Casper to choose a “normal” profession - for a boy from a Kyrgyz town, the choice was atypical. But for him this was not the question - he did not want to fly into space, nor work at the factory, just dance.

Family tandem

Denis and Ksenia Casper - one of the most outstanding dance duets in the last decade. So says most critics and art critics in the field of dance. Absolute harmony, coherence, mutual understanding at all levels, coupled with mutual talent and incredible hard work - these are the components of the success of this beautiful charming couple.

Denis and Ksenia managed to win a lot of prizes and cups at various competitions and competitions. Despite the periodic bias or even bias of judges, the creative tandem never showed discouragement or disappointment with low estimates. On the contrary, demonstrating sincerity, joy in the dance, generously sharing his mutual happiness with the audience, Denis and Ksenia won the hearts of the audience and remained in memory for a long time.

Despite the complete harmony in teamwork and relationships, this couple is no longer family. Since 2007, both artists decided to go on different roads both in the profession and in life. Denis met Maria Bakumets, with whom they began to dance together, and in 2008 they got married. This is a real union of two strong, extraordinary personalities. According to Denis, Maria became for him a storehouse of female wisdom and prudence, which he often lacks in the creative heat. Despite the strong character traits of both, loving spouses live in complete harmony and fruitfully work on new programs.

Dance ideals

Of great importance in the life of the already famous and recognized master Casper Denis was played by his teachers and trainers. His main teachers in Russia and the only ones in life, by and large, were Ilya Danilov and Tatyana Rybalko.

Of course, later, developing and growing up within the professional field, Casper changed teachers. But his first teachers put his whole soul into him and discovered new facets of the dance profession, they were an ideal and an object of admiration for Denis. It was Ilya and Tatyana who helped the creative duo of Denis and Ksenia to move to work in Moscow, where the couple was able to achieve popularity and occupy high positions in various competitions. The main teacher for Denis eventually became Alan Thornsberg, who gave the creative couple real fundamental knowledge, combined the details of professional skills in a harmonious mosaic.

Professional principles

Denis Casper believes that the fate of the dancer should be a conscious choice, otherwise any rhythm will become a routine, a boring duty and tiresome work for hire. His profession became everything for him - a source of income, and inspiration, and joy, happiness.

The basic principle that Denis adheres to is honesty in everything.


This may be a banal statement, but the artist emphasizes that the viewer cannot be deceived, and the judges can be arbitrarily biased or biased. But even a layman will quickly feel insincerity when speaking - everything is transmitted through intuition, energy channels that go from the dancer to the public. Denis himself strives to be honest with colleagues, competitors and students - not to flatter, not to regret beyond measure, not to torture for no reason, but also not to relax. Self-discipline, professional openness, industriousness - these are the three pillars on which the creative process of an artist, deservedly successful throughout the country and abroad, rests on.

Judicial affairs

Denis Casper is a dancer whose biography is full of a variety of creative outbursts, victories and defeats, ups and downs. Who better than he knows what ratings can be given to this or that artist? Denis also had the opportunity to be the object of strict observation and analysis, and to sit on the commissions, giving marks to the contestants, and teach. Which side of the dance floor is harder, it's hard to say for sure. Obviously, the artist gives all his best to achieve extremely high results, and the opinion of judges is not always objective. But, according to Denis, standing or sitting all day in a panel of judges is much harder than spending a day in a state of dance. Plasticity, a sense of rhythm and the creation of a beautiful dance line are tiring, but they give incomparable satisfaction with anything - here you gain more than you lose.

The stereotype of most dancers is that after the end of the competition their vigorous activity ends, it remains only to judge and teach. Denis does not agree with this position. In his opinion, a career does not end there. In addition, the artist is not interested in idle conversations about who and to whom for what set certain ratings. In this matter, he also adheres to the once-chosen principle of honesty, responsibly approaches the assessment of other people's speeches. He seeks to evaluate without taking into account who he is familiar with, or starting from personal sympathies: “If you are subjective, it is better to be honest in your subjectivity.”

Pedagogical techniques

Despite the actual end of the dance career, the artist can use his creative charge in teaching, Denis believes. You can always come up with something, dance with students, enjoy work, teaching people from scratch.


Of course, it is difficult to teach a beginner in 1-2 years everything that he himself has gone through 20 years of intense professional activity, but this goal is not set.

Denis seeks to share with his students any knowledge and skills, which brings him real pleasure from the teaching process and from dance.

"Dancing with the Stars"

The famous television show, which brought Casper a truly popular love, was a turning point in the life of the artist. But Denis refers to his popularity philosophically. He considers television a good, but merciless school: the camera “scans” everything that is in a person, not sparing and not hiding flaws, flaws in work, all emotions, even momentary. This suggests that not everyone can act in films and even in television programs. In addition to kinogenicity, looseness, control of your passions and the ability to analyze your own movements are necessary, especially for dancers.


After all, dance is not just a competent statement of the body or movement in a certain rhythm. This is a way to convey to the public your emotions, which should be convincing and frank. Recognition of the viewer cannot be “bought” either by a big name, or by cups and awards; it is either there or not.

Famous namesake

The dancer, known in Russia, is sometimes confused with his full namesake. More recently, everyone was hearing Denis Casper - a rapper from Germany, who was declared a non-grata person in the United States because of his sympathy for the ISIS terrorist organization that provoked the war in Syria.


The reader actively propagated Islam in his videos and even demonstrated the severed head of one of the opponents of this trend in the video.

Denis Casper, a rapper known as Deso Dogg, supported Islamic political groups, including the Islamic State. The musician went to Syria to support his like-minded people. Denis Casper died during air raids in Syria, according to the United States Department of Defense.


The US military notes that the missiles were aimed not at the person of Casper, who was in the car at the time of the shell explosion, but at the members of al-Qaeda.

The singer had been declared dead or missing several times before. During an air attack by the U.S. Air Force over the city of Raqqa on October 16, 2015, the Islamic rapper was found dead under the rubble resulting from the bombing.


It is reported that the deceased was 39 years old, three years ago he became a member of the Islamic State terrorist organization.

Everyone can dance

Choreographer Denis Casper teaches dance at the famous Galla Dance school today. Here, in his opinion, everyone can learn to dance professionally. For Denis, the challenge is to teach a person the plasticity of movement from scratch, to make a finished “product” out of him. He likes to choose the right, individual teaching methodology, taking into account saving time and effort: “You need to dance easily, the process should bring joy.”