
Dmitry Koldun: biography, career, interesting facts. Personal life, family of Dmitry Koldun

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Dmitry Koldun: biography, career, interesting facts. Personal life, family of Dmitry Koldun
Dmitry Koldun: biography, career, interesting facts. Personal life, family of Dmitry Koldun

Video: Dima Koldun Happy 24th Birthday biography part 1 video 2024, June

Video: Dima Koldun Happy 24th Birthday biography part 1 video 2024, June

There is no mystical connotation in the name of this artist. He received audience appreciation thanks to his talent. Who is Dmitry Koldun? Biography, star family, other interesting facts will be the subject of further consideration.


“Conjuring” since childhood

Dmitry was born in Belarus in 1985. It would be wrong to say that he had dreamed about the scene since childhood, since he had nothing to do with music. Dmitry's family was not distinguished by anything special. Parents worked as school teachers, and he thought about medicine. In addition to the fact that Dmitry was studying in high school, he began to attend a specialized medical training course. It is worth noting that with the progress of the young man everything was in order.

It seemed that now many doors were open for him, but why did Dmitry Koldun change his mind? The biography has information indicating that he changed his preferences. At the university, Dima forgot about medicine. He was especially good at chemistry - organic, physical. For many years, an educational institution was considered prestigious, because no one from the environment of the teenager doubted that he would graduate as a graduate.

Global change

He connects this period with the desire to devote himself to show business. In many ways, this was facilitated by Brother George, who had already put together his own group.


The big surprise was the news that Dmitry Koldun became a participant in the second season of the People’s Artist program. The biography of this assertive young man has facts that characterize his passion for music against the backdrop of “illness”. That is how those who are next to him responded. Dmitry constantly improved his skills, worked seven days a week, dreaming of breaking through to the top. Channel "Russia" showed the program "People's Artist" in 2004. The audience liked the Sorcerer, despite the fact that he did not win in the project.

It was far from widespread recognition. He collaborates with the Belarus Concert Orchestra, participates in the “Slavic Bazaar”, represents his country at the Eurovision preliminaries.

During this period, newly-minted fans are especially interested in the “almost” held Dmitry Koldun. The biography, the personal life of the young artist becomes often discussed. It is understandable: talented, handsome, single. The press gets information from his childhood. It becomes known that the creative potential of the Sorcerer is not limited to music. At school, he tried himself as a writer, created the work “Dog Polkan”, which quickly dispersed in the school corridors. Peers noted the ability of Dima; moreover, most of the story contained words beginning with the letter “P”. Journalists dug up a long-forgotten fact - “Dog Polkan” was published in a local newspaper, so Dmitry really gained his first fame as a writer.

Peak of popularity: shows, festivals, television projects

2006 is a momentous time in which Dmitry Koldun fully manifests himself. The biography of the musician remembers his participation in the sixth “Star Factory”, and … first place among the finalists! Dima was remembered by the audience as a hardworking, balanced artist who fully appreciated the opportunity to gain experience and a good impetus in his future career. He is ahead of his colleagues - Arseny Borodin and Zara, has close cooperation with Viktor Drobysh, who became his producer. “Star Factory” allows him to meet with the legendary band Scorpions and perform together the famous hit Still Loving You. With the end of the project, the Sorcerer enters into the created KGB group, which consists of other participants in the television project, but quickly leaves it.


Dreams of conquering Eurovision again remind of themselves. Despite the previous failure several years earlier, Dmitry does not stop, especially since his name is now positioned in a completely different way. Belarus at the competition is Dmitry Koldun. The singer’s family and friends are proud that he brought his country a prize. This is not a frequent case when Belarus falls into the top ten finalists. Of course, she gladly opens her arms for her winner. Colleagues on the stage congratulate Dmitry on a successful performance, noting his performance, and the song Work Your Magic is on the top of the charts in several countries. Philip Kirkorov put his hand to its creation. He takes the Sorcerer to a new level, becomes his good friend.

Dmitry Koldun. Biography

The musician’s wife is no less interesting than himself. Journalists become aware that he met with Victoria Hamitskaya since school times. The girl is not related to show business, but all this time she was constantly next to her beloved. In 2012, Dmitry made her an offer, finally getting rid of the status of an enviable bachelor. A year later, the couple had a first-born son, Yang.
