
It is interesting. How long does a fly live?

It is interesting. How long does a fly live?
It is interesting. How long does a fly live?

Video: The Life Cycle Of A Common House Fly 2024, July

Video: The Life Cycle Of A Common House Fly 2024, July

They are annoying and unpleasant. You shrug them off, but you won’t be able to drive away or scare this annoying buzzing insect. They freak out. Yes, all these unflattering sayings about flies. Man is not very pleased with such a neighborhood, but what can you do. A fly and a man are always there.

I wonder how long a fly lives? Did anyone ask themselves such a question and did they get an answer? Let's get to know these insects better.

The most interesting thing is that when you learn how much a fly lives, each of you will most likely be surprised. After all, the life span of this annoying and unpleasant insect is very short. But they manage to get bored and strain for their short life not only people, but also animals.

A fly is an insect that lives nearby human dwellings. She feeds on the remnants of food and life of a living creature. Flies lay larvae that mature for about 3 weeks. The larva is developing rapidly. As soon as it turns into a chrysalis, only a few days are enough for a fly to emerge that can produce offspring. One and a half days is enough for her to become an adult from a pupa. Just imagine how many generations of flies are born in a year!

On the other hand, despite such a birth rate, most of these insects do not survive even a week old, becoming fodder for other earthly inhabitants. Birds, frogs, lizards and spiders will enjoy a bite to eat.

How long do they live?

Let's say right away how long a fly lives - not for long. On average, about three weeks, if the living conditions are not quite suitable. But if she finds a decent home for herself: warm and full, she can last longer - about 2-3 months.

Why do these insects live so little? The thing is that they are very dependent on the environment, temperature. In order for the fly to feel normal, the temperature around it should be at least 20 and no more than 25 degrees.

But, talking about how much a fly lives, one nuance should be noted. If she was born on the eve of winter, then her life will increase much. With a decrease in temperature and the onset of winter days, the insect falls asleep. Simply put, it freezes in one place and outwardly seems dead. But as soon as the first rays of the sun warm its wings and warm its body, then this buzzing adhering insect again wakes up and comes to life.

Flies are everywhere. The harm and benefits of their existence

They are terrible and unpleasant. They are also carriers of diseases. They, flying in garbage cans and slaughterhouses, can bring infections into a person’s house. Some flies also lay larvae in the wounds of living creatures, which, during their maturation, feed on the tissues and blood of a person or animal. All this is true. For example, in Africa, due to the large number of fly populations, a state of emergency has been declared. Recently, flocks of red-headed flies have increased. It lays the larvae in the body of the animal and man, which eat the body from the inside. As a result of the settlement of such parasites, it is impossible to escape.

Regardless of whether you found a Drosophila fly on a table or its wide-winged sister, I immediately want to slam it with something. Yes, not a single person would wish to live with such a creature in the neighborhood. However, it should be noted that flies bring not only harm, but also benefit. For example, among them there are those who process dead plants, dead animals. The larva of a fly destroys caterpillars, fights against bugs. And there are also such individuals who, flying, pollinate flowers and plants.

In a word, to say unequivocally that flies on our planet do not belong - is not permissible. Yes, in nature everything is interconnected. And, although the age of the fly is not so long, for its short existence, this insect brings enough benefit.