
Philosophy and Mythology: Similarities and Differences

Philosophy and Mythology: Similarities and Differences
Philosophy and Mythology: Similarities and Differences

Video: What Is Myth? Crash Course World Mythology #1 2024, July

Video: What Is Myth? Crash Course World Mythology #1 2024, July

Philosophy could not arise on its own. Its birth as a science was preceded by other forms of human consciousness that existed previously. Moreover, the stage of domination of other species and forms, which are united by the common name "mythology", takes a longer historical period of time due to the fact that it goes back to the depths of human history.

Philosophy and mythology are parts of a single whole, because the first of them was formed on the basis of the acquired experience of the second.

The fact is that mythological consciousness is the most ancient form of consciousness as such. It is this type of historical form that combines a collection of traditions. They at the appropriate time were the basis of all human consciousness.

Myth is the main structural element of this form of perception of being. Philosophy and mythology have one root, which is this ancient legend, the essence of which is no less real than many theories in science. The fact is that all myths are an implementation of behavioral logic, and not a priori conclusions. However, since they are the basis of being that existed many millennia ago, there are significant differences between modern scientific approaches and the historical past.

So, the first difference between philosophy and mythology is that the consciousness that underlies the second form is not theoretical, but developed on the basis of the practical ideas of many generations, their experience and worldview. All the main structural units are inextricably linked and represent a single system. Moreover, we note that these interweaving of concepts in subsequent scientific theories will occupy opposite positions (for example, fantasy and reality, thing and word, creation and its name).

Philosophy and mythology differ from each other because there is no contradiction in myth, while in all the judgments of philosophers, the central place is occupied by the positioning of phenomena.

In addition, here there is the concept of the complete genetic relationship of all creatures on earth, although in the future such a perception will be considered as an opinion that does not have logic and meaning.

Note that everything sacred and sacred is alien to philosophy. Judgments are based on assumptions that have a more or less real basis. But in mythology, all life should stand on those postulates that were bequeathed to the ancestors. This consciousness is alien to the sensation of the movement of time, which is evidenced by the division of the history of life on earth into two periods: the era of the "golden age" (people at that time were perfect) and the "profane" era (morals are completely corrupted).

Myth is a sign system, which is based on the weak development of abstract forms, metaphor and emotionality. However, philosophy and mythology are connected precisely with these concepts, because such a perception of human and world life cannot disappear as a result of historical development. The fact is that theory becomes a necessary attribute of human life when there is a feeling of dissatisfaction with experience and a desire to comprehend the world without involving practical foundations. Philosophy is based on a thought that does not take its roots in traditions and legends. She does not support faith in her theories, but evidence.

Thus, philosophy and mythology, the similarities and differences of which really exist, nevertheless, operate inextricably and synchronously. Both historical directions are based on the so-called surprise, which provides an impetus for further knowledge. It turns out that mythology carries in itself a self-contained surprise, which must only be accepted. But after this stage, philosophy begins the time of cognition and search of evidence for one or another concept.

In general, philosophy is a rationalized form of mythology.