association in the organization

Sports and athletic organizations: classification, development factors and activities

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Sports and athletic organizations: classification, development factors and activities
Sports and athletic organizations: classification, development factors and activities

Video: HSC PDHPE Option 2 - Sports as a Commodity 2024, July

Video: HSC PDHPE Option 2 - Sports as a Commodity 2024, July

Federations, sports associations, professional leagues, youth sports schools, sports clubs, voluntary sports societies and fitness clubs are all organizations working in the field of physical education and sports. In Russia, there are many such organizations that pursue specific goals, whether it is educational activities, sports and fitness work with the population or the organization of sports and sports work to educate professional athletes. The promotion of healthy lifestyle, the introduction into the mass consciousness of the idea of ​​the importance of physical development, the education of sports culture are becoming increasingly relevant in modern society. This is due to the fact that the duration and quality of life of the population directly depends on the physical culture and sports policy in the country.

Legal aspect

In Russia, the activities of sports organizations are regulated by Federal Law No. 329-FZ.


The orientation and specialization of such entities is different, but they all have a legal nature. According to article 10, the legal form of physical education and sports organizations and their functioning are identical to the norms provided for commercial and non-commercial organizations. Commercial companies work for profit (for example, fitness clubs). Non-profit associations pursue other goals: introducing the population to the HLS, popularizing certain sports areas and the like. The membership of physical education and sports organizations in sports associations of an international level gives them rights and obligations corresponding to the status, but only if the latter do not go against the legislation of the Russian Federation. The effective work of such associations contributes to the rise of amateur and professional sports.

Functions of sports organizations:

  • distribution among the population of physical education and sports;
  • protection and promotion of the health of athletes and all persons involved in sports and training events;
  • providing the necessary conditions for the training process;
  • assistance to athletes and coaches in achieving high results in sports activities.

State sports organizations

To ensure the educational and training processes, create a sports reserve and train professional athletes, special institutions are created in the country. These include physical education and sports organizations and educational institutions. The educational and training process involves the preparation and conduct of events, including the material support of participants during the competition (nutrition, equipment, medical care). Preparation is carried out on the basis of standard educational programs developed based on the results of scientific and applied research in the field of physical culture and physical education. Also, government organizations carry out most management functions. The types of government FSO are listed below.

State FSO State bodies

Federal governing bodies of the FCS



Management bodies of the FCS of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Sports committees (regional, regional, republican), various ministries, departments, departments.
Municipal governing bodies of the FCS Sports committees (urban, rural), administration departments
Educational and scientific institutions in the field of physical culture and fitness Universities, institutes
Institutions of physical education and sports, carrying out additional educational and preparatory activities in the field of physical culture and sports, as well as sports training centers. Children’s sports schools, children’s and youth sports schools of the Olympic reserve, RBM, etc.


Departmental, public and private organizations working in the field of physical culture and fitness are created with the aim of introducing the general population to the HLS, as well as to create a reserve in sports and train professional athletes. Such organizations include federations, associations, sports clubs, fitness clubs and the like. The most important public sports organization in Russia is OCD.


The All-Russian Public Association OKR promotes the development of professional and mass sports, implements and supports the principles of the Olympic movement in the country, represents Russia at international events held under the auspices of the International Olympic Committee, approves the composition of participants from Russia and ensures the life of the delegation members during the trip. OCD is financed from its own sources, voluntary donations and funds from the federal budget. Also in the country there are organizations responsible for the preparation and representation of the Paralympic, Deaflympic movement of Russia and the special Olympics. These are the Paralympic Committee of Russia (sports for people with disabilities), the Deafness Committee of Russia (sports for people with hearing impairments) and the Special Olympiad of Russia (sports for people with intellectual disabilities).

All-Russian, regional and local federations

In order to promote and develop a certain type (s) of sport, to conduct sporting events and to prepare athletes, federations of the all-Russian level are created. Organizations formed on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are considered to be regional physical and sports public organizations, and the federations created in the territories of the city district, municipalities or intracity municipality of Moscow and St. Petersburg are local sports federations. The responsibilities of all-Russian, local and regional sports federations are quite extensive. They involve vigorous activity in organizing, conducting, monitoring, improving sports areas for which this or that organization is responsible.


Sports federations of the all-Russian level have the right to hold championships, championships and cups of Russia, to develop competition rules, use the symbols of national teams, exercise control over the activities of judges and coaches, conduct their certification, carry out the formation of national teams of the Russian Federation, organize and conduct sports events of inter-regional, all-Russian and international level. The responsibilities of the all-Russian sports federations include the development of a particular sports direction in the country, the formation of Russian national teams to participate in international competitions, making suggestions for sports and sports events, developing programs for the development of a specific sports discipline, conducting information work, organizing youth competitions Countering doping and discrimination. Sports federations at the regional level have similar rights and obligations only at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Sports clubs

Legal entities and individuals have the right at the place of residence or work, as well as on the basis of various sports associations (school, student, etc.) to create physical education and sports clubs that carry out physical education, training, competitive and educational activities. Their financing is carried out at the expense of own funds and other sources not prohibited by law. The main activity of sports clubs is the organization of fitness and health and sports activities with various groups of citizens.

Sports clubs come in different types:

  • at general educational organizations;
  • at educational organizations of professional and higher education;
  • at enterprises, institutions, organizations;
  • fitness clubs;
  • clubs at institutions and organizations in the community;
  • children's and teenage clubs;
  • clubs at institutions and organizations of adaptive physical education and sports.

Most of the population today is engaged in fitness clubs, which are in many localities. These institutions began to open in Russia after perestroika. Now it is a popular type of sports and recreational paid services that allows not only to adjust the figure, but also to achieve significant results in strengthening health and maintaining good health. The fitness industry offers a wide range of services for different groups of the population. Experts note that the pace of development of such services in the world is second only to high technology. The key features of fitness are continuous technical improvement, updating training programs and the possibility of an individual approach to clients. If we compare Russia with other countries, here the level of sports activity is still low. In Russia, initially the fitness industry worked for the premium class, and only in 2005 appeared middle-class clubs, which, of course, increased the number of adherents of sports.

Sports and fitness work

Developed countries have long established the dependence of the life expectancy of the population on state policy in the field of fitness and health work with citizens. Studies show that physical education and sports increase the body's resistance to various diseases and improve the general condition of a person. Recreational physical-sports organizations are called upon to satisfy the population’s need for strengthening and maintaining health, rehabilitation and sports activities. These services include:

  • educational and training process;
  • conducting classes in physical education and sports;
  • the organization of spectacular events in the field of sports;
  • providing the public with facilities that meet all the requirements for sports;
  • the provision of educational and advisory services, etc.

Classes in physical education and sports include group work in general physical training and fitness training, individual programs, organization of competitions and various types of leisure activities.


The organization and holding of physical culture and sports events, as well as sports and entertainment, involves the holding of various public holidays, evenings, concerts, meetings, and demonstrations. The educational and training process is aimed at providing quality services for the formation of knowledge, skills and motor actions in a specific sports discipline. Information and consulting and educational services include the provision of general and detailed information about the services provided, testing, expert advice, preparation of recommendations, as well as retraining and advanced training in the field of physical education and training.

Recreational physical-sports organizations vary in ownership, activity, and composition of services. They are united by following consumer preferences and requirements for the quality of services provided.

Wellness Requirements

Sports services should form the idea of ​​healthy lifestyle among citizens, be environmentally friendly and safe. Comfort, aesthetics, timeliness, entertainment, information, social targeting of the services provided, as well as the ethics of the staff should be ensured. The creation of a healthy lifestyle involves the dissemination of knowledge about the importance of classes, the availability of sports services for the population, the use of various methods and types of measures aimed at strengthening and improving the body, supporting the health of citizens, training and medical consultation.

Social targeting provides services to meet expectations, and most importantly - the capabilities of various groups. All sports services must comply with safety requirements and not harm the life, health and property of consumers. For this, fire safety requirements, sanitary hygiene standards, medical care and injury prevention must be taken into account. In sports facilities, the necessary microclimate indicators must be present, the permissible levels of harmful substances and noise must not be exceeded. There are certain requirements for the adjacent territories, for the cleaning of these territories and internal premises. Attendants must have the necessary sports and professional qualifications, ensure consumer safety, know the procedure for emergency situations, have the skills of teaching and organizational and methodological activities.


The organization of physical culture and sports events

Such events may have a different focus: educational, propaganda, competitive. The conditions for their implementation are determined by the organizers, who have the right:

  • stop and stop events;
  • adjust the time;
  • approve the results;
  • promote public order at events;
  • determine compensation payments to volunteers, judges, supervisory managers, as well as the norms for providing them with things and equipment, food standards and living conditions;
  • set additional requirements for viewers;
  • use the names of the event and its symbols;
  • Place ads in the venue
  • choose manufacturers of equipment and equipment;
  • cover events;
  • determine the types, procedure for the application, enforcement and termination of sports sanctions.

The procedure for conducting official physical culture and sports events in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as international sports events, has its own characteristics and is regulated by article 20 of federal law No. 329-FZ.


The organization of sports and recreational and sporting events without fail includes the development of regulations on competitions, approval of the organizing committee and a plan for preparing for the event. The plan addresses all issues related to the event: location, opening and closing scenario, appointment of a panel of judges, places of residence and meals of participants, advertising issues, provision of medical services and many other organizational issues. The outcome of the event depends on the clarity, thoughtfulness and literacy of the preparatory part.

Sports to the masses

The state policy for the development of mass physical education and sports is implemented by all subjects of the Russian Federation. The main goal is to attract the population to regular sports and physical education. The organization of physical culture and sports activities takes place in all directions and affects various groups of the population. It uses competitive practice, various contests, training camps, seminars, conferences, promotion of healthy lifestyle and so on. The organization of mass physical-sports events in the subjects contributes to an increase in adherence to healthy lifestyle, especially among the younger generation.


The issue of organizational work with remote rural settlements, in which there is not even a sports school, remains relevant. Correctly delivered work with the population contributes to:

  • strengthening the body;
  • the development of key motor qualities;
  • the formation of the habit of physical education and sports;
  • education of certain moral qualities that will be useful in everyday life.

Forms of working with the population are classes in circles and sections, hiking, sports competitions, physical education and sports holidays and the like. And the more such events are held in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the higher the percentage of the population involved in physical education and healthy lifestyle ideas.

Sports and fitness services

Currently, in Russia there are a large number of recreational physical-sports organizations. Sports and fitness services are provided in health centers, gyms, centers, studios, clubs and similar enterprises. Successful activities, impeccable reputation guarantee the organization a stable flow of customers. The focus of health training is mainly reduced to general physical training in accordance with the age and physical data of students, as well as to hardening, swimming, health running and walking. Such services are gaining popularity in fitness centers. In particular, the “healthy spine” course is introduced in many fitness clubs, since it is precisely the problems with the back that concern every second Russian citizen today.


Depending on the combination of exercises and their pace, fitness classes are sports or wellness. In the case of recovery, moderate aerobic exercise and emphasis on the development of flexibility and muscle strength are assumed. The implementation of sports and recreational activities is also carried out at enterprises, institutions and organizations at which clubs for sports interests, sections, health schools and the like are opened. Mass fitness events include various competitions, holidays, festivals, sports and athletics events. Their implementation includes the development of action plans, their provisions and other organizational issues.