
The functions and structure of morality

The functions and structure of morality
The functions and structure of morality

Video: Right and Wrong: How Flexible Is Our Sense of Morality? 2024, July

Video: Right and Wrong: How Flexible Is Our Sense of Morality? 2024, July

Morality is a rather complex phenomenon that contradicts the form of social thinking. On the other hand, it can be characterized as the norm of values ​​and principles that determine the actions of people. Such a set of moral ideals, rules and requirements of behavior illustrates the relationship of people in the context of the definitions of evil and good, justice, class and status of each person.

The concept and structure of morality are determined by the many functions performed by it. The specific essence of this component of human behavior was formed under the influence of a long period of history. Let us consider in more detail each of the functions.

  1. Cognitive. Teaches people to see the actions of other individuals in terms of moral values.

  2. Educational. It determines the development of certain behavioral stereotypes in each of the individuals. This allows you to convert ethical standards into a persistent habit.

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    Value Oriented. Morality allows you to select certain guidelines for each individual. This function does not carry any practical value, however, it gives a person ideas about his purpose and meaning of life. It is likely that the individual will not reflect on this daily, but at a difficult time, the thought “why am I living?” Flashes in everyone’s head. And the value-orientating function allows you to find the answer to the question.

  4. Regulatory. Moral norms make it possible to control both the actions of an individual individual and the behavior of society as a whole. People do not regulate each other's behavior; moral standards do it for them.

The structure of morality includes several historical levels. Epochs replaced one another, the moral component of social thinking changed. However, the main elements were invariably value orientations, moral judgments and a sense of ethics. The structure of morality presents the elements of moral consciousness at the theoretical level as a whole system of categories of values. Here the criteria of good and evil, happiness, conscience, justice and life are interconnected.


The structure of morality includes such an important component as moral standards. They represent a set of principles that are in the individual and public consciousness. A special property of this component is imperative. Moral norms accumulate useful useful both historical and social experience of many people.

The structure of morality also provides the value orientation discussed earlier. Actions, feelings, hopes and plans - all can be subordinated to a great goal. People are able to give up a lot. All aspects of human life are often guided by moral values.

The structure of morality also determines various psychological mechanisms for personal self-control. One of the most ancient and personal regulators is conscience. Together with honor, a sense of duty and self-esteem, she places a moral responsibility on a person.