
Gantimurova Natalya Sergeevna: biography, personal life

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Gantimurova Natalya Sergeevna: biography, personal life
Gantimurova Natalya Sergeevna: biography, personal life

Natalya Sergeevna Gantimurova fully justified her surname, whose roots go back to ancient princely times. In 2011, this slender dark-haired girl with expressive eyes the color of the deep sea and a charming smile won the hearts of the jury at the contest "Miss Russia". What in her appearance caused such a storm of emotions among the public and overshadowed other beautiful contestants? Its uniqueness, a certain zest leave an indelible impression. The originality, charm, exotic beauty - its main weapon, sizzling men's hearts. But is she so happy in her personal life?


Natalia Gantimurova: biography, childhood of the future "Miss Russia"

On August 14, 1991, in the family of a descendant of the princes Gantimurovs and teacher Svetlana Nosyreva, a girl with beautiful blue eyes was born, who was named Natasha. Grandfather at that time was the head of the large enterprise Yuzhuralzoloto. Her childhood was spent in the small, unremarkable town of Plast (Chelyabinsk region). Gold has been mined here since ancient times. My grandmother worked as an economist in the geological organization of Transbaikalia.

Natalya Gantimurova (born in 1991) grew up as an only child in the family, and her parents tried to give her everything they needed to make her feel really happy. First of all, it was decided to provide her with a good education. From an early age, she began to study foreign languages. Thanks to this, today she is fluent in English and Italian, can read foreign non-adapted literature. Her relatives instilled in her a special passion for reading. And now, despite the full load, she finds time to re-read the classics and books of modern writers.



None of the relatives of Gantimurova set the task of making her the future “miss country”. But education occupied an important place in her life. Due to her well-read, intellect and excellent intelligence, after graduation, the girl entered the Russian Municipal Humanitarian Institute. She chose a faculty that reflected her internal state to a greater extent and promised to become a good specialist - “international relations and foreign regional studies”.

Natalia first began to participate in beauty contests on the basis of the university, where such events were often held. Her first test was successful, she reached the finals of the competition held among students. It was then that she realized what the audience liked, although from an early age she noticed the enthusiasm of others around her extraordinary appearance. After success in the competition, Natasha began to seriously think about taking part in more serious large-scale events.


Life before the beauty contest

Everything went on as usual. After lectures Natasha hurried to prepare for seminars, crammed texts, and in her free time she read foreign literature and improved her knowledge of languages. She was distinguished by moderate sociability and good character. In addition to the original external data, the girl always had (as now) an excellent sense of humor, developed intelligence.

Some people consider it too fragile (with a height of 180 cm, it has a fairly low weight). But this is what gives the appearance a special femininity, sophistication. This causes men to desire to become support and support for her. But, despite her fragility, the girl was always distinguished by high efficiency. After watching one beauty contest in the capital, she firmly decided to be on the podium next to other beauties and began to stubbornly prepare for the next event.


Natasha helps her character

Everyone knows that just having a beautiful appearance is not always enough to succeed. Natalia Gantimurova understood this perfectly. She was preparing to conquer the jury and the audience not only with her beauty, but also with her subtle mind. She is one of those girls who will not think for a long time what to answer in this or that situation. And this played an important role in the future competition.

Having learned about her intentions, Natasha’s relatives not only were not skeptical of her idea, but also supported morally and approved the decision. Such support magically gave strength to the future winner of the beauty contest. The goal was set. And Natasha is one of those girls who are used to getting things done, no matter how thorny the path may be.

Preparation for the contest "Miss Russia"

Natalia by nature had excellent proportions of the figure, which gave her the opportunity not to get involved in strict diets. However, preparation for the competition required some sacrifices. However, for Natalia this was not something difficult. The girl seriously took up body shaping and began to pay more attention to jogging, walking and exercising in gyms. This has yielded positive results. Her figure fits into the world canons of beauty, with a slight digression: 85-61-90. This was enough to participate in the famous competition.

An excellent motive for an undoubted victory was Natalya’s desire to buy some expensive gift for her mother with the money she won, as well as to do charity work. She repeatedly paid attention to orphans who are deprived of everything that her parents could give her. And therefore, she intended to transfer part of the amount received at the competition to the orphanage. Realizing that she "shares the skin of the unkilled bear, " Natasha firmly decided to make the dream a reality.

Looking at fashion magazines, from the covers of which the smiling looks of the winner of beauty contests sent, Natalia chose a certain image for herself that would distinguish her from the mass of other beauties. The secret of originality is simple: the right mascara, a beautiful hairstyle, moderate makeup and a charming smile. Gantimurova Natalia was sure that it would work.


The long-awaited beauty contest "Miss Russia"

Gantimurova Natalya was anxiously awaiting the day when she could show all her talents and show off her original style in public. Realizing the seriousness of future events (after all, the choice of the most beautiful girl in Russia, and not a separate region! Was coming!), The future winner was intensely preparing for the competition. At that time, she was no longer a resident of a modest Plast, but considered herself a metropolitan girl. But the population of the Chelyabinsk region was genuinely sick for their countrywoman and rendered her moral support.

Grandma Natasha and her mother were present in the hall and were very worried about her. She was quite lucky with her rivals, they were pleasant in communication. Normal competitive spirit prevailed. But the shoes in which she had to defile on the catwalk the entire competitive period, really delivered a lot of inconvenience. Even today she recalls them with a shudder. But beauty requires sacrifice, and this Natasha understood.

And then came the long-awaited moment when they announced who won the Miss Russia 2011 contest. Nineteen-year-old Natalya had no doubt that the choice would be in her favor. She shone with happiness when a crown was put on her, the cost of which is more than $ 1 million. It should be said that such an accessory first appeared in 2010 and is distinguished by high cost and luxury from its more modest predecessors. The winner’s prize was one hundred thousand dollars, which she spent partially on a car for her mother and on helping children from the shelter.


Second Goal - Miss Universe

Gantimurova Natalya, having gained invaluable experience in participating in a beauty contest and becoming the most beautiful girl in Russia, decided not to stop at her achievements. She began preparations for a competition that would allow her to receive the title of the most attractive in the world. So Natalia was in Brazil, in the city of São Paulo, in which the girls were invited to be selected for the finals. She became interested in the famous photographer Berisha Fadila, who arranged a grandiose photo shoot. Here, the girl visited orphans, allocating funds as charity.

But, to my great regret, “Miss Russia” Natalya Gantimurova could not get into the finals, she was passed around by other girls from around the world. She was not very upset and felt that the rivals really were better in some way. At the same time, Natasha did not regret a bit about her participation.

Life after receiving the title "Miss Russia"

On November 7, in the capital of Great Britain, another contest was held to identify the most beautiful girl in the world. Natalia took the twentieth place and was pleased with the result. Gantimurova has a cherished dream, to which she aspires - to become a student at Moscow State University. She is intensely preparing for admission to this educational institution and intends to receive two higher educations.

Currently, Natalia Gantimurova works as a model and studies at the university. Ahead of her many projects and various life goals. She is very grateful to the competitions in which she participated, because thanks to them she became even stronger and more confident in herself, and she can also do what she loves.
