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Where to look for adventure? Easy Ways to Find Adventure

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Where to look for adventure? Easy Ways to Find Adventure
Where to look for adventure? Easy Ways to Find Adventure

Video: FASTEST WAY TO GET ADVENTURE RANK! - Genshin Impact 2024, June

Video: FASTEST WAY TO GET ADVENTURE RANK! - Genshin Impact 2024, June

What if bored? Where to look for adventures to dilute the colors of our daily routine? Have you thought about this? Each person at a certain stage of his life catches himself thinking that life has become some kind of monotonous, that I want some kind of change. This path bored you every day you go to school, college or work. Bored with the people you see and communicate with every day. It seems that life is squeezed by strict boundaries beyond which it is impossible to go. It would seem that you did everything in your life wisely, but you still don’t get any pleasure. So what to do? How to help yourself? Let's figure it out and find out where to look for adventure and interest, so that life goes on in a positive rhythm.

Let's change

The comfort zone is that situation in which nothing excites us. Every day we repeat the same settings - we go to work, return home along a familiar route, go to our favorite supermarket and buy the same thing there as a couple of days ago. In general, everything is as always and nothing new. If you do not take any measures and continue in the same rhythm of life, you can plunge headlong into this routine and never see life's joys, besides those that are already close and familiar to us.

Most people will agree with this bitter truth, but they will not do anything, because they do not know what exactly to do. A bunch of excuses and supposedly rational beliefs that will contradict the initiative of innovations will immediately be born in my head. However, can these people understand for themselves that in order to leave the comfort zone it is not necessary to climb the Chomolungma and hammer the flag of their country into the ground. It is not necessary to survive in extreme conditions, like Bear Grylls. There are joys in primitive little things that you were not familiar with before. There are many sane ways in which your life will be interesting and colorful and will not be endangered. Let's make a list of easy ways to find adventure.

Traveling in splendid isolation

Yes, the first thing that comes to mind is to make a trip for yourself. Very commonplace, it is indisputable. But let's look at this option on the other hand. Typically, people travel with family, acquaintances, or friends. They are recorded in tourist groups and, together with a guide (or tour guide), go to various places and take pictures at the monuments at his command. Well, that is too simple and uninteresting. Where is it to get new emotions?


Embark on a journey on their own, without friends and companions. Your pastime will automatically become saturated and active. You must be proactive in communicating with strangers, learn from them, and plan your travel itinerary.

At first glance it seems that it is boring, dull and easy. However, without trying, you will never understand what it really is. You will plunge into a world where every minute you have to learn something, achieve something, go somewhere or go. Constant saturation of emotions will update your routine thoughts. After such an event, you will start to think a little differently, and the world will seem easier. Subsequently, you yourself will tell relatives and friends how to find adventures in the city, and unfamiliar.

Life and adventure. Tip two: become for a moment a child who asks questions

As a child, you asked many questions to your parents, it was very interesting for you to learn the world, and you did not think about the correctness of the question and its relevance. Now that you are an adult, you shut up a little. Why did you do that? Why are you embarrassed to ask people? Do you think that in “Google” you will find everything yourself and you won’t disturb anyone? No, this is very uninteresting. Live communication is still more informative and emotional. Naturally, you, as an adult, must observe correctness and courtesy when asking a question to your interlocutor or a passerby, this distinguishes you from a child, but do not be shy to ask simple questions. After all, this is normal, why not?


Now remember, if the next time in a dialogue with someone you want to get a phone and check this or that information in a search engine, then resist. Just don't do it. Ask your interlocutor, suddenly he knows. So it’s more interesting. Experiments with live communication are now necessary for everyone, and soon everyone will be chatting on Telegram, being in the same room.

We walk more often

Many will prefer to take the subway or bus to get to their destination. Now people do not like to walk on foot. And in vain. Hiking saturates our brain with new emotions, including negative ones. By the way, negative emotions also help to unload, if it’s really boring. Feel the mood of your city, breathe the same atmosphere with it, it is useful. Pay attention to people, discuss them in your head. When life comes very physically close to you, it is extremely difficult for you to ignore it. Each of your hiking trails is your little trip.


Visit a market or fair

Here you will probably say that a supermarket is much more profitable and practical, and you will be absolutely right! But the point is not at all material gain, we are answering the question "where to look for adventure." In supermarkets, people walk silently and gloomily, filling their carts with packaged goods. Well, what kind of adventure can there be? Is it possible to try to bring a chocolate bar through the cashier and ride on a cart for goods? It may seem funny to some, but we are choosing a safer option. But at the fair or market you can talk, have a mess, bargain, try, ask again and argue. Here is just a hotbed of new emotions. Get into this atmosphere and be cunning, you will definitely like it.
