
Where there are a lot of mushrooms in the Leningrad region. Mushroom season in the Leningrad region

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Where there are a lot of mushrooms in the Leningrad region. Mushroom season in the Leningrad region
Where there are a lot of mushrooms in the Leningrad region. Mushroom season in the Leningrad region

Video: MUSHROOM HUNTING IN RUSSIA 2019 Explore Russian forest & Learn Russian 2024, July

Video: MUSHROOM HUNTING IN RUSSIA 2019 Explore Russian forest & Learn Russian 2024, July

It is generally accepted that summer and autumn are the ideal time for picking mushrooms. This is justified by the appearance of large mushroom abundance in this season. More experienced mushroom pickers have already outlined, so to speak, fruitful places in the forests.

What mushrooms are common in the forests of the Leningrad region

They form the following list:

  1. Butterflies. These mushrooms have distinctive features in the form of an oily hat. Her skin peels off easily during cleaning.

  2. Boletus. This species grows most often along the edge of forest roads and has a hat, the diameter of which is about 15 cm. Its color changes periodically, in particular it can be either light gray or brown.

  3. Boletus. They can be found in the forest, as a rule, from the second half of June until October. They grow mainly in large groups. The hat has the shape of a cap and bright red is either gray, or orange, or white.

  4. Ceps in the Leningrad Region are one of the most delicious and beautiful representatives of the mushroom world. They can have very impressive dimensions - in diameter up to 50 cm, and a height of up to 25 cm.


  5. Again These mushrooms appear mainly in the last decade of August and grow until the end of autumn. They can be found on stumps, roots and felled tree trunks of both deciduous and coniferous species. Hats, as a rule, are small in size and light yellow in color, have a flat or slightly concave shape.

  6. Flywheels. They are found singly or in small groups in coniferous or deciduous forests. These mushrooms can be found at the very beginning of summer and collect them until the end of autumn.

Where there are a lot of mushrooms in the Leningrad region

Their very significant amount is observed in the village of Sosnovo, located in the central part of the forest, in which conifers are predominantly. There you can find various types of mushrooms, but the most common ones, such as red and yellow russula, black breast, bitter and chanterelles. Boletus and porcini mushrooms in the Leningrad region can also be found if the season turned out to be rainy. You can get to this village from St. Petersburg by electric train, which leaves from the Finnish station.


Also among avid mushroom pickers, such a place as the railway station "Berngardovka", or rather its surrounding forests, is popular.

If you want to know where there are a lot of mushrooms in the Leningrad Region, then you should pay attention to such a village in coniferous forests as Snegirevka. There are a lot of chanterelles, mushrooms, russula, preloads, and less often, aspen mushrooms with porcini mushrooms. To get to him, you first have to take an electric train to the previously mentioned village of Sosnovo, and there already by bus - to the right place.

Not far from the Vuoksa River extends another mushroom village, which is called Losevo. An electric train from the Finnish railway station also runs to him. Here are boletus, porcini mushrooms, butterflies, and if the year is fruitful, then chanterelles.

Porcini mushrooms in the Leningrad Region (Stekolny settlement) are abundant almost every year of the corresponding season. However, the main difficulty is how to get there. You can only get to these places by car.

What you need to know about mushrooms

  • The first thing that is worth remembering for those who intend to engage in fruitful “quiet hunting” is that mushrooms most often grow in groups, so it’s worth taking a closer look at an already found specimen.

  • The second point - do not collect suspicious, rotten or unfamiliar mushrooms.

  • And the third - they should be put in a basket or basket, due to the fact that they are best able to provide the air circulation required for the preservation of mushrooms.

When is the best time to go to the forest

The season of mushrooms in the Leningrad region fits between the beginning of summer and mid-autumn. In September, autumn mushrooms replaced the summer crop. Now, in the forest, their connoisseurs will have access to glades of honey agarics, sows, flies, whites, brown boletus, preloads, etc.

Unfortunately, October is the last month of the mushroom season, however, the late mushrooms, the last waves, whites and saffron mushrooms can still please all their fans.


What can mushroom picking in the Leningrad Region lead to by untrained amateurs

According to official data, on September 10, 2014 in the intensive care unit of the Toxicology Research Institute of Emergency Medicine. Three Petersburgers turned out to be Janelidze, who were poisoned by poisonous mushrooms collected in the Vsevolozhsk and Tosnensky districts of the Leningrad Region.

According to the head of the above department, Oleg Kuznetsov, it’s very difficult to establish the type of fungus that caused the poisoning. Presumably, it could be a pale toadstool (the most poisonous mushroom).


Since the beginning of the “silent hunt” season in St. Petersburg, this is already the sixth case of poisoning. In August, the first victims were made - one woman and two men. According to the same manager, to date, two patients have been transferred from intensive care, and one victim is still in serious condition.

Thus, it should be borne in mind that in the Leningrad region "mushrooms" went, not only edible, but poisonous. It is necessary to carefully approach the issue of choosing a suitable specimen for food.


What mushrooms became ugly at the beginning of this season in the Leningrad Region

The first representatives were the summer representatives who took the baton at the May lines and morels. They could be found on logs, rotten places and stumps of hardwood. Mushrooms of the Leningrad region in June, based on their quantitative component, were mainly represented by honey mushrooms.

Also in the first month of summer it was possible to meet the so-called spikelet mushrooms. This name is not scientific, but popular. From ancient times, it was noticed that the most sought-after mushrooms begin to appear to hay and ears of rye. From here came their name - hayfields or spikes.

Their official name is boletus, boletus, porcini mushrooms and "mushroom king" - boletus. They are, without exaggeration, the main goal of true mushroom pickers. In this regard, there is a belief: until the first cep is found, the season is not considered open.


What are and where are porcini mushrooms

They have such a name due to the fact that the tubular layer of the lower surface of their cap, mainly among young representatives, remains white even after drying, unlike other fungi of this family in which it blackens.

One of the parameters of their value is the persistence of the aroma, which is stored in any form of processing and in any dish. In terms of taste and nutritional properties, vitamin content, it is the white mushroom that occupies a leading position among all its other colleagues. It belongs to the 1st category and is used in food both fresh and dried, salted and pickled.

It found antibiotics that depress Koch's wand. There is also official evidence that ceps contain substances that can overcome a number of tumors.

They are most often concentrated in a pine forest. Based on the long-term experience of knowledgeable mushroom pickers, their season begins in the last ten days of August and lasts up to about 10 days. After this period, ceps can still be found, but only in small quantities, about ten pieces.

Porcini mushrooms in the Leningrad region mainly live in places such as Kirillovskoye, Yappilya, Mesteryarvi, Zakhodskoye, Gavrilovo, Tarasovskoye, Alekhov and the landfill near Luga.


Distinctive features of a pale toadstool

Inexperienced mushroom pickers quite often take it for champignon or green russula. Therefore, it is worth highlighting three main differences between them:

  1. In a pale toadstool there is always a thickening in the lower part of the leg, and in the above mushrooms it is not.

  2. Her plates on the hat are completely white on the inside, and pink on the champignon.

  3. The leg of the pale toadstool has a membranous ring located slightly below the cap.

It is worth getting the rule: “We collect mushrooms in the Leningrad region and always remember these above differences, and if in doubt, it is better not to take this copy!”

Where to look for boletus in the Leningrad region

According to experienced mushroom pickers, they like places like swamps, as well as the area where a large number of birches grow. Even if they are in the middle of a coniferous forest, near them brown boletus grow necessarily. These mushrooms appear at the very beginning of summer and abound until the end of the season.

If the question arises of where there are a lot of mushrooms in the Leningrad Region, in particular boletus, then you can safely voice such places as Kirillovskoye, the road to Kamenka and the surrounding territories of the village of Yagodnoye. Moreover, mushrooms in these places underwent laboratory tests, the results of which revealed ten times less amount of harmful substances than established by the norm.