
Where is Lisbon located? Description of the city and interesting facts about it

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Where is Lisbon located? Description of the city and interesting facts about it
Where is Lisbon located? Description of the city and interesting facts about it

Video: 15 Things You Didn't Know About Lisbon 2024, July

Video: 15 Things You Didn't Know About Lisbon 2024, July

Lisbon is the capital of Portugal. This city, which is centuries older than Paris and London, is not like any other European capital. It can even be called exotic, thanks to a peculiar culture, which is a mixture of cultures of the ancient civilizations of Asia and Europe, whose natives lived on its territory in the past. Lisbon can not be recognized or confused with another place. One who visits here once will always remember him.



Lisbon is the most western capital of Europe. It is located in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula in the bay of Mar da Paglia and is 15 km away from the Atlantic Ocean, some consider it a funnel-shaped mouth (estuary) of the Tagus river. The city is spread along its banks. The bay where Lisbon (Portugal) is located, or rather its location, is considered the most advantageous from the point of view of economic geography. Maar da Paglia, translated from Spanish and Portuguese, sounds like "thatched sea." She got this name from a large number of grass residues that fall into the water from agricultural fields.

At its western point, the bay is connected to the waters of the Atlantic by a strait through which two bridges are thrown, one of them is named after Vasco da Gama and is the longest in Europe. In addition to the Tagus River, where Lisbon is located, two more rivers flow into the bay: Santo Estevan and Trancan. Due to strong currents and wind, high waves form here, which the Portuguese call bailadeiras (ballerinas). In addition to Lisbon, which is located on the right side of the bay, several provinces of Portugal come out here.


Brief Early History

The settlement of the Iberian Peninsula began during the Neolithic, that is, about 9000 years BC. e. At that time, tribes lived here, which historians are called pre-Celtic. Evidence of their stay can serve as megaliths and dolmens, which are preserved in the suburbs of the capital. The territory where Lisbon is located, history endowed with significant events. Initially, Iberian tribes lived here, replaced by the Phoenicians. They created their trading post on the site of the modern capital of Portugal, with the center of Alice Ubbo. This gives reason to believe that it was from him that the name of the city came - Lisbon.

The Phoenicians were replaced by the Greeks, having a great influence on the locals. After the Greeks, Portugal became a province of the Roman Empire for several hundred years. It was called Lusitania, the province also included the territory where modern Lisbon, at that time called Ulisbon, is located. In the middle of the first millennium, Christianity spreads on the territory of present-day Portugal, which is gradually becoming the main religion.


The formation of the Portuguese state

After the fall of Rome, the invasion of the barbarians begins. In the 5th century AD e. the territory was conquered by the Visigoths, in the VIII century - by Muslim Arabs. During the first Norwegian crusade in 1108, Portugal was liberated, but three years later it was again captured by the Moors. In 1147, Portuguese troops, led by the first king of Portugal, Alfonso I, were expelled. An independent state appears with the capital Lisbon - the main city and port of Portugal.

The era of great geographical discoveries

Since the 15th century, the state of Portugal has been strengthened and flourished. This was facilitated by its advantageous geographical position. Here concentrated untold wealth from around the world. They used spices, slaves, sugar, textiles and other goods. This was especially true of the capital of the young state - Lisbon, whose location was at the intersection of commercial sea and river routes. During this period, the city has grown significantly. The port, located in the capital of Portugal, was the link between the richest cities of the Mediterranean Sea, Middle Asia, India, Brazil and Northern Europe.


The heyday of Lisbon

Many sailors of that time knew this city and its exact location, where Lisbon and Portugal are located, since it was already known as a large port. From Lisbon, sea expeditions went to new, not yet discovered lands. An example of this is the famous expedition of Vasco de Gama to the shores of distant India. At that time, residents of many coastal countries knew where Lisbon was located, the capital of which state it was. The wealth of the city grew from year to year. New colonies in America, Asia, Africa brought considerable dividends to the treasury of the country.

Initially, the main financial flows of the city were concentrated in the hands of moneylenders of Jewish Sephardim. The elite of the Portuguese elite provoked a Jewish pogrom in 1506, as a result of which 3, 000 Jews were killed, the remaining representatives of this nationality were forced to flee. As a result, the Portuguese began to control the money circulation, which led to even greater enrichment and prosperity of Lisbon. It was at this time that the development of the architectural style of Manuelino, which includes the Tori di Belen and the Jeronimos Monastery, took place.


Earthquakes in the XIV-XVIII centuries

Starting from the XIV century, the Iberian Peninsula, namely its southwestern part, where Lisbon is located, was pursued by a series of destructive earthquakes (there were 17 in all), as a result of which most of the buildings were destroyed. The last earthquake in 1755 claimed the lives of about 40 thousand people, 85% of urban buildings and structures lay in ruins. It did not spare much of the sights either. The coastal parts of the city and fishing villages, together with the population, were washed away by the terrible tsunami.

The government made a decision according to which all the remaining buildings were demolished, a new district was created in their place, which was built according to modern, at that time, principles of urban planning. The new city consisted of straight streets forming rectangular neighborhoods that framed two large squares. On the first, Prasa do Rossiu, all trade was concentrated, it became a gathering place for citizens with cozy restaurants, old cafes, theaters. The second, Prasa do Comerciu, was and is an adornment of the city, the main attractions of which are the triumphal arch and a monument to King Jose I. This is the place where the ships come, the Tejo River embankment is located there, where the business part of the capital is concentrated.


New time and modernity

The last conquest of Portugal took place at the beginning of the XIX century. The troops of the French emperor Napoleon captured the country and the city of Lisbon. Juvenile King Jose IV with his mother, Queen Mary, were forced to temporarily move to Brazil. When they returned, the city was plundered and partially destroyed. This was the last war of Portugal.

Portugal did not participate in the First or Second World Wars, observing neutrality during these events. The people evacuated from Nazi Germany in Lisbon were transplanted onto ships that brought people to the United States. In total, more than 100 thousand people, mainly Jews, were thus saved. Thanks to neutrality, the country managed to avoid the big shocks and losses that many European countries suffered. The city continued to live its own life, developing and becoming rich. At the beginning of the last century, two universities, institutes, museums were opened there, new enterprises were built.

Modern lisbon

Many tourists, wishing to visit new countries, ask questions about where and in which country Lisbon is located? There are not many tourists here, as, for example, in Paris, but this does not mean that he is less beautiful or has fewer sights. It is a city with a history lasting more than 20 centuries. It has its own unique look, which consists of a large number of old buildings forming picturesque quarters. All streets are paved with stone paving stones. Another feature of Lisbon is a large number of small parks with ponds.

The city is located on the coastal hills, and this gives it a unique flavor. Narrow streets running down to the river or bay, and low buildings give it extraordinary spaciousness, an open perspective. There are no skyscrapers, bright intrusive advertising on the streets, which gives the city a touch of noble antiquity. There are no crowds of tourists here, the city lives as if by itself, with its own unique life. The absence of huge flows of cars gives him peace and unusual silence for a big city. Most importantly, this capital is recognizable and unique. Therefore, the question of where and in which country Lisbon is located will simply be irrelevant.

Having survived a series of devastating earthquakes, Lisbon has not conveyed the appearance of a medieval city to this day. Many attractions were destroyed, but restored by the end of the XVIII century, it retained the imprints of a thousand-year history and the color of folk traditions.
