
Gennady Antonovich Radzevsky, admiral: biography, quotes, aphorisms, sayings

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Gennady Antonovich Radzevsky, admiral: biography, quotes, aphorisms, sayings
Gennady Antonovich Radzevsky, admiral: biography, quotes, aphorisms, sayings

Admiral Radzevsky is not only a Russian officer who made a great personal contribution to maintaining the combat capability of the Soviet, and then the Russian Navy, but also a man of legend. His aphorisms are passed from mouth to mouth. They went down in history along with the “pearls” regularly issued in the 90s by Viktor Chernomyrdin. The biography of the admiral and his most famous statements is devoted to this article.


G. A. Radzevsky was born in July 1949 in the city of Porkkala-Udd, Finland. However, his childhood passed at the military base of the Navy of the USSR, because the territory where he was born was transferred by this country to the Soviet Union under the 1944 treaty.

Thus, no one doubted that Gene Radzevsky in the future would choose the fleet as a life field. As for the sense of humor, it was noticeable in the boy from early childhood, although then hardly anyone could have expected that his statements would forever be included in the “golden piggy bank” of army folklore.



Admiral Radzevsky received an excellent education. From 1966 to 1971 he studied at the navigational faculty of the Higher VMU named after M.V. Frunze. Then he graduated from the Higher Special Officer Classes of the Navy, the Naval Academy. Marshal A. A. Grechko with honors, VA General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Admiral Radzevsky Gennady Antonovich: biography and the beginning of a military career

After graduating from VVMU named after MV Frunze Gennady Radzevsky served as commander of the warhead-1.4, RTS of the MT-486 vessel of the minesweeper brigade of the Tallinn Navy of the Baltic Fleet. In 1974, the officer was first appointed commander of the vessel Rear Admiral Khoroshkhin, and then the T-205 Havel of the Baltic Fleet. In the same year, Radzevsky was prematurely awarded the rank of captain-lieutenant. Since 1976, he served as the senior commander of the destroyer "Haste", and 3 years later he was appointed commander of the destroyer "Persistent". Since 1982, Radzevsky led the crew of the patrol ship Druzhny and spent 13 years in this position.


In top command posts

After graduating from the Academy of the Navy, Radzevsky served as the chief of staff of the 128th brigade of anti-submarine defense ships of the twelfth missile carrier division. After he was appointed chief of staff, and since 1989 the commander of the thirty-second division of the Baltic Fleet anti-submarine ships. After graduating from the General Staff, Radzevsky held leadership positions and led a squadron of ships of the Northern Fleet.

In this post, he participated in a unique operation to dock the Kursk submarine.


In 2004, Admiral Radzevsky was discharged into the reserve by age. However, even on a well-deserved rest, he did not sit idle and decided to try his hand at business, becoming a member of the board of directors of Absolut CJSC.

Activities in the State Duma

At the moment, Admiral Radzevsky is an assistant to the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense. In this capacity, he deals with a variety of issues. One of them is the promotion of the employment of military personnel laid off in reserve.


For his long service, Admiral Radzevsky was awarded the orders "For Service to the Homeland in the USSR Armed Forces" of the second and third degrees, as well as the medal "For Military Merit".


Admiral Radzevsky: quotes

Aphorisms of Admiral Radzevsky are still passed on by word of mouth in all units of the Russian Navy. Among them there are real masterpieces of barracks humor. For example, what is the only expression: "Behind all the negative phenomena on the ships … are normal officers whose activities were not controlled by the higher command" or such: "I, like a dog with the rank of rear admiral, wander … on the territory of the squadron".

A whole series of admiral aphorisms is dedicated to a certain representative of the operational department of Comrade. Davidenko. He ironically calls him the most intelligent representative of his unit and asks: “What - fell again and cannot stand up?”, He asks the chief of the latter why he uses his subordinate as a shield.

However, Radzevsky’s most famous statement is a list of duties of officers in the navy, from lieutenant to admiral, minister and commander in chief. According to the admiral, the Supreme Commander should “periodically, (… preferably immediately before the election) take an interest … what … the army is on the territory of … the state. If it turns out to be your own, then … make a promise to increase (later, maybe) the salary of 10-15 percent."
