
What is a geoglyph? The most mysterious geoglyphs

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What is a geoglyph? The most mysterious geoglyphs
What is a geoglyph? The most mysterious geoglyphs

Video: Ancient Drawings Discovered in Peru | National Geographic 2024, June

Video: Ancient Drawings Discovered in Peru | National Geographic 2024, June

There are many mysterious and interesting places shrouded in mystery on our planet. One of the most incomprehensible phenomena is the so-called drawing on the ground. Geoglyphs are man-made geometric and figured patterns. In most cases, the length of one such figure is more than 4 meters, but there are those that can be viewed only from the air.

Several methods have been established to apply the drawing on the ground. First of all, the top layer of earth is removed along the perimeter of the picture, and then trees are planted in these depressions or gravel is poured.


The Republic of Peru is located in South America and is also called the land of the Incas. On the Nazca plateau, in the lost Inca city of Machu Picchu, in 1939 a geoglyph was discovered. This is a number of geometric shapes, the image of birds and animals. Today, there are about 30 ancient images. Arid climate contributed to the conservation of geoglyphs. From the ground it is impossible to consider the drawings, since even the smallest reach several hundred meters in length. The year 1994 became decisive for geoglyphs. They were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, they are protected at the level of legislation.


There are many hypotheses why these drawings appeared and who created them. From the version that the Incas or Mayans created them to an alien origin. However, all versions were built speculatively, no one studied climate change, did not analyze the drawings comprehensively, scientists even rarely visited these places personally.

Not far from the city of Pisco, the Andean candelabrum found on a rock made of red profit was discovered. By style, the image resembles drawings on the Nazca plateau.

Amazon basin

Perhaps the most mysterious geoglyph reminiscent of the famous Stonehenge. As far back as 1970, ancient geoglyphs were discovered on the territory of the Amazon basin after a massive felling of green spaces. These drawings represent ditches and embankments. Some images reach 300 meters in diameter.

Most geoglyphs are located in the north, in Bolivia and Brazil. The total occupied area is 13 thousand square kilometers. According to one version, these embankments and ditches served for ceremonial purposes, since very few artifacts were found near them. This confirms that people did not live here, and geoglyphs were not fortifications and dwellings.


Atacama Desert

This is a geoglyph 86 meters long. They call it still anthropomorphic, that is, the image of a person or animal transferred to inanimate objects, in this case, to Mount Sierro Unica. Atacama Desert is located in Chile, by the way, not far from the Nazca desert. According to scientists, the age of the image is about 9 thousand years. The drawing is the outline of giant Tarapaki with a human body and the head of a cat, so it is very difficult to identify, that is, it is not clear who is drawn. There are a lot of geometric lines, pictograms and figures in the district, which scientists regard as signs for Incan caravans.


City Blythe, USA

The most famous geoglyphs include Blythe figures. Images found near the city of Blythe, which is located in California. By the style of creation, these geoglyphs resemble images found on the Nazca plateau.

Traditions of the Indian tribes living in this area say that the drawings depict Mastambo, who was considered in ancient times the creator of all life. Also, local residents see in the outlines of figures Hatakulu, who was a pumo-man.

Images were discovered by accident in 1932, when a pilot flew to the city of Blythe from the city of Las Vegas.


South Australia

60 kilometers from the village of Murray on the Finnis Springs Plateau in South Australia, a geoglyph was discovered in 1998. This is a drawing resembling a figure of a person with the head of an animal. The artifact is considered to be the largest, its length reaches 4.2 kilometers. The figure was created by furrows in the ground with a depth of 20-30 centimeters. The width of such recesses in some places reaches 35 meters.

The object was named Marree Man. The figure was discovered by a pilot, Sith Trevor, flying over a plateau at an altitude of 3 thousand meters. The object is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest geoglyph on the entire planet. Its origin and purpose has not yet been clarified, but according to some versions, this creation was created by the aborigines of the Pityantyat tribe. Other researchers claim that this creation was created much later, after the disappearance of the tribe.

Kostanay region, Turgai steppes, Kazakhstan

The geoglyph of Shili square was discovered in 1771. In those days, a military expedition led by N. Rychkov was sent to search for and return the rebels - the Volga Kalmyks. The route of the expedition ran through the Turgai steppes, about which Rychkov created a valuable description, including geological features, a description of the relief, rivers and drinking springs. Then the captain and traveler discovered and described geoglyphs.

The square represents a clearly defined territory, which is surrounded by a rampart and a moat from the outside. Image length is about 225 meters. The width of the shafts in some places reaches 12 meters. In the southern part of the square there is an entrance in the form of a gap between the moat and the shaft. No ancient structures were found inside the object, but in the northwestern part, scientists found the remains of ceramics belonging to the Middle Ages.


Uzbekistan, Ustyurt Plateau

As far back as 1986, in the territory separating the two villages, Beinei and Sai Utes, mysterious drawings were discovered that can be distinguished exclusively from space. These images are very similar to the geoglyphs of the Nazca desert.

The main figures of the image are arrows, traces of which are traced for 100 kilometers, they are all deployed towards the north and are not much different from each other. All arrows show the depicted tips with concave or straight lines. The length of each arrow reaches 800 or 900 meters, on the edge of their elongated triangles with rings with a diameter of 10 meters. Scientists suggest that these were pits.


In 2011, an amazing artifact - moose was found on the territory of Zyuratkul National Park, located in the Chelyabinsk region. It is this geoglyph in the Urals that is considered one of the most ancient. Its creation dates back to the VI-III millennium BC. The diameter of the image is 275 meters, and the geoglyph of stones is composed. The length of all stone lines is about 2 kilometers.
