
Yekaterinburg City: Population

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Yekaterinburg City: Population
Yekaterinburg City: Population

Video: YEKATERINBURG History ||The City where Eastern Russia begins 2024, June

Video: YEKATERINBURG History ||The City where Eastern Russia begins 2024, June

There are only 15 cities in Russia with a population of more than a million people, and one of them is the city of Yekaterinburg. How many people today live in this village? Let's talk about how the number of city residents has changed, how many people live in it today and how the number will change in the coming years.


Geographical position

Almost in the very center of Eurasia, on the border of Europe and Asia, the largest city of the Urals, Yekaterinburg, is located. The number of inhabitants in it has been growing over the years, and this is due to the convenient location of the settlement: it is at the junction of many transport and trade routes.

The city is located on the eastern slope of the Ural Mountains, its height above sea level is 270 meters. The relief of the city corresponds to the location, hills, low mountains and plains alternate here, but there are no high peaks. The territory is convenient for construction.

Three rivers flow through the territory of Yekaterinburg: Iset, Pyshma and Patrushikha. The Ural region is rich in minerals, this has a positive effect on the development of the city. The village is located at a considerable distance from the central regions of the country, it is separated from Moscow by 1660 km. But it was successfully placed at the junction of many roads, and this was the main reason for its development.



In 1723, by decision of Emperor Peter the Great, the history of a city called Yekaterinburg began. The number of the first inhabitants was small: about 4 thousand people. These were the workers of the ironworks under construction and their families. In two years, a powerful, unique metallurgical plant was built, which was unparalleled in Russia.

For 30 years, the city has grown into the real capital of the mining region. In 1807, this status was confirmed by the name "Mountain City" on behalf of the royal authority. Further development was facilitated by the discovery of rich gold deposits in the Ural Mountains.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, Yekaterinburg embraced the revolutionary movement. In October 1917, Soviet power was established in the city. The family of Emperor Nicholas II was taken here. Here the king, his wife and children were shot in July 1918. In 1924, the new government decided to rename the city, so it became Sverdlovsk. He began to bear the name of an active leader of the revolution.

In the Soviet years, Sverdlovsk grew into a powerful industrial and administrative center. In the 30s, several large industrial enterprises were built here, universities opened, nearby villages gradually joined the city, and a public transport system developed. During the Second World War, two armies were formed in Sverdlovsk, several military divisions, which adequately repulsed the enemy on all fronts. In the 50s, Sverdlovsk continued to develop as an industrial center of the region.

In 1991, the city returned its historical name. After the restructuring, trade is actively developing in Yekaterinburg, which is facilitated by a good location and excellent transport accessibility. Tourism infrastructure is starting to take shape. Today, Yekaterinburg is one of the largest cities in the country. It is a center of industry, commerce, entrepreneurship and culture.


Administrative division

Today, the city of Yekaterinburg, whose population has long exceeded one million, is officially divided into 7 districts: Leninsky, Oktyabrsky, Chkalovsky, Verkh-Isetsky, Ordzhenikidzevsky, Kirovsky, Zheleznodorozhny. But historically, residents of the city name the parts of the settlement in their own way, and these toponyms are steadily used in everyday orientation.

There are industrial areas: Uralmash, Elmash, Himmash, which once formed around industrial enterprises. As in any settlement, there are areas with the name "Center", "Station". There are parts of the city that received names in honor of large objects on their territory, for example, Vtuzgorodok, named after the student settlement, Poultry Farm, Vtorchermet. Some areas got their names in honor of geographical objects: Shartash is associated with the name of the lake, Uktus - with the name of the mountains. The districts are unequal in their territory and in the number of inhabitants, as well as in the level of development of infrastructure and comfort of life.


Population dynamics

Observation of the number of residents began from the very foundation of Yekaterinburg. According to the first census, in 1724 about 4 thousand people lived here. From this moment begins a steady increase in the number of inhabitants. In the first 50 years, the number of citizens doubled. By the beginning of the 19th century, on the map of the Russian Empire, one could see the young and fairly large city of Yekaterinburg.

What size was then usual for Russian cities? Such ancient cities as Kazan, Rostov, at that time totaled 10-12 thousand, like the young Yekaterinburg. The increase in the number of inhabitants was estimated at hundreds of people per year. A significant jump in population growth occurred in the 70-80s of the 19th century, when new enterprises were built and an influx of rural population took place. Since the end of the 19th century, city growth has already been measured in thousands of people a year. And from the 20s of the 20th century, even in tens of thousands.

In the period from 1923 to 1931, the number of residents from 97 thousand people increased to 223 thousand. By 1939, the city doubled its population due to active industrialization. And by the beginning of the 50s, a new 500, 000th city of Yekaterinburg appeared on the map of the USSR. The number of inhabitants per year begins to increase by tens of thousands.

In 1970, Sverdlovsk became a millionaire city. In 1992, for the first time in the history of the city, a negative population dynamics was recorded. During the years of perestroika, the number of Yekaterinburg decreased slightly, but since 2005 it began to show growth again. Today, 1440 thousand people live in the city.


Demographic indicators

The city of Yekaterinburg, whose population is constantly increasing, has good fertility rates. In 2011, a record was set: 13.2 babies for every 1000 people were born. In this case, mortality is reduced, and the natural population growth is 2000 people annually. This is a very good indicator for Russia, where in many cities mortality exceeds the birth rate. Yekaterinburg is a city of young people, the average age of a resident is 37 years.



Yekaterinburg, whose population we are studying, has maintained a good industrial base since Soviet times. In addition, in the post-Soviet era, many new enterprises were opened, and this growth continues. Despite the economic indicator and a decrease in production, in Yekaterinburg unemployment was recorded at only 0.89%. This is one of the best indicators in the country. Having a job ensures a steady influx of residents into the city. Young people do not leave their hometown, as they see great prospects in work and development in it.
