
City park of Lenin, Belgorod: description, history, mode of operation and interesting facts

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City park of Lenin, Belgorod: description, history, mode of operation and interesting facts
City park of Lenin, Belgorod: description, history, mode of operation and interesting facts

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This park has existed in Belgorod for so long that many townspeople, especially young ones, seem to have always been here. Although, probably, he was never so comfortable and loved by the locals as today.

The central park named after Lenin (Belgorod) was opened in 1956. Thousands of trees were planted here. The center of the park was decorated with a magnificent fountain "Round dance", a playground was created nearby. At the very beginning of the central alley a monument of plaster to V.I. Lenin was erected.


From the history of the park: interesting facts

The current resting place of Belgorod residents (then it was outside the city) existed even before the revolution, at the end of the 19th century. A city nursery was created here, in which peasants could get free planting material and tools for planting. The area of ​​this territory was 25 hectares.

The main part was occupied by willows, in the rest of the territory 300 thousand deciduous and as many coniferous trees were grown. The park became a spontaneous resting place for citizens, then it was not called a cultural park. In the twenties and thirties, the local press periodically raised the question of rebuilding this massif into a real park, and some activities were planned.

But the Great Patriotic War broke out, and instead of the planned recreation area, it became a cemetery for German officers and soldiers. During the excavations it turned out that not only the Nazis were buried in the park, but also the French, Czechs, Russians, who fought on the side of Germany. The bodies of executed prisoners of war and local residents rested here. After the war, the cemetery was razed to the ground so that it did not resemble the terrible times of the fascist occupation.

Post-war years

In January 1954, Belgorod received the status of a regional center and its large-scale reconstruction began: the construction of residential and administrative buildings, hospitals, schools. Gradually, the turn came to the city park. Thousands of trees were planted here, and this was done on community work days by activists, they planted flower beds and lawns, alleys. In the center of the park was installed a fountain "Round dance". A children's playground appeared, a reading pavilion and an open-air cinema were built.


Fan palm trees decorated the central avenue, and at its beginning a monument was erected to V.I. Lenin, which was moved here from the Revolution Square. Throughout the territory, white figures of landscape gardening made of plaster were installed. In the evenings, a brass band played on the court to the right of the entrance. In the southwestern part of the park, a round dance floor was organized, on which an instrumental orchestra played, and during breaks a radio station worked. City youth spent their free time here.

The chess and checker club and the then obligatory lecture hall worked in the park. The decoration of the park was the summer cinema “October”, opened in September 1957, which became the center of the cultural life of the city - folk and variety ensembles, ballet troupes, drama and circus groups performed here.

Lenin Park in those days already had many attractions. The most popular of them was a canvas-covered airplane with a propeller. It rotated vertically in a circle, and only adults could visit it. The favorite vacation spot of the townspeople was Lenin Park (Belgorod). Events held here attracted many adults and young visitors.

On the square in front of the cinema "October" on Maslenitsa Belgorod residents saw off the Russian winter. In the center of the square, a sleek tall pillar was installed, on top of which a prize was hung: a live rooster or chrome boots. There were many who wanted to get it, but not everyone managed to get to the top.


High snow slides were built on the main alley, on which both adults and children rode — some sitting, some standing, and some on all fours. It has always been very fun and noisy.

Decline and rebirth

The black stripe in the history of the park came in the 90s of the last century. The technical equipment was physically and morally dilapidated, employees did not receive salaries for months, cultural work was practically stopped, including with children. M. Baskova (the grandmother of Arina), the beloved by many of the city drama theater (her grandmother Arina), stopped her many years of work, who for many years told children tales at the playground, led round dances with them, read poems.

The reading room closed, the sports ground was empty, the music of the orchestra was not heard. The dance floor and beer stalls remained operational. Left unattended by specialists and proper care, the trees died or were cut down for the construction of another stall. The metal fence of the park and the landscape gardening sculpture disappeared. In those difficult times for the whole country, Lenin Park (Belgorod) did not resemble a place of cultural recreation.


In 2000, reconstruction of the old park began. In those days, the local administration did not think about the development of infrastructure, so the owners of the city chain of stores paid for the work at their own expense. The design of the new park was recognized as revolutionary. Since in our country at that time there were no suitable analogues for the development of the park system, it was decided in construction to focus on foreign analogues, which today amaze with its scope and functionality.


Creating the Lenin Park (Belgorod), the organizers did not seek to copy the Western model, but to successfully combine foreign options with the original Russian national traditions. It should be noted that the townspeople enthusiastically accepted the idea of ​​reconstructing the old park, so there were no problems with finding volunteers and workers. More than 400 people took part in the restoration of their favorite vacation spot. Thanks to their efforts, the park was revived and again became a popular holiday destination - it is a multifunctional, beautiful area, which consists of lawns and squares, living fences and numerous attractions for children and adults.

Park these days

Lenin Park (Belgorod) unites several recreation areas, so every visitor here will easily find entertainment to their taste. A large stage has been set up here, where city and private events are held almost every weekend, as well as Russian pop stars. As a rule, these concerts are free, everyone can visit the venue.


The main part of the park today is occupied by poplars. These huge trees literally wrap the park in white fluff in June, which gives visitors a lot of inconvenience. But gradually the old trees are removed, and new ones are planted in their place. In recent years, many shrubs and various flowers have appeared here. Recently, pink king maples have been planted. These trees with a spherical crown meet guests at the main entrance and on the playground. There were also beautiful blue spruce trees.

Attractions in Belgorod: Lenin Park

After the reconstruction, this green part of the city noticeably prettier. If you ask the locals where they most like to spend their free time, the vast majority will name Lenin Park (Belgorod). The prices here are quite affordable (we will talk about them below), both adults and children feel comfortable in the park. You can always choose entertainment to your taste. We will present you some attractions that will be interesting to guests of different age categories.

"Comic Shot"

This is a fascinating family attraction that allows adults and children to have fun together. It is located in a covered pavilion where a real shoot-out is arranged. The main weapon in this battle is air cannons, firing soft small balls. The game simultaneously involves 2 teams of 2 people each.

The cost of the attraction is 80 rubles in three minutes.


And this is an original trampoline that allows you to train coordination of movements and plastic. On an elastic grid, young visitors to the park jump, fixed in a special harness, which is attached to elastic cables. They allow you to jump to incredible heights and make dizzy somersaults and pirouettes. “Springboard” allows children to visit, albeit in a very short, but free flight, to feel the force of gravity. The attraction is intended for children above 100 cm.


The price is 80 rubles.


Attraction for fans of extreme sports. You are rotated in tremendous speed in two planes. Safety is guaranteed by reliable fastenings. “Hip-hop” gives a vivid impression and develops stamina. This attraction is intended for guests over 14 years old and not less than 140 cm tall.


The price is 120 rubles.


The attraction fully justifies the name. From the first seconds you can feel the air whirlwind, which will pleasantly cool the body in the summer heat, ruffle your hair and, most likely, ruin your hair. "Whirlwind" can be visited by children taller than 140 cm.

Ticket price - 110 rubles.