
Boletus mushroom: photo, types and description

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Boletus mushroom: photo, types and description
Boletus mushroom: photo, types and description

Video: Bolete & Suillus Mushroom Identification with Adam Haritan 2024, June

Video: Bolete & Suillus Mushroom Identification with Adam Haritan 2024, June

For millions of years, mankind has been eating mushrooms, which were originally an integral part of forests and wild untouched nature. Subsequently, some of their species were even ranked as crops successfully grown at home. For several hundred years, people have successfully used them for medical purposes, for weight loss, and even used substances that stupefy consciousness. Today, much is known about the forest treasures of protein: the beneficial properties of each individual specimen, taste, edible and inedible species, of which there are many.

The boletus mushroom deserves special attention in the numerous species list of mushrooms, because it grows in almost all corners of immense Russia and is accessible to every lover: both the mushroom picker who collects generous autumn natural gifts and the ordinary buyer who comes to the hypermarket for a real delicacy for dinner. Therefore, those who are seriously fond of mushroom hunting, simply consider themselves to be connoisseurs of such a product, and perhaps have never heard of it, it will not be out of place to learn about the individual characteristics and varieties of boletus. In the article we tried to collect all the facts and interesting observations concerning the aforementioned mushroom.

Boletus: which mushroom proudly bears this name


There are several types of boletus in nature. It is red, yellow-brown, white, black-scaled and red-footed. They also include redheads: oak, pine and spruce. They are all different, but their main distinguishing feature is the appearance. Boletus is easy to recognize by a thick stocky leg (usually white) and a massive hat, which can have a different shade. The cap for mushrooms of aspen, the photos of which are presented in the article, has a compact spherical shape. Sometimes it even barely frames the leg, and does not spread over it in the form of an umbrella. A representative of this type of mushroom can not be called small. Sometimes it grows to 25 cm in height, and his leg is not completely covered by a human hand. It is worth saying that aspen trees grow well not only in Russia, but also in North America.

Red boletus

Red mushroom boletus can rightly be called one of the most popular in Russia. This is quite natural, because it is found almost everywhere. Why is this name given to this mushroom? In fact, it explains the features of its growth. By this name is meant a mushroom that grows mainly next to deciduous trees. Aspen among them is considered the main favorite of the mushroom, but poplar, willow, beech, birch or oak also do not go unnoticed. Even an inexperienced mushroom picker will see a red boletus among the fallen leaves, because it is given out by a hat, which has a bright color. Usually red or almost burgundy. Sometimes boletus with a hat of red-brown or, for example, bright red color. Such a mushroom can be seen even from afar, and for a mushroom picker it is very convenient.


A peculiarity of the red boletus mushroom is that it can grow both singly and in groups. By the way, "family" clearings are most often found in aspen forests. The mushroom prefers to grow next to all kinds of ditches and small forest paths. This is understandable, because it is known that mushrooms love humid conditions, and in arid places they simply do not develop properly. Most often, this representative of boletus can be found in the Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East. Experts recommend collecting them from June to October.

Cooking methods

Use red mushroom boletus can be both boiled and fried. Many lovers prefer to pickle it, thereby preserving it for a long time. By the way, until now, any boletus is also relevant in dried form. The mushroom darkens during processing. Moreover, in the case of pickling, it retains its original appearance. Some experts recommend cutting the legs, as they are a little stiff and practically do not contain vitamins, which are full in a hat. But for someone it’s just a matter of taste preferences.


Yellow brown boletus

A distinctive feature of the yellow-brown boletus is the color of his hat, which fully corresponds to the name - it is yellow-brown. Sometimes you can find such a mushroom boletus with a sand-orange hat or with a very light sand, almost yellow. It is quite wide in diameter (15-20 cm). It is better to look for yellow-brown boletus in birch and aspen forests, in ravines and lowlands. Yellow-brown boletus is often found in pine forests located in regions with moderate climatic conditions. That is, like most fungi of this genus, it is widespread in Russia. This boletus almost always grows singly, and not like, for example, boletus edulis and boletus mushrooms. You can collect it from the beginning of summer until the very end of autumn.

Experts recommend looking for more fresh young mushrooms, because their flesh is much more tender and tastier. They are easy to recognize by the hat - it should be bright. Also, attention should be paid to the density of the fungus itself: its leg should be solid and not have visible damage. For example, wormy eating places or rot. Young mushrooms sometimes noticeable dry skin, which hangs from the edge of the hat. In this case, the leg is covered with granular scales of brown color, which turn black with age. As for the very old boletus, they have a faded color and loose fibers. They can also be cut, but for food it is better to use only their hats.


Red-headed Pine

The most noticeable part of the red-headed is the hat, which has a bright dark crimson hue. Such a mushroom grows near pine trees, mainly in moist lowlands, ravines. The most preferred climate for him is temperate. Pine redhead can be easily identified by the leg, which has small and pale brown scales. It should be noted that this mushroom is also popular in its own way, but it is much less common in comparison with the aforementioned red boletus.

White boletus


As the name implies, this mushroom differs from its other counterparts in a white hat. Moreover, with age, it changes color, becoming grayish-brown. White boletus is often found in moist coniferous forests. However, it can also be found in mixed forests and even in birch forests. During periods of severe drought, white aspen trees "sit" exclusively next to aspen trees. In general, it grows almost everywhere. This mushroom pleases mushroom pickers near Moscow, Siberia, as well as the Leningrad, Murmansk and Penza regions. Mushrooms grow from June to September.

The pulp of the white boletus is quite dense, at the place of the cut it first turns blue, and then turns black. His leg is high creamy white, sometimes growing up to 20-25 cm. It is covered with light scales, which, despite their similarity to the main shade of the color of the legs of the mushroom, are visible to the naked eye. By the way, the mushroom is a white boletus and oiler, the hat of which is also quite light, inexperienced mushroom pickers confuse. However, these are completely different mushrooms, not only in appearance, but also in taste. The butterdish is covered with characteristic mucus, and its hat in young specimens, although light, is not white.


Oak Redhead

Redhead mushroom can be easily distinguished by a coffee-brown hat. At the same time, it is heterogeneous, and is covered with small scales of red-brown color. This mushroom prefers to grow at the foot of oaks, so it’s quite obvious where it is better to look for it. The diameter of the cap of the oak redhead is usually from eight to fifteen cm. As for the stalk, its maximum height can reach 15 cm and its thickness is 3 cm. This mushroom can be called medium in size among other species of boletus.

The growing area of ​​oak redhead is vast. More often, of course, he is found in central Russia, because he prefers moderate climatic conditions. In a favorable year with enough rainfall, it can please mushroom pickers from mid-summer to late autumn.

Spruce Redhead

As a rule, spruce redheads grow in small groups, and they can be found mainly in coniferous forests and in mixed plantings. Many experts believe that it is better to look for them under the fir trees, but recently such a rule is not quite applicable to them. These mushrooms feel great under other trees, where there is enough moisture and humus leaf. You can distinguish a spruce red-headed from others by a hat, which has a brownish-chestnut hue. The peel of this hat slightly overhangs the edge, and the leg has light brown scales and is slightly widened closer to the base. These mushrooms are usually harvested from mid-July to the end of October.

Advantages of boletus


In addition to the taste and the fact that picking mushrooms aspen can be almost from the beginning of summer and until late autumn, they have several more advantages. For example, the mass distribution of boletus in our country. It’s nice to know that on a quiet sunny autumn day you can go to the forest and cut into a basket of natural gifts for hodgepodge for free. It should be listed and some more of the advantages of boletus:

  1. It is known that almost any edible mushrooms: brown boletus, boletus boletus, ceps, butterflies, chanterelles, etc., are very nutritious and healthy. They are low-calorie (only 22 kcal in boletus), but are equal to meat in terms of protein content. Amino acids contained in mushrooms are absorbed by the human body by 70-80%. This is one of the best indicators, scientifically proven and undeniable. In addition, boletus contains vitamins B1 and PP.
  2. You can collect such mushrooms up to several times a season, and when pickled they enjoy them all year round.