
Igor Lagutenko, son of Ilya Lagutenko, founder of the Mumiy Troll group

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Igor Lagutenko, son of Ilya Lagutenko, founder of the Mumiy Troll group
Igor Lagutenko, son of Ilya Lagutenko, founder of the Mumiy Troll group

In October 2018, the founder of the domestic pop rock Ilya Lagutenko turned 50 years old. He lives in Los Angeles, makes films ("SOS Sailor"), writes music and is happily married to model Anna Zhukova, with whom he is raising two daughters. But from the first marriage, the musician also has a son - Igor Lagutenko, which will be discussed in this article.


It's hard to believe, but the birthday of the Mumiy Troll group is 1983, when its founder was only 15. And the stellar song “Leak” was still quite a long way off. In Vladivostok, where the Lagutenko family lived, the young musician was a fairly popular person and the girls liked him very much. Once during a fishing trip he met the beautiful Elena Troynovskaya, who later became his first wife. In 1987, he was only 19 years old, the army was waiting for him, but the girl became pregnant, and the couple entered into a marriage, which lasted until 2003.


Igor Lagutenko was born in 1988, May 17. His mother, an ichthyologist by training, turned out to be a very good wife and mother. She took care of the house and the child, while the senior Lagutenko received higher education at the Far Eastern University, trained in China and the UK, restored the Mumiy Troll group.

Together with her young son, she followed her husband to London, where he got a job in one of the companies. When the company went bankrupt, Ilya Igorevich began to untwist his musical team, and Elena became the manager of the group. At the time of little Igor, who perfectly mastered English, he was sent to his parents in Vladivostok, where he studied at a Russian school.


Two years later, the boy was again taken to his place, where he continued his education. Formally, the parents divorced in 2003. The reason was the numerous betrayals of Lagutenko Sr. After the divorce, out of resentment, Elena began working as the manager of the main competitors of the Mumiy Troll team - the Brothers Grim group.


In a 2015 interview, Igor Lagutenko (a photo of him is presented in the article) shared what he had reached by the age of 27. At that time, he was a coach and current rugby player, as well as a music producer. Under his leadership there were two teams - Echotape and Mumiy Troll. The young man organized a tour of his father’s music group to the largest cities in Britain, and the young band Echotape worked with them to open up. He was proud of his achievements, telling with humor that he had survived until he became the boss of his own father.

Igor Lagutenko received a good education, is fluent in English, but since the age of 12, playing rugby has become his main passion. Therefore, the young man chose a college with a sports bias and a similar university faculty. At first, he was among Chelsea fans and played tennis a bit. However, the physical education teacher saw in him the makings of a rugby player and invited him to the section. First, Igor played for school, and then for the club. In the 2010/2011 season, Saracens Amateurs, in which junior Lagutenko played, even won the Premier League.


Relationship with father

In 2018, the anniversary was celebrated not only by the founder of the Mumiy Troll group, but also by his son. Igor turned 30. All the tabloids were interested in Ilya Lagutenko, how his heir develops and whether he helps him with advice. According to the answers, it can be judged that Ilya Igorevich is proud of his son. So, he called his recommendations “old-fashioned”, which the young man clearly does not need.

He likes that Igor Lagutenko is completely independent, but at the same time he believes that he is still looking for his own business, which will capture him entirely. That is why the guy has no family yet, and the elder Lagutenko - grandchildren. From the interview it is obvious that the cooperation of the father with his son continues. Igor promotes his father’s compositions on the Web, as well as in the UK, but his work is related to other projects.
