
Igor Sklyar: biography, personal life, creativity

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Igor Sklyar: biography, personal life, creativity
Igor Sklyar: biography, personal life, creativity

Video: GIVEN & STOLEN by Igor Vereshchagin 2024, June

Video: GIVEN & STOLEN by Igor Vereshchagin 2024, June

“We are from jazz” is a film thanks to which the audience recognized and loved such a wonderful artist as Igor Sklyar. The biography of the sex symbol of the 80s indicates that he had a chance to survive the ups and downs. However, now he is again in demand as an actor, is actively acting in films and TV shows, agreeing only to roles that he considers interesting. What is known about his professional achievements, his personal life?

Igor Sklyar: biography of a star

The actor was born in Kursk, it happened in December 1957. The boy’s parents were ordinary people who could not have imagined that the future famous singer and actor Igor Sklyar was growing up in their family. The biography of the artist reports that his father worked as a civil engineer, his mother worked as a technologist. Igor is the only child in the family.


The boy wanted to become an actor in his teens, before that he dreamed of the fame of a musician. For several years, young Sklyar gave his studies at a music school, mastered playing the piano and violin, took vocal lessons. Football, boxing, tennis are other hobbies that Igor Sklyar indulged in. The biography of the actor shows that in ordinary school he studied medium, preferring his favorite lessons and almost ignoring the “boring” ones.

Student years

By the time he graduated from school, Igor no longer doubted that he would become an actor. His decision upset his mother and father, who wanted to see their only son as an engineer. However, Sklyar managed to insist on his own and went to the capital to storm the local theater universities. In Moscow, failure was waiting for him, so he listened to the advice of friends and submitted documents to LGITMiK, easily becoming a student.


The first years of study turned out to be a real test for a novice actor, which at that time was Igor Sklyar. The artist’s biography indicates that during his student days he constantly needed money, had to look for sources of income. In addition, his academic performance left much to be desired, since Igor often missed couples. However, Sklyar managed to get a diploma.

First successes

Many famous actors came into the profession by accident, as happened with Igor. While still a schoolboy, he went on an excursion with his class, where he met an assistant director, who was just busy looking for young artists for the film “Young of the Northern Fleet”. It seemed to her that Igor would cope well with one of the roles. The drama, which tells about the heroism shown by adolescents during the Second World War, was the first film in which Sklyar starred. It was after this that he began to dream of a career in the world of cinema.


Already in his student years, Igor Sklyar received his second and third roles. Films that allowed him to visit the set again - “Only in the music hall”, “Anna Pavlova”. In the first picture, the student got a cameo role, but he recalls the experience with pleasure. The main role in this film was played by the famous actress Lyubov Polishchuk, whose talent was admired by Sklyar.

Igor played a more prominent role in the film "Anna Pavlova." His character was Serge Lifar, the famous choreographer and dancer. In the process of working on an artistic and biographical drama, the film crew visited several countries, including the United Kingdom and France. However, the taste of real fame Sklyar allowed to feel only the next film with his participation.

Star role

By the time the picture “We Are From Jazz” was released, Igor Sklyar had already managed to get a diploma and even serve in the army. The actor’s personal life has also been arranged, he met with his future wife Natalia. The actor was able to star in the film that made him a real star thanks to the occasion. Initially, the director of the tape “We Are From Jazz” planned to entrust the role of Kostya Ivanov to Dmitry Kharatyan, however, when he saw the samples with Igor, he changed his mind.

The musical film "We Are From Jazz" was presented to the audience in 1983. The actors who played the main roles literally woke up famous, including Sklyar. Igor was attacked by numerous fans. They kept him at the entrance, pestering him with calls and letters. Each subsequent picture with his participation (Hourglass, Maritsa, Kindergarten) only increased the popularity of the young actor.

Not only as an actor, but also as a singer Igor Sklyar managed to become famous in those years. Komarovo is a song by Igor Nikolaev, which, thanks to the brilliant performance of Sklyar, acquired the status of a people. The same thing happened with the song "Old Piano". Everyone has liked the soft, enveloping voice that the actor possesses.

Films and series with his participation

Romantic, bright - such images were mainly created in the 80s by Igor Sklyar in films. Films that saw the light in the 90s helped the actor get rid of his bored role. The audience especially remembered the tape “The Imitator”, in which he played the role of the evil, sarcastic Lutsenko, who made a name for himself as an imitator of other people's voices. The painting “Year of the Dog, ” in which Sklyar played the former prisoner Kozhin, was rude in appearance, but kind and soft inside.


In "Children of Monday", he appeared in the unexpected image of a drunken businessman, Mitya. In the historical drama Romanovs. Crowned Family ”he was assigned the role of revolutionary Yakovlev.

Today, Igor is most often seen in TV shows. The actor really liked to star in "Death of an Empire", where he talentedly played the terrorist Ricks. The image of the famous historical figure Frunze was embodied by him in the Moscow Saga. Fans of the actor must watch the comedy "Ratatouille" with his participation, where he plays a criminal who deftly deceives his accomplices. In 2016, the star of domestic cinema can be seen in the television projects “Investigator Tikhonov”, “Family Album”.