
Inna Vykhodtseva - famous actress

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Inna Vykhodtseva - famous actress
Inna Vykhodtseva - famous actress

Inna Vykhodtseva gained popularity and appreciation of the audience back in the fifties and seventies. Not always the directors spoiled the actress with the main roles. Most often she got episodic.

About the life of an actress

Both good and bad intertwined in the fate of a woman: pre-war Krasnodon, the Great Patriotic War, desire from the fifth grade to become an actress. In the school theater club, Inna Vykhodtseva constantly received leading roles in many Chekhov's works. A teacher of literature was very fond of the Russian classic writer.


Everyone at school knew about the girl’s dream, and no one was surprised that the silver medalist successfully passed the entrance exams and entered the VGIK, which she graduated with honors. Playing on the stage of the theater, filming on the venues of a movie, marriage, the birth of a son. The busy life of the young actress did not allow her to devote as much as she would like to time to her family. But at first everything went well: the actress and her husband act in films in a duet.

Inna Vykhodtseva plays small roles in the movie. Then he goes headlong into dubbing foreign films. Famous actresses spoke in a voice that from that moment began to be associated in the Soviet Union with Sophia Loren and Stephanie Sandrelli.


Inna Vykhodtseva receives the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. But despite this status, she was not able to become a superstar. Many friends in the shop have achieved incredible popularity and stardom. Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko was the closest friend of Inna Nikolaevna. But their friendship did not affect the number and significance of the roles played. Gurchenko did not seek to help her friend; professionally, they were each on their own. But Inna Vykhodtseva was not used to counting on someone’s help for her whole life.


The actress was content with any roles and offers. But at the same time, the list of filmography contains fairly well-known films of the Soviet period: “Quiet Don”, “Dead Souls”, “Young Lady Peasant”, “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears”, “Office Romance”.

A family

Vykhodtseva Inna Nikolaevna conquered the directors with her exquisite manners, proud posture and incredible nobleness. And where did it come from, because the family in which the actress was born was the simplest and most working. Only one father worked. He was a regular miner for a while.


After some time, conscientious work was noticed and appointed him head of the mine. Mother at that time was engaged in housekeeping and raising her daughter.

Personal life

“I always thought that a loud reading of poems, which I got better than anyone else, will help me in the future, ” says actress Inna Vykhodtseva. Her personal life was happy. Leo Polyakov, also an actor, was nine years older than Inna. But this did not stop them from finding a common language both in the family and during filming in the cinema. When VGIK was preparing a graduation performance on the work of Leo Tolstoy "Sunday", Inna and Leo played the main roles. From that moment began their feeling, which they managed to carry through many years. The grief separates some people, and it brought the spouses Vykhodtsev and Polyakov closer even closer. The birth of a child was a long-awaited event in the family and one of a kind.

A tragic event in the life of an actress

At thirty-eight years old, son Nikita died. As a translator, he was sent to the Dominican Republic. In 1998, there was a tsunami, after which Nikita’s body was washed away by a wave and was not found.


The grief was great. The young man was just starting to develop a successful personal life. He was going to marry the girl he met in Paris, it was going to the wedding. But fate decreed otherwise.

TV series

Only work helped not to go crazy and continue to live. And Inna Nikolaevna is glad that so far creativity helps to drown out woeful memories.

Modern series and films are not so numerous, but known to every Russian audience. “Law and order”, “Kamenskaya”, passing work on the stage of the Theater of the film actor is what helps the actress to remain herself.

Famous picture

Sleepless Night is a film in which I. Vykhodtseva played. The picture was remembered by the audience for its excellent selection of cast and script material. The plot is based on love stories and life ups and downs. Everything that happens on the screen is clear to the sophisticated viewer. The protagonist is an engineer. As it was in Soviet times, he travels by distribution. Difficulties at work carry a load of problems in love. In the picture, the viewer first saw on the screen the characteristic and beautiful actor Yuri Solomin. Inna Vykhodtseva got, although not the main role, but a rather vivid content. She played Vika Yakhontova.


Sleepless Night is a film that many have remembered for their plot. We should not forget that this picture was created in the Soviet period. In 1960, it was released. Spectators were brought up on feats committed on the battlefields, and on the labor achievements of the people. That generation knew Pasha Angelina, Alexei Maresyev, Alexander Matrosov well. For a Soviet man, sacrificing his life was a completely natural behavior. In the country, such people were considered heroes. And films of those times are understandable to those who lived in an era of overfulfillment of plans and self-sacrifice. To the modern viewer, what is told in the film seems strange and useless. The current younger generation should not be blamed for this. Each time has its own heroes. At that time they were the way the viewer sees them in Sleepless Night.