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Interesting statements of great people: about public order, about society, freedom and relations

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Interesting statements of great people: about public order, about society, freedom and relations
Interesting statements of great people: about public order, about society, freedom and relations

Video: Individual Freedoms versus the Common Good, Part 1 of 2, from Thinkwell's American Government 2024, June

Video: Individual Freedoms versus the Common Good, Part 1 of 2, from Thinkwell's American Government 2024, June

What is a society? This is a very voluminous and rather complex system, the basis for which is the collective activity of people. She was, is and will remain the subject of discussion and research. And its specificity lies precisely in the fact that countless people participate in this system, each of which is a Person. Accordingly, society is constantly changing. That is why they will talk about him forever. And this, by the way, influenced the statements of great people about public order.


References to Philosophy

Great thinkers were not limited to simple statements. No, they developed whole theories. Speaking about interesting statements of great people about public order, I would like to note with attention the thoughts of the notorious Plato and Aristotle. The first of them claimed that society consists of three layers: these are philosophers, warriors and hard workers. And that there is a world of ideas and matter. Those people who are endowed with the talent to think, and should rule the state. Plato saw public order as a pyramid that rested on philosophers and thinkers.

Aristotle belongs to the following statement: "The goal of the state is the happiness of people. And politics is the science that allows us to understand how to achieve happiness in society." But at the same time, the philosopher said that the ideal form of government as such does not exist. But there is a cycle of government. This is how the thinker's words sounded: "The best form of government is that in which the laws are respected and the authorities are fair."


What makes you think

Many statements of great people about public order really push certain thoughts. Belinsky argued that a person is the son of his country, a citizen of the fatherland, and he should warmly take all his interests to heart. And Cicero said that public order is a prescription, following which we must manage our actions and, of course, life, no matter what the circumstances. Another interesting phrase belongs to the great Russian writer - Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy. A famous thinker said that a person from all existing sciences must know how to live in order to do as much good as possible for society.

In fact, such statements of great people about public order make you think, rethink something. The most interesting thing is that when studying such quotes, said hundreds of years ago, the truth is discovered, which is relevant today. From this we can conclude: society, it turns out, is not so much changing.

What bothered the greats

It is unlikely that well-known scientists, thinkers and literary figures spoke about public order and everything that is connected with this if this topic did not concern them. To be more precise, if she hadn’t touched them. Probably, many quotes about public order appeared - great people themselves tried to explain how to cope with everything that happens. L. Tolstoy said that man is inconceivable outside of society. This phrase has long been a catchphrase. And, be that as it may, Lev Nikolaevich was right. In the same way as Belinsky, speaking about the fact that although man was created by nature, society develops it all the same.
