
Irina Petelyaeva: biography, political career of a former teacher from Karelia

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Irina Petelyaeva: biography, political career of a former teacher from Karelia
Irina Petelyaeva: biography, political career of a former teacher from Karelia

The biography of Irina Petelyaeva is of interest to fans of political struggle analysts on the outskirts of the Russian Federation. An ambitious, strong-willed woman has gone from a simple teacher of mathematics to a State Duma deputy, often encountering serious rivals in the political field on her way. She repeatedly made attempts to become the mayor of Petrozavodsk, the head of Karelia, always remaining the second, however she did not give up and was eager to fight again.

The beginning of the way

The biography of Irina Petelyaeva is closely related to Karelia, but she was born in Denau, in Uzbekistan, in 1959. The hot climate of the Central Asian republic did not suit the Slavic girl, and after graduation, she decided to move closer to the Arctic Circle.


Irina went to Petrozavodsk, where she successfully passed the entrance exams to the local physical and mathematical university and began to diligently study mathematics.

In 1981, Irina Vladimirovna Petelyaeva successfully defended her diploma and left the walls of a reputable educational institution with the specialty of a mathematics teacher. The Karelian climate was quite suitable for the girl, and she remained in Petrozavodsk, where she began to work as a modest school teacher. In 1989, the biography of Irina Petelyaeva was marked by the first promotion on the career ladder - she was appointed deputy director of the school for educational work.

By that time, the native of Denau began to feel the makings of a tribune, a political leader. She demonstrated all this in practice in 1991, when she won the first and only competition in Petrozavodsk for the post of director of school No. 46.


By 1996, the humble teacher of mathematics was ripe for a tough political struggle. Being a self-nominated candidate, she is elected as a deputy to the city council of Petrozavodsk, then she successfully runs for the legislative assembly of the Republic of Karelia. Here, Irina Vladimirovna does not sit idle and holds the responsible post of Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Social Policy.

Soon Peteliaeva came to the conclusion that a successful political career is possible only with strong support from an influential party. In 1999, she joined the ranks of Yabloko, betting on the right spectrum of the political field in Russia.

In 2002, the first nomination in the biography of Irina Petelyaeva for the post of mayor of Petrozavodsk. She was a famous woman in her city, had great authority and could well count on the support of a significant part of the electorate. However, the leader of the Karelian Yabloko Alexander Chazhengin also sought power in the capital of Karelia, which caused a huge scandal in the ranks of the venerable Democratic Party.


This whole story ended with the two Yabloko nominating for mayor. Irina took second place in the election, having jumped both Chazhengin and the current head of the city. In parallel, she successfully spoke in the elections to the local Legislative Assembly, and was elected as a deputy.

"Apple" passions

In 2003, an energetic, ambitious woman seized power in the regional branch of Yabloko in Karelia. The authoritative businessman Vasily Popov became her ally in this operation, with the help of which she organized the mass recruitment of new party members.


The newly adopted adherents unanimously voted for Irina Vladimirovna, who headed the regional branch of Yabloko, causing a storm of indignation in the ranks of the old guard.

Having headed the Karelian list, Petelyaev ran for the State Duma, but lost to the representative of United Russia. By 2006, turbulent processes in the ranks of the Yabloko leadership in Karelia reached their maximum, the party leaders fought fiercely among themselves, and the decision to remove the party from local elections added fuel to the fire.

However, in 2007, Irina was again elected to the city council of Petrozavodsk, having advanced as an independent deputy.

Irina Petelyaeva. "Fair Russia"

Ideology never really bothered most ordinary party members. In the same 2007, to the surprise of her comrades-in-arms, the woman changed her political orientation and joined the Just Russia party. Irina Petelyaeva is not lost, and soon the local "Socialist-Revolutionaries" approve her as their regional leader.

However, the exaltation of the former political rival caused much discontent among the old party members. Conflict erupts in leadership, which peaked in 2009. The informal leader of "Fair Russia" in Karelia Devlet Alikhanov showed mayoral ambitions and decided to be elected to the mayor of Petrozavodsk. However, Irina Petelyaeva refused official support to the party, which caused the anger of an influential sponsor.

All this ended with the enraged Alikhanov, taking his associates, went over to the ranks of "United Russia".