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Like a dead poultice. What does it mean?

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Like a dead poultice. What does it mean?
Like a dead poultice. What does it mean?

Video: What You Need To Know To Make A COMFREY Poultice | A Permaculture Healing Remedy 2024, July

Video: What You Need To Know To Make A COMFREY Poultice | A Permaculture Healing Remedy 2024, July

Russian is not in vain considered one of the most difficult languages. And not only because of the ramified and extensive grammar system. There are many revolutions in our language that adorn speech, making it more expressive, vibrant, expressive. One of the means to achieve the figurativeness of a syllable is stable expressions - phraseological units. Each of them is built on a metaphor, that is, a comparison.

Idioms are sometimes paradoxical in content, but quite simple and understandable in meaning, which is assigned to a certain phrase historically and is due to the collective consciousness of people. A vivid example of this is the phraseology "dead poultice." You will learn about its meaning, origin, possible uses in speech from this article.


Dead poultice: the meaning and principle of construction

In order to correctly use phraseological units in speech, so that their use would be appropriate in a particular communicative situation, it is necessary first of all to know the meaning of the idiom. The expression "like a dead poultice" means the futility and inappropriateness of any action.

The phrase is also used to convey the worthlessness of any thing, to show its uselessness. For example, if you are persistently offered to buy any thing, while not understanding your polite refusals, literally “pushing” your goods in the language of sellers, then it will be appropriate to make a tough sniff of an obsessive merchant. For this, the phrase “like a dead poultice” is already familiar to us.

Phraseologism is constructed according to the principle of comparison, that is, using this expression, we perforce compare this or that action of a person or object, which we assess as unnecessary, with the usefulness of poultices for the dead.


What is a poultice?

With the deceased, everything is clear, but the word poultice for some, perhaps, will raise questions. Therefore, we explain its meaning.

Poultice used to be called any compresses with which diseases were treated. Now the meaning of the word is understood more narrowly. A poultice is usually called a treatment, in which a hot dressing with a medicine is applied to a sore spot - it can be herbal infusions, heated plant seeds, peat, ash … Basically, as you may have guessed, this treatment method is used in alternative, alternative medicine.

You may be familiar with this procedure under a different name. Synonyms for the word "poultice" will be words such as a compress or lotion.

Such procedures are carried out in case of burns, wounds, bruises and other injuries of the skin, they also treat headaches with compresses and relieve temperature.


Why is the poultice dead?

Having learned what it is - a poultice, a reasonable question arises: why should it be done to the dead, because there is nothing to save from death. That's right - no reason. Exactly the same question arises in us when we evaluate someone’s inappropriate actions.

Worthless, stupid actions cause surprise, and sometimes even outrage. To express your emotions, the phrase "dead poultice." Accurate and accurate, expressive and expressive, it will well convey the meaning of what you think about the behavior of a person.


Don't overdo it

However, do not forget that too violent and vivid expressions of our thoughts and feelings, especially negative ones, can often be unpleasant for our interlocutor or even offend him. Therefore, you need to know not only what “like a dead poultice” means, but also understand how appropriate the use of this phraseology is, because in some situations it can sound quite rude and harsh. If you do not want to be recognized as a verbal aggressor, as it’s fashionable now, then always take into account the peculiarities of your perception of your words, the composition of the audience, the occasion and occasion of your communication.

For example, being in high society, attending a social event, communicating with a bohemian, and in other cases involving communication in a literary, pure language, the use of this phraseology is undesirable. This idiom is more consistent with a situation of easy communication, not limited by strict conditional frameworks.
