women's issues

What contraceptives are they of a new generation?

What contraceptives are they of a new generation?
What contraceptives are they of a new generation?

Video: Next-generation HIV prevention 2024, July

Video: Next-generation HIV prevention 2024, July

Those times when contraceptives were considered something inaccessible, indecent and very unhealthy have long receded into the past. The old methods of protection are being replaced by new generation contraceptives - convenient for use, safe for the body of both partners and fairly common. Which ones to choose for your own protection?


Oral contraceptives

The most reliable way to prevent unwanted pregnancy is oral contraceptives. As contraceptives, tablets act on the principle of inhibition of the ovulation of the egg. As a result of the changes, even a fertilized egg cannot attach to the uterine wall and does not occur in 98% of cases of conception. In addition, due to the small dose of hormones in oral contraceptives, there are no irreversible consequences when they are used. Moreover, many doctors prescribe their intake to women who have problems with the hormonal background, in order to normalize it. Among the disadvantages of this method of protection, it is possible to distinguish violations of the menstrual cycle at first, as well as a possible set of body weight and a decrease in libido when taking pills. Therefore, they must be used under the supervision of a gynecologist, who will be able to notice negative factors in time and adjust the drug intake.

If emergency measures are needed

Part of the previous category includes new generation contraceptives such as emergency postcoital contraceptives. They differ from regular tablets in the presence of a shock dose of hormones that prevents conception after the last unprotected intercourse. Their advantages are that even a day after the alleged conception, their effectiveness is at least 70%. And the main drawback is that such emergency measures can not be applied on a regular basis. That's why they are emergency.


Barrier contraceptives

In the modern world, barrier contraceptives are not exclusively condoms or spirals. At the moment, there is a wide range that includes such new generation contraceptives as gels, vaginal balls, creams, suppositories, caps. Their effectiveness is based on the establishment of a protective barrier between the walls of the vagina and male sperm. They are introduced into the female body immediately before the act and have a one-time effect. That is, at the next contact, their application must be repeated - this, perhaps, is their main drawback. Another is the possibility of an allergic reaction to the components of such contraceptives, and if it occurs they should not be used.

Birth control patches

Modern pharmaceuticals do not stand still, and therefore, a new generation on the market in the last couple of years has become a new generation of contraceptives - contraceptive plasters. Their action is based on the gradual introduction of a hormone in the woman’s body that prevents conception. This hormone is contained in the impregnation of the patch, and due to the fact that it is introduced through the skin, and not directly into the blood, it acts gently and imperceptibly. This patch is enough for 3 weeks of use, after which you need to take a week off.


In general, the choice of contraceptives for every taste is now very large. But you don’t need to thoughtlessly buy anything - remember that the best contraceptive is sound thinking and assessing all the risks before sexual intercourse, and not after it.