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Kalmyk names for boys. List. Features

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Kalmyk names for boys. List. Features
Kalmyk names for boys. List. Features

Video: Russia Geography/Russian Federation 2024, June

Video: Russia Geography/Russian Federation 2024, June

Choosing a name for their child, modern parents resort to finding the most beautiful, rare and sonorous. They put special meaning into the baby’s name, believing that the life and fate of its carrier depends on the name. Recently, the popularity of Kalmyk names for modern boys is gaining momentum. This is due not only to the beauty of the name, but also to its semantics. Rare and beautiful Kalmyk names for boys are used not only by residents of Kalmykia, but also in central Russia.

History of the formation of proper names


Scientists studying the features of the formation of the Kalmyk language also distinguish the stages of the formation of proper names.

Stage 1.

The period of the formation of monosyllabic names and nicknames, the roots of which belonged to the names of animals, household items, phenomena. (Adyan - the sun, Ayuk - the teddy bear, etc.)

2 stage.

Stage of formation of religious names. Such names had a strict church meaning. (Badma, Bahir - names associated with the dissemination of religious views, both Tibetan Buddhism and Christianity)

3 stage.

The phase associated with the formation of the Kalmyk Republic and its Soviet period.

4th stage.

The period of the modern formation of proper names and their forms. Most of all, this is a return to the original Kalmyk names.

Name Features for Boys


If we talk about the unusual Kalmyk names for boys, it is worth noting groups of words with certain identical directions.

  1. Names amulets. They were formed from the names of plants, animals, household items, weather phenomena, seasons. Such words had their own sacred meaning, and in the modern world it is believed that they drive away evil power and adversity.
  2. Names are originally Kalmyk. These include rare beautiful Kalmyk names for boys, indicating the qualities of a person, state of mind, physical virtues of people's lives, numbers, names of heroes of the Kalmyk epic.
  3. Double-root names. Subsequently, the second root became the patronymic of a person.
  4. Names are distortions. These are the words that were formed from the distortion of existing names. For example, the wife called her husband a different name, changing several sounds, which, according to the legends, led to the strengthening of the family.
  5. Names of the planet. They are formed from the words that designate the planet.
  6. Names are terms. Such words are most often derived from Buddhist terms.

List of the most beautiful Kalmyk names for boys


  • Adyk - the "last";
  • Adyan - "sunny";
  • Arvun - "ten";
  • Arzgir - "rudeness";
  • Ayur - "healing";
  • Bembe - Saturn;
  • Badma - the "lotus";
  • Bavu - "heroic";
  • Bamba - "protection";
  • Batu - "strong";
  • Batsak - "arrogance";
  • Galdan - "joyful";
  • Galun - "goose";
  • Gaha - the "pig";
  • Guardia - the "eagle";
  • Gashun - "bitter";
  • Gatza - "obstinacy";
  • Gojur - the trickle;
  • Jirgal - "happiness";
  • Dolgan - "wave";
  • Dondg - "courage";
  • Joga - "contemplation";
  • Zayan - "fate";
  • Ilyumji - "Mercury";
  • Ilyu - "open";
  • Ilyushk - "calm";
  • Irtya - "sharp";
  • Kirtsyan - "proportionate";
  • Kichik - "small";
  • Copper - "knowledge";
  • Mende - "healthy";
  • Mergen - "apt";
  • Mergenchi - "smart";
  • Menke - "eternal";
  • Merchi - the "herd";
  • Naydan - "strengthened";
  • Namtu - the "scientist";
  • Naran - the "sun";
  • Nasun - "age";
  • Nachin - the "falcon";
  • Namin - the "eighth";
  • Sanal - "desired";
  • Sanjaryk - "capable";
  • Sarng - the "moon";
  • Sumyan - "fast";
  • Temen - the "needle";
  • Togtun - "calm";
  • Hulhachi - "thief";
  • Khevtya - "happy";
  • Tsetsen - "wise";
  • Chompot - spinning top;
  • Shulun - "fast";
  • Shunga - "diligent";
  • Shyukir - "umbrella";
  • Yashkul - the "lake".

The most beautiful male Kalmyk names for boys make up the top 5.

  • 1st place - Aslang;
  • 2nd place - Boshan;
  • 3rd place - Gojour;
  • 4th place - Dzhulzhuha;
  • 5th place - Salang.


In the ranking of male Kalmyk names in the first place is Aslang.

One of the rarest and most beautiful Kalmyk names is Aslang. It is of Turkic origin, translated as "lion", "king of beasts."

In the Kalmyk language, such a name has the function of a talisman. Leo - in this case, an animal that protects the bearer of the name from adversity and evil people.

Men named by this name have a very strong energy. They are smart and entrepreneurial, which makes it possible to achieve success in many areas of life.


The name Boshan is very beautiful and is popular not only in Kalmykia, but also in Eastern Europe.

Boskhan is a primordially Kalmyk name and means "compensation".

Men named by this name are quite secretive and not talkative. But they are honest and loyal, therefore they are the best husbands and fathers.


Gojur is a name that is extremely rare even in Kalmykia. This name was formed in the initial period of the formation of the Kalmyk language and refers to the simplest names denoting natural phenomena.

The name is originally Kalmyk and means "trickle."

Despite the gentle meaning of the name, Gojur is a very courageous and strong man. He is quite rude and brutal. Tenderness and affection will never be inherent in him. Family life with Gojour is despotism. But, despite this, those named by this name are enormously popular among the female representatives.


The primordially Kalmyk name for the boy occupies the fourth step in beauty and sonority among male names. Dzhulzhuha refers to simple names and means "chick."

Regarding this name, it can be said that its meaning fully conveys the main feature of Dzhuldzhuh. Even in old age they are infantile. Childhood accompanies men throughout their life's journey. This quality in two ways affects the life of a man. On the one hand, it attracts people to itself, and on the other, it repels serious cooperation.