
Kamensk-Uralsky: population, demographic dynamics

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Kamensk-Uralsky: population, demographic dynamics
Kamensk-Uralsky: population, demographic dynamics

Kamensk-Uralsky is one of the cities in the Sverdlovsk region. Ranked third in terms of number of inhabitants and economic development in this region. It is a significant center of industry and culture in the Middle Urals. It is also a major road and rail junction. It has a difficult socio-economic situation and an unfavorable environment. The population of Kamensk-Uralsky is 171.9 thousand people.


Geographic features

Kamensk-Uralsky is located on the gentle eastern slope of the Urals, at a distance of 96 km from Yekaterinburg. In this place 2 rivers merge: Iset and Kamenka. The area of ​​the city is 142 square meters. km The meridian is about 27 km in size, and 15 km in latitude. The average height is 167 meters n. at. m

Kamensk-Uralsky is located on the dividing line of Siberia and the Urals.


The climate here is continental. Anticyclonic weather with frost is typical for winter. In this case, depending on the direction of the wind, significant fluctuations in air temperature can be observed. Summer is not hot, with frequent invasions of cold air masses from the Arctic seas.

The amount of precipitation is 467 mm, most of the rain falls on the warm season.

History of Kamensk-Uralsky

The history of this production center begins in 1701, when the first metallurgical plant was built, which provided the country's armed forces. At the end of the 19th century it was declared obsolete, and in 1926 it was completely closed. At the same time, light industry was actively developing here. In the 20th century, an aluminum and pipe plant was built. Now Kamensk-Uralsky is considered a large industrial center of the Urals.


The population of Kamensk-Uralsky

The population of Kamensk-Uralsky was very low until the end of the 1930s. After that, it began to increase rapidly. In 1931, only 8700 inhabitants lived in the city, while in 1939 it was already 51 400, and in 1956 - 122 000 people. This rise was explained by the active construction of enterprises. In the 90s, the number of inhabitants stabilized, and since 1995 it began to gradually decrease. The maximum occurred at the beginning of the 90s - 209, 000 people.

The decrease in the number of residents of Kamensk-Uralsky continues in recent years. In 2017, there were 169, 929 people. This corresponds to 110 place in the list of cities in Russia. The decline in the population of Kamensk-Uralsky may be due to an unfavorable social and economic situation, of course, poor ecology also affects.


Metallurgical enterprises cause air and water pollution by heavy metals, which leads to an increase in the incidence rate. The quality of tap water, local products decreases. The water of the Iset River is the most polluted, where 13 industrial facilities immediately discharge their effluents. They even prohibit swimming, but this obstacle does not stop the fishermen. From time to time, whole flocks of dead fish are discovered.

Most pollute the air pipe, metallurgical, silicon plants and some other enterprises in the city. The contribution of vehicles against this background is very small - only ¼ of the total impact. The rest falls on the factories.

Unfortunately, it is high mortality that makes the greatest contribution to the dynamics of the population of Kamensk-Uralsky. Natural growth in the city is negative. Workers often reveal chronic respiratory diseases associated with exposure to silicon dust.

The impact of adverse environmental conditions is a frequent occurrence in the Ural region. Thus, the population of the city of Kamensk-Uralsky is largely dependent on the environment.


Age and national structure of the population. Sexual composition

The main part of the population of Kamensk-Uralsky (Sverdlovsk region), the number of which we consider in this material, are Russians and Tatars. In recent years, migrants from the republics of Central Asia and the Caucasus began to actively arrive in the city. Mostly they work in the field of trade, but there are many who go to enterprises.

There are 58.6 thousand pensioners in the city, of which 25.1 thousand are working. They work in places where young people do not want to go, and thus receive an increase in their pension.

7 universities were created for young people, 2393 students study there, and 11 colleges, and 4952 students.

On the whole, retirees in Kamensk are 26.2%, and people of working age - 56.3%. The birth rate is 2425 people, and the mortality rate is 2618 people.

In the city, 44.9% of men and 55.1% of women. Approximately the same situation is typical for the entire region.

Features of the economy. Transport

The economy is based on metallurgy: ferrous and non-ferrous. The share of color is several times larger than black. To a much lesser extent, mechanical engineering, the electric power industry, the food industry are developed, and quite insignificantly, the production of building materials and light industry products.

The food industry is represented by a bakery and confectionery factory. There is even a company for the production of solar panels.

Kamensk-Uralsky is a railway junction. There are electric trains and long-distance trains. Near the train The station has a bus station.

Road public transport is represented by buses. The trolleybus was liquidated in 2015.