
Career of the Russian athlete Igor Ryazantsev

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Career of the Russian athlete Igor Ryazantsev
Career of the Russian athlete Igor Ryazantsev

On November 1, 2014, the sports channel “Fighter TV” was headed by Igor Ryazantsev, whose biography is closely related to sports. This is a famous Russian athlete who is the owner of the 1st dan in kyokushinkai karate. Like many boys, he preferred boxing as a child. This children's sports passion has become both a hobby and a profession for life. After serving in the airborne troops, he continued his studies in the karate section, having tried his hand in the styles of shotokan, ashihara. But he chose the Kyokushinkai, which became the most stable and organized in the perestroika 90s.


At the same time, Igor is engaged in kudo and boxing. Combining participation in martial arts competitions with leadership, she is fond of reading non-fiction in the magazines “Around the World” and “Science” (the first education is technical), likes the TNT channel, etc.

Life's work

But nevertheless, the main thing in the life of an athlete was the study and promotion of martial arts in our country. Related to this is Ryazantsev’s work on the Fighter channel. Selecting materials for his programs, he tries not to focus only on sports topics. Showing a video about mixed martial arts and boxing, alternates them with materials about world traditional martial arts. And in the program “Martial Arts Academy” it even demonstrates the fights of fighters working in the styles of karate, kickboxing, Thai boxing (Muay Thai). The last of them fell in love with the athlete the most. He explains such love by the fact that in him, unlike other oriental styles, there are the least prohibitions and conventions that prevent an athlete from revealing his abilities.


Tribute to tradition

Igor Ryazantsev gives examples from the history of the emergence of martial arts in Japan. The famous Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the prototypes of which were the ancient Japanese warriors, popularized them in the 20th century. The great samurai wars and ninja battles ended in the sixteenth century. Only in the 19th century were they revived as a tribute to tradition. Well-known styles of jujitsu and kendo appeared. Yes, and the ritual armor was exchanged for kimono-style jackets, and swords for bamboo sticks.

Igor Ryazantsev gave examples of how the Japanese form dominates the content. There is a case that has become a joke. When the British, who arrived in Japan, taught them cannon shooting, it took a minute for the guests, and three for the hosts. The ritual obliged: a leisurely approach to weapons, a bow and the said "wasps!" not allowed to execute the command faster. The same thing happened with martial arts. The Japanese believe that only the repeated execution of all existing ritual actions and movements will help in achieving the task.


Conversation with the audience

In his broadcasts, Igor Ryazantsev introduces viewers to various styles and styles of martial arts, helps people who are not very familiar with them, to understand what can be attributed to martial arts (shooting or a bayonet attack for example), and which types are a way of psychological preparation. He gives examples from the experience of hand-to-hand combat with paratroopers and proves that it is not always possible to use boxing or karate techniques in real combat conditions.

Spectators can learn a lot of interesting and informative information on the Igor Ryazantsev channel, reviews of which are mostly positive. "Fighter TV" can not be associated only with broadcasts of fights, interviews. Trying to diversify the programs, the team of Igor Ryazantsev includes on the air news, documentaries, rubrics with cycle videos on traditional martial arts. This attracts a wide audience to watch programs. They also try not to broadcast the battles with the “scammers” (as the channel head called them), which classify Russian hand-to-hand and Orthodox fights, Slavic martial arts as fighting. For this purpose, various educational conversations are held explaining the difference between martial martial arts and ordinary hand-to-hand combat. In numerous interviews, Igor Ryazantsev emphasizes that there is no need to draw a parallel between his channel and Fight Club, the broadcasts and sections of which are devoted specifically to professional sports.
