
Keira Knightley: a child and a husband (photo)

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Keira Knightley: a child and a husband (photo)
Keira Knightley: a child and a husband (photo)

Video: Keira Knightley Family: Husband, Kids, Siblings, Parents 2024, June

Video: Keira Knightley Family: Husband, Kids, Siblings, Parents 2024, June

From the age of three she knew what she would do all her life, and from the age of six she had her own agent. By 33 years old, she will have 27 years of working experience. Keira Knightley as a child chose an acting profession, looking at her parents. She has accounted for more than fifty films, including Pirates of the Caribbean, Pride and Prejudice, and others. But now, attention to Knightley is not riveted because of her acting work. Many are worried about the question: “Do Keira Knightley have children?”

Under the scrutiny

The life of a famous person has its pros and cons. The pluses include: fame, recognition, big earnings, a beautiful life. By cons: the lack of a quiet personal life - the paparazzi constantly guards to photograph a star in everyday life, each step is examined through a magnifying glass of criticism, there are many "friends" who want to bask in the rays of glory, etc.


Therefore, many of the public people try to hide their personal lives, but this is the cost of success, for which many pay a quiet life and loneliness. Kira passed through this. There were beloved men who left her, unable to bear the burden of her glory. Keira Knightley, like many of her colleagues in the workshop, learned to value loved ones. Appreciate and cherish.

ugly duck

As a child, Keira Knightley did not like to look at herself in the mirror. The reflection was all of the flaws: too thin body, zero breast size, narrow eyes, prominent cheekbones. Even when her name was on the top of the lists of the most beautiful and sexy women in the world, she could not get rid of complexes. Because that fragile confidence in its attractiveness instantly disappeared, it was only worth going to the Internet. There, in every way they criticized her appearance and complained that it was long ago possible to make plastic with such money.


Kira, confident in her external unattractiveness, was constantly afraid that she would remain alone. And unsuccessful novels confirmed her fears: not a single boyfriend ever called to get married. That's really amazing: to have such an inferiority complex. This is despite the fact that on all world tabloids, photos of Keira Knightley and family flaunt. Children, young people, elderly ladies and gentlemen admire her, take autographs.

Cursed Fame

Yes, it is difficult for an ordinary person to imagine what is the constant attention of people. When it is impossible to get through without the persecution of the paparazzi. But this is not so bad. There are still inadequate fans who literally poison life with their presence. In 2010, Kira was chased by Polish fan Marek Danilyuk. A forty-year-old man guarded her near the theater, where she rehearsed. Kira admitted that she does not like it when strangers touch her. And this man took her by the elbow, and began to interrogate whether she received a gift from him. And so more than once. He also guarded her at the door of the house, shouting into the slot for mail. Kira was forced to hire guards and sue the fan. But the court acquitted him, because Kira never appeared at the hearing. She explained this by simply not having the strength to go through all this again.


At that time, Keira Knightley met with actor Rupert Friend, whom she met on the set of Pride and Prejudice. Their relationship lasted five years, but more and more, Rupert’s identity was lost against Kira’s background. He began to be perceived not as a serious actor, but only as the guy Keira Knightley. He could not stand it and left.

Let me see you happy

With her future husband, Kira met at the party of her friend Alexa Chang - model, TV presenter and editor of the English Vogue. Kira had a difficult life period: she broke up with her lover Rupert Friend. I came to the party so that her photos with a happy smile hit the press, and Rupert saw and regretted their break. Kira understood that this was trite and naive, but she needed to at least somehow console herself.


And so, being in this state, she, as they say, rudely rude to a guy who asked about her mood, saying that she did not need a new relationship. James Ryton, the keyboardist of the Klaxons band, and it was he, said that it didn’t hurt. The atmosphere was discharged, and they chatted all evening about the vicissitudes of the relationship in some corner, sitting on the steps of the stairs. The conversation was cheerful and carefree, and Kira suddenly realized how easy it was for her with this guy.


When soul mates meet, they immediately understand it. It’s easy for them together, no need to pretend, do something to please. So it was with Kira and James. The novel was fleeting, almost immediately the young people met each other's parents. Mom Kira, who always supported her in all life situations, approved the choice of her daughter. Finally, the long-awaited proposal for marriage was received. James Ryton was not afraid of the future fame of the future wife, but saw in her a girl who, despite all her regalia, needed help and protection.


Naturally, this news became hot, and young people were under the constant eye of the press. Therefore, the wedding was celebrated not in his native England, but left away to France, in the small town of Mazan, where Kira and James bought a house. In May 2013, the mayor of the town registered a marriage, and then a small celebration was held at the newlyweds' villa - only for their own. Kira did not make a PR company from her wedding, but, on the contrary, carefully concealed everything. Kira tries to live by the principle: creativity for people, and personal life should remain personal.

Social networks

Thanks to social networks, people's lives are at a glance, if they want to. Naturally, after the wedding, celebrities, fans, subscribers are waiting for the next steps - photos of children must appear on the network. Keira Knightley and her husband have long hidden from the world the news that the star is pregnant. They remained true to themselves: to show their life to the public as little as possible.

Keira Knightley gave birth to a baby in May 2015 - it was an unforgettable event for a young family.

As luck would have it, not a single Olympics

A girl was born, beloved and long-awaited. Mom and Dad for joy even forgot to give her a name. Everyone called the girl affectionate nicknames. So it was once with Kira, when she was a child. Keira Knightley, too, did not immediately receive a name. Parents after the birth of their daughter for a long time called her "baby", "girl" or simply "hey, you." Kira was born in 1985, and the year before, the Soviet figure skater Kira Ivanova took bronze in the Olympic competitions. Parents then watched the Olympics, and they liked the Russian figure skater most of all. Therefore, in the end, the girl was named in honor of Kira Ivanova, but during registration they wrote the name with a mistake Keira.

Having such a story in the family archive, Kira complained to her mother that, apparently, her daughter will also respond to "hey, you." And after all, as luck would have it, not a single Olympics pass so that you can choose a name for the child. Laughter, laughter, but the problem was real. In the end, apparently tired of finding a suitable name, her parents gave the girl a masculine name - Edie Wright.


The first photos of Keira Knightley with her husband and child appeared thanks to a successful photographer who photographed a family for a walk. As Kira herself later admitted, she loves walking with her family. The young couple even developed a small tradition: joint morning walks on Saturdays. Like everyone, the life of young parents is not only joyful moments, but also difficulties. Kira discovered a new world - the world of motherhood: you can not sleep at night and at the same time function all day. Baby Edie falls asleep badly and sleeps little, so mom and dad also live according to the child’s schedule. Kira Knightley, as usual, is supported by her mother, who jokingly says that this is retribution for her sleepless days and nights. Kira in her childhood also slept badly.


Three years have passed, but the problem remains. However, young parents do not despair, but support each other. Kira in a few interviews said that she and her husband have a lot in common: an indifferent attitude to luxury, love for evenings in a close family circle, the desire to protect her island of happiness from prying eyes. Despite the global changes in his personal life, Keira Knightley continues to work fruitfully. For the first time, Edie went to work with her mother at the age of five months. Mom was preparing for the performance in the dressing room, littered with toys and nipples, and dad tried unsuccessfully to fasten diapers to the restless child.