
False maple maple: description, care, landing

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False maple maple: description, care, landing
False maple maple: description, care, landing

Video: The Maple Leaf Incident of 1863 2024, June

Video: The Maple Leaf Incident of 1863 2024, June

These beautiful decorative deciduous deciduous trees are very popular in landscape design today. There are many types of decorative maple. Most of them are thermophilic; therefore, they do not winter in Central Russia. But in recent years, frost-resistant varieties have also been bred, which, with proper care, develop well and grow for many years. We will introduce you to one of them in this article.


False Maple Maple: Description

One of the rarest varieties belonging to the genus Maple (Acer), family Sapindovye (Sapindaceae). The maple of false-bold is found in vivo in Korea, Primorye, and Northeast China. Currently, thanks to outstanding decorative characteristics, it is bred in many countries, including Russia, mainly in the southern regions.

The maple pseudobolds are very beautiful in spring, until the pinkish-red, bright integumentary scales of leaf buds that have just released folded young leaves have fallen.


But this tree is especially spectacular in the fall, when the leaves change the range of tones several times in a short period and finally acquire fiery scarlet colors, creating the illusion of a blazing bonfire.

Extremely good maple pseudobolds and during flowering. At this time, white-red inflorescences fixed on dark red long petioles hang from under horizontally spread leaves. The exquisite beauty of this maple has turned it into a coveted landscape gardening plant. Landscaping experts recommend it for solo, as well as for group plantings and the creation of original compositional groups.


This is one of the most decorative maples with delicately cut green palmate foliage. She is very beautiful. Up to half the leaf plate is dissected. The diameter of the leaves is up to ten centimeters. The blades can be wide rhombic or triangular. Young leaves are pubescent on both sides, then they become completely smooth. The trunk is covered with a bark of a light gray hue, young shoots are greenish or reddish, with a slight bluish bloom.


The flowers are large, yellowish white with large purple sepals twice the size of the petals. Ten to twenty flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences with pubescent axes. Flowering occurs after the leaves bloom, and lasts for fifteen days. At the beginning of maturation, lionfish are painted in pinkish-red tones, later they change their color to yellowish-brown.


The root system of the maple is a deep, highly sensitive to soil compaction, the transplant tolerates well. The maple of false bogs also lives in the conditions of the city. In the suburbs reaches a height of not more than six meters. Despite its good winter hardiness, it can freeze at very low temperatures. It develops correctly on soils with good drainage.


This type of maple is propagated by cuttings, seeds, and most of the decorative forms are vaccinated (inoculation or budding). If you want to grow this unusually beautiful tree in your area, you can use seeds. Under natural conditions, they fall, undergo natural stratification in the winter and in the summer they germinate.

False Sylbide Maple discards the fruits at the end of August. They are collected and sown in the ground. If autumn planting is not planned, they are stored in a glass, cloth or plastic container in a cool place, at a temperature of no more than + 10 ° C and at a humidity of 15%. Before sowing in the spring, they are stratified in wet sand for one to two months at + 15-20 ° C.


To stimulate seed germination, they are soaked before sowing for three days in hydrogen peroxide. In the first half of May, sowing seeds are sown in beds to a depth of not more than three centimeters. Pseudobold maple sprouts in about three weeks. By the end of the first year, shoots grow to eighty centimeters. They should be weeded, loosened and watered. After planting, the trunks should be mulched with a peat layer five centimeters. A young tree is transplanted to a permanent place at the age of one to three years.

False Maple Maple: Planting and Care

Since growing maple from seeds is a long process, seedlings are often used. Landing is made in the spring or in the fall. The distance between the plants is from two to four meters (single landing), and for a hedge two meters are enough. The landing pit should be 50 x 50 x 70 cm in size.

The root neck can be slightly deepened or remain at the level of the soil. If your site is close to groundwater and it is swampy, then the drainage should include gravel, sand with a layer of at least twenty centimeters. The bottom of the landing pit must be well loosened. To do this, pitchfork is inserted into it and swing them back and forth with force.


If during planting a complete mineral fertilizer was not applied to the planting pit, then the next year, in the spring, fertilizing should be carried out with the following composition (based on 1 square meter):

  • urea - 40 g;

  • potassium salts - 15-25 g;

  • superphosphate - 50 g.

When loosening and watering in the summer, “Kemira-universal” is applied at the rate of 100 g per 1 m².


False maple maple is a hygrophilous plant. In the dry season, it is watered once a week - fifteen liters per tree. After planting, a double rate is required. Loosen the soil during weeding or immediately after irrigation, to prevent soil compaction.


Diseases and Pests

False maple maple is especially affected by coral spotting. In this case, some branches die off, the bark is covered with red small convex spots-pustules. Affected branches should be removed immediately, carefully cover the sections with garden varieties, and the used cutting tools should be thoroughly disinfected.

Maple whitefly is another serious disease that can threaten this type of maple. It is necessary to spray with a 0.1% solution of Atellik or Amophos. Maple mealybug is treated by spraying, which is carried out before the buds open. The drug Nitrafen is used (3%), and in summer the tree should be treated with Karbofos (0.1%).
