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When is the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Fascism? International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Fascism dedicated to whom?

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When is the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Fascism? International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Fascism dedicated to whom?
When is the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Fascism? International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Fascism dedicated to whom?

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Video: International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2024, June

In world history, there are many tragic events and dates, at the mention of which goosebumps run through. One of these dates is the second Sunday of September, when the whole country recalls the victims of the “brown plague” from year to year.

Scary time

On the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Fascism, it is customary to honor those who died on the battlefield from bombing, hunger and wounds. Remember the soldiers and war veterans, unknown heroes and those who were tortured in captivity and concentration camps.


Countless and heroically victims of fascism. Photos of their memory to this day are stored on the sidelines of many museums and willfully horrified.

To honor and remember

The International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Fascism was not scheduled for September in 1962, because this month became fatal for most of the world’s countries. The Second World War began, which was planned to be lightning fast, but plus everything turned into a global armed meat grinder that spares no one.

At different stages, from 8 to 12 million people, from 84 to 164 thousand guns, from 6 to 19 thousand aircraft participated simultaneously in it. Fascist Germany and its allies put up a five millionth army against the Soviet Union, armed to the teeth with the latest technology.


Then the Nazis captured more than five million Soviet people and destroyed them all. There were no winners in this war, because civilization was put on the brink of destruction.

Death camps

They began their existence in Germany with the Nazis coming to power and were created to isolate people who are opposed to the Nazi regime. The camp got its name because the people, in the literal sense, were concentrated on one space.

It happened in 1933.

In the period from 1933 to 1945, more than twenty thousand buildings were built, among which there were camps:

- forced labor;

- for shipment (they were the last station in front of the death camps);

- deaths that were intended for mass inhuman killings and executions.

In 1938, after the annexation of Austria, Jews were imprisoned in Buchenwald, Dahai and Sachsenhaus.

In September 1939, forced labor camps opened. In them, prisoners died of hunger, exhaustion, and toxic chemicals from millions.

In 1941, after the attack on the USSR, the number of buildings for military prisoners increased sharply. Many were erected on the territory of pre-existing institutions.

These included the not-so-well-known Polish Auschwitz.

In 1943, thousands of Soviet captured soldiers were killed in the infamous Majdanek. In order to increase the efficiency of mass killings and depersonalize the process, gas chambers were designed for the executioners. In Auschwitz, there were four such. Up to six million Jews were gassed daily.

Fascism - yesterday and forever?

Racism and nationalism are in many ways related, the existence of one generates the other. During the Second World War, the Nazis terrorized and raped the population everywhere: both in the occupied territories and in their free land. Fascism has become a hellish pot for millions of people from around the world.

The worst thing to recognize is that this disease is very firmly embedded in the minds of modern man. One has only to look at the latest history with skinheads, the Right Sector, neo-Nazi marches in 2011 in Kiev and you understand that the Memorial Day of the victims of fascism is needed by the people now, as never before, otherwise everything can happen again.


You can’t allow a repeat of the script, forget about concentration camps, gazenvageny, gas chambers, bonfires from human corpses, crafts from human bones. We have no right! Not for this fathers, grandfathers, husbands and sons went to the front. They at the cost of life and shed blood tearing their teeth hope for a bright future.

September 14, 2014 in Russia was considered a mournful day. Then all entertainment events were canceled. Ordinary people and government officials laid flowers at memorials and graves of unknown soldiers throughout the country.

But September 14, 2014 in Ukraine was held under other slogans. Donetsk, Kramatorsk and Slavyansk burned in flames. Kindergartens, residential buildings, hospitals, entire cities, were crushed and bombed. On the territory there was not a single living place. It seems that people forgot the sad experience of our ancestors.

People! Wake up before it's too late!

Great memory

Each country that took part in the war celebrates Memorial Day for the victims of fascism differently. In the UK, for example, Memorial Day falls on November 11th. Every year on the 11th, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, France and Belgium at two o'clock in the morning freeze for two minutes to honor everyone who paid their lives for our peaceful sky. In the UK, there is a tradition: from October to November, wearing red poppies in the buttonhole of clothes, symbolizing the memory of those killed in the wars.

In Germany since 1996, January 27 is considered the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of National Socialism. Then rallies and mourning events take place. The Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Fascism 2014 was celebrated on a grand scale by Russia and England. It has been a centenary since the start of World War I. At that time, two countries were allies in the Entente. The losses suffered by both countries are striking in quantity. But the losses of England in this war were more numerous. Hence, such a thrill, and such a long memory for these terrible events.


Towards this date, the Tower of London tower created a bewitching installation of red clay poppies, each of which symbolizes a lost life. It was a charity event, everyone could buy maki, and the funds from the fees went to help veterans and members of the armed forces.


On the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Fascism, World War II veterans meet with youth and talk about the besieged life, battles and other remnants of war, so that they too remember.